On your side
As mom handed the key to me, she did not say anything, just bowed deeply for a long time and headed back home, but I stopped her.
- Why couldn't you tell me? -I questioned her-
- Honey... No one wants to put unnecessary burden on you. It's a really big responsibility, but she does not react to anyone else but you. So please, I know I shouldn't ask you for something like this, but please help her! -she begged me with all her heart-
- This is why I asked for a keys... I'm not that much of a bad person... -I smiled at her-
She smiled back at me and I could tell she was proud, but she held her tears back.
I opened the door with the most careful movements I could force out of myself. I saw her crouching in a corner, facing to the wall. When I went closer to her, the terror was so clearly visible on her face that I suddenly got startled.
The only thing what came into my mind was a hug. I know it's a childish idea, but No words would have helped on her in that moment.
I slid my arms around her and held her tightly. She did not blinked for the whole time, but gasped, like I was about to kill her. I never saw her like this before, not even close to that. At that time I realized... Nari is just a human being as well. She usually got that dead fish look and feels like everything is easy for her... I always felt like I can never reach her level. My jealousy faded away the truth, what was really important. I hated her because I thought she's perfect and everybody loved her better than me, but all along I was the evil one here, while she just tried to heal her mental state. I'm the worst.
- I'm sorry Nari, you just tried to help me, and I pushed you away. I try to be a better person from now on. -I mumbled ashamed of myself-
Three hours later Nari slept in and I carried her heavy ass up to her room. I laid down, facing her, taking a close look. I've never seen this much resemblance of a real expression on her.
- Aren't you cruel? You tell me to fuck off, and then lay down next to me all lovey-dovey? You know I'm in love with you right? - she said giggling-
- I never said it like that... And don't make up stories. -I mumbled smiling at her-
So she doesn't want to talk about it.
- I didn't make it up, I've always loved you. You're gay tho so not like it matters, but still... -she dozed off looking at my lips-
- Stop joking around, I won't ask you. -I said pissed-
- Can you do it again? Please? -she came closer to my mouth, that I started to blush-
- What do you mean?! -I asked panicking-
She held my face, put her thumbs to the corners of my mouth and flexed it up.
- I like your smile, It gives me strength. -she said smiling-
Not like you're not already way too strong...
In the end I smiled and showed her a finger heart.
We laid there for quite a long time in total silence, until I decided to leave.
- I won't goo to school until the camp starts... I need to get my thoughts together. -she said and waved at me-
I bowed and left.
*5 days later*
To be continued...
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