The crowd waited with angst, grinding their teeth, tapping their fingers and bouncing from tippy-toe to their heel over and over again. The announcements was seconds from starting, and all of them were anxious to hear the results.
Bury Benn, owner of Hollin Coat Company.
Sierra Mill, owner of Breakfast Forage Company.
Gaily Galister, owner of Cook 4 You Co.
Big names, even bigger titles, and they all awaited the biggest award of their country. One of them, and one of them only, would win the IIA, the international industry award, recognized for their achievements as their company and would receive a sponsorship of one hundred million dollars. News stations were live, waiting for this moment to hear who would be victorious of this award.
The host, Mitchell Sandly, author of a renowned novel worldwide, grabbed the slip and opened the envelope. He read the name inside, and he was seen smiling for an instant before approaching the microphone.
Then he shouted, "Connor McAvela!"
Hands flung to the air, many people jumped and cheers echoed across the hall. His name was shouted, repeated over and over again and he slowly stood to his seat, followed by his manager, Holter Strange, and his Vice President of the company, Chris Terri.
Connor waved his hand towards the crow, seeing a few glares but mostly appeasing applauds and smiles. He reached for the stage, approaching the host and shaking his hand, grabbing the trophy and accepting the envelope. Then, he faced the crowd and waved, a bright smile exposing his straight white vibrant teeth reflected by the stage light.
Chris stood beside him, and Holter Strange stood on the other side of him.
He grabbed the microphone, "Good evening everyone." A few cheers responded before the entire auditorium fell quiet, "Thank you for choosing my for the IIA. We've been working hard for years, many having been with us from the day Delirium was born and have spent so much time and dedication to make this company better. Everyday, it is a battlefield but we wake up excited to help as many people as we can. I'd like to thank a few people, first Chris Terri, my Vice President and best friend. Holter, without you I don't know where I'd be. There are multiple names I could say, Gerri Wilson, Autumn Mall, Fred David, Carry Hools. I missed so many of you I know but just know you're hard works is all in my heart and it certainly paid off."
Connor was seconds from stepping away from the microphone until he remembered one name in particular, "Oh! I almost forgot, of course I have to thank my lovey soulmate, ride-or-die, lover, best friend and husband, Joey McAvela."
Joey stared emptily at the stage, no emotion crossing his face.
Soon enough, Connor returned to their seats and sat beside Joey, who folded his arms and scooted away from him. Connor reached around his shoulders and pulled him closer, "Don't be stingy, we're not acting like this in front of people, I've told you this already."
There was an after party after the ceremony, all of them headed to a ballroom and Connor was approached by way too many people to count. Every single step through the ballroom, if it wasn't photographers then it was another colleague from a separate company, or old business partners he hadn't seen in years. Behind him, wherever he went, Chris followed as well as Holter, and when Connor glanced backwards in order to find Joey, he wasn't surprised when Joey was no where to be found.
Connor knew where he was, and instead grabbed a glass of champagne from the waiters around and began drinking more than he thought he would. The night had been splendid, new partnerships formed and Connor had met a few people he had heard about before. They had exchanged contacts, and after all the congratulations from the guests and when people began to leave, Connor extended his glass toward Holter, "Hold this for a minute."
Connor left the ballroom and began walking around the building. This always happened at every events, and he was not surprised to find the furthest bathroom from the ballroom to have one of its stalls closed. He stepped towards the stall and stood in front of it, hearing whimpers from the other side.
He leaned his forehead against its metallic door, exhaling a long sigh before whispering, "Come out."
Shortly after, there was a click.
Joey pulled open the stall door, and as much as he attempted to hide the emotions he had been overwhelmed by, the emptiness from his gaze was not enough to cover the swollen eyes glistening from the tears that had been present a few minutes prior.
Joey stood in front of him, and Connor reached around his shoulders, pulling him into a tight embrace and squeezing Joey's forehead against his chest. "You have to start at least trying to build friendships with these people," Connor massaged his back, noticing how stiff Joey's body felt, not reciprocating the embrace. "You have to face this life I'm giving you, Joe."
Joe did not respond, and Connor pulled backwards, reaching for his chin and lifting his face for their gazes to meet. "I love you, you know that. Please, at least try to for me next time, okay?"
Joey did not budge, not even nodding his head, and Connor leaned forward, planting a peck on his lips, not a single movement from Joey's lips as they remained tight and stiff. Connor instead deepened the kiss, biting on Joey's frozen bottom lip and gripping his chin, tightening their kiss.
After a few seconds, Connor pulled away, wrapping an arm over Joey's shoulders, "Let's go home, babe."
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