The rumour
It's been 4 days since I saw Hoseok being bullied. He desperately tries to avoid any contact with me, even when her mom calls me over for dinner. He won't come out of his room and won't talk to me, no matter how many times I try to start a conversation. I still have no idea what's the deal with him, because I purposely turn deaf when I'm about to hear some false rumours. However, I can't just sit still while everybody treats him as a trash bag for any longer.
- Hey! ...again... -I greeted him with a guilty smile- I know you'll ignore me anyway, but it's my birthday today so can't you make an exception and have a little party with me in my house? -I kindly asked restlessly-
He just peaked at me with a fake smile. I could tell, he was on the border of crying. Probably the rumour is about some serious incident, and if my theory is right, most of it is true, but I still don't feel right hearing it from others.
- I know it's in August Nari... -he whispered quietly-
Busted... Even though I felt happy. Not just because he knew when my birthday is, but because I finally saw signs of life in his teary eyes.
- Nari, stop trying to cheer him up. He totally deserves it! If you would know the truth... But I guess it's a sensitive topic. You should still know who do you talking with. -Yuna said while grinning cockily-
- As I told you before, I have debts towards him, and he is my friend after all... Whatever is going to come out of this, my opinion most likely wont change. -I said without any signs of emotion-
- Yes-yes right, so do you want to have a coffee after school? -she asked zealously-
- Oh come one, you asked me 3 times and I've never said no, you should already be sure that I'm a coffee fanatic. -I answered while drooling-
I know I've promised to his mom that I'll try to make him open up more, but as anyone could probably tell, it's not going too well. I'm not the comforting type of fellow, but more importantly, I'm way too skilled in hurting others by accident... Maybe I should actually gather some info and work out a strategy.
To be honest, until that day afternoon I thought that the rumour maybe has something to do with drugs, alcohol maybe cheating on someone from his class, I even thought about him being an ex gangster. After having a coffee with some of my classmates, I was heading home, when I overheard a conversation from the shadows, where I supposed to go in order to get home sooner.
One of the voices resembled me to Hoseok's.
- I know you want it, you looked so erotic all along. -a deep male voice said persistently-
- I didn't! I already told you that I was just upset and that I already have someone I like! -Hoseok yelled nervously-
- But it seems like you can't get that cock, so why won't you have some fun with me instead? -the other guy sounded desperate-
- No! Stop it! I warned you! -and then I heard a really loud punch-
First I thought that maybe Hoseok got hurt, but as I moved closer I saw the other guy laying on the ground and screaming, while holding his hand on his left eye. And then the disaster came. I got busted again when our eyes met, and both of us stared without any words.
No wonder... my mind was full of thoughts, but non of them would fit into this situation. Either way I would probably get an obvious answer and it wouldn't even help moving forward in our relationship.
In the next moment I've heard someone called the police telling them about the fight and that someone must have gotten hurt too.
Without any hesitation I stepped in the scene, grabbed Hoseok's hand and ran away with him on my side. He came along, and non of us said a word about what happened or rather... it was dead silence. After ten minutes when we've finally arrived to my house, I could hear my heartbeat but nothing else.
I didn't know if I should hold his hand or let it go... speak to him or stay silent... look at his eyes or avoid any contact with him. I knew very well that he's broken and my offensive personality would just hurt him even more.
But in the end I could not release his hand, so I decided to walk him into my house and treat his hand as well, before his mother would get even more worried. He obediently followed me and sat down on the couch, while I was searching for the emergency kit.
- Why are you helping me? -he broke the silence-
- Your mom is really worried... Don't you think that at least you should be honest with her? -I said while treating his injured hand from the punch-
- And what would I say? She's always talking about grandchildren... I don't have to courage to tell her that I can't accomplish her only dream... -I could hear his voice shaking-
- Don't you think that you hurt her even more with that behavior of yours? Look, I can't relate at all... I won't tell I can because there's no way I had any experience close to this, but you have a mother who will always have your back, no matter what you are and what you won't accomplish... It's really not any of my business, but I would cherish it. -I looked deep into his eyes and I saw tear drops appearing in them-
- Aren't you disgusted? -he stood on the border of emotional breakdown-
- Well that would be quite unreasonable... I mean did you see my browser history? There is yaoi everywhere and honestly your sexual identity is not any of my problems. Don't tell me you avoided me because of that? Not even because I'm clearly an asshole? Come on man, I'm a stalker, a jerk, an emotionless loser and I start so think that the cause of my death is gonna be eternal sleeping one day and you look down on yourself?! You need some of my confidence dude... -I couldn't believe the result of this whole drama while I looked at him confused-
I was totally lost in thoughts while I tried to figure out who would give an actual fuck about this. Even if I wouldn't know him, I probably wouldn't give a shit about it until he won't try to do "things" on me while I'm asleep... Because my sleep time is one of the most precious part of my life, which means whoever wakes me up is automatically identified as a corps.
- Wait! Don't tell me that this is the reason why they're all bullying you?! -I yelled at him furiously-
- No... Of course not! It happened because I've confessed to the baseball team's leader... He rejected me, told everybody that I'm a homo and spread rumours about me taking off my clothes and forcing him to lay me down... And now I'm even in the same class as him so this kinda unlucky... -he smiled again, but that hurtful smile told me every other thoughts he had-
- Unlucky my butt cheek! They are just a bunch of pitiable asses! And now it's time to go and make sure you stop your mother from worrying! I'll be on your side in case she would burn you alive... -I patted his shoulder cheerfully-
- Do you want to cheer me up or eat me for dinner with my mom? -he asked with fearful eyes-
- Both sounds fun... -I said with a serious look-
- Stop being morbid! Can't believe I thought you've grown up! -he laughed on the most adorable way I could imagine-
I uncontrollably smiled when I looked at him. It was like I saw the sunshine coming trough my window after a long dark night.
Thank you for reading my story!
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