Nari's secret
Just like every day, I woke up at the same time when he leaves his house. It may sounds crazy or sick, but I love this feeling. When we were kinds I used to wait until he came out and rushed down so I could go with him.
Nowadays the only difference is that I no longer have the courage to follow him.
And there he comes again. I see him every morning trying his best to look happy. I want to speak up, and call his name... Tell him how much his existence means to me, tell him how beautiful he looks from where I'm standing ... But I know that I would just lose him with every little pitiful words of mine.
Especially now, that he doesn't need me any more. Does it mean that I'm falling back into the darkness again? Of course... In the end I can't handle it without him. This place brings back every tiny, miserable memory. I feel like I'm drowning in a pool of regrets, pain and disappointment... Just like back then. No one heard my crying... They looked at me like I'm some kind of disease. I can still feel the aching all over my body, nothing fades it away and nothing changes it, but his smile... Exactly what I just lost not so long ago... No this isn't accurate... I never even had it in the first place.
As I walked towards the school, every movements hurt like someone stuck a knife in my legs. My heart felt heavy, until the point where I couldn't bear it any more and fell onto my knees in front of the school. I relied on my two shaking hands and expected them to support my weight. My whole body trembled. The falshbacks ran in front of my irises one by one. I felt like I'm there again. I felt sick. I was afraid, but no emotions were written on my face.
What am I? Am I even alive? It tears my heart apart... I feel lonely... I want to scream... I'm afraid... I don't want this any more, I can't even swallow because I'm dread, what if they will hear and do that with me again.
I bit on my lips and fell down to the ground. The surroundings seemed darker and darker making me remember to all that pain.
- Are you okay?! Don't worry I'll carry you to the nurse! Teacher! I student collapsed! -I heard Yoongi's voice echoing in my ears-
I felt his gentle hands lifting me, while groaned under my weight. And everything went pitch black afterwards.
Why does he care? Who am I to him?... I'm worthless... Hoseok doesn't want me any more on his side so I don't need to be alive.
I slowly opened my eyes and I saw the white room. It appeared to be nearly dark outside, but Yoongi still slept on a close chair next to me. His hand held mine with so much pressure you wouldn't expect from someone who's sleeping.
- Are you up student? If you don't feel right, I can call the ambulance. Oh and... about your scars... Is this the reason why you often skip the PE class? -the nurse asked awkwardly-
- It is. -I answered roughly, letting him know that I do not intend to talk about that-
- Your boyfriend was so frightened when he saw them. He was so worried that he couldn't left you alone. Such a nice guy. -he smiled glancing at the snoring Yoongi-
- Please don't mention it to other teachers. -I bowed-
- Sorry, but I already told the PE teacher, not to make you change your clothes. You don't have to be embarrassed. -he said with pitying eyes-
- I'm not... There is no reason to be ashamed of these wounds. I just don't want a certain someone to know about them. -I spoke annoyed-
- Yes... I make sure no one else will have to opportunity to gain this information. -he bowed obediently-
Damn... As I thought, as soon as I didn't have him I lost it again. I have to leave, I can't stay here any more.
Hoseok's POV:
What happened to her? Why did she fainted? Is it because of me?
I thought about staying in the school, until she wakes up, but I could clearly saw today, that the one Yoongi loves is Nari not me. Again... she took away something from me unintentionally... I know she doesn't do it on purpose, but I still can't bear with this feeling. I'm jealous of her the most.
As I arrived home my mom instantly approached me with an angry look, sitting on her face.
- Darling, please don't go too harsh on Nari! -he glanced at me with disappointment hiding in her irises-
- You again with this! Why are you all worshipping her?! You always ask me about her and contact her mom almost every day! And why would I be the one to blame? -I yelled at her burning in anger-
- Honey... So she didn't tell you... I'm not contacting her... parents... I thought she talked about that at least with you. That poor child never opens up and never tries to approach anyone but you. You are the reason she started to speak again, and still she never shows any real feelings. -she shook her head close to crying-
- What? Then who are they? But why? And why just me? -I switched my anger into confusion-
- Sorry my cinnamon roll, but you have to hear it from her... Her "father" didn't even go overseas... They just planned something out because Nari slowly started to go back to her previous self after she got separated from you. They said she still acted relatively normal in front of her classmates, but she had empty eyes what scared her mom. When she told her to come back here her condition immediately got better. You are her only hope... Please my dear son! -she begged me-
I've never seen my mom acting like this. She was frightened. Something fishy is going on with Nari and for some reason I'm the only one who can fix it. But do I want it? Why is everybody so obsessed with her condition, what could have happened with her?
Thank you!
Please correct me if I made any mistakes!
Here is a random meme with our hope :3 :
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