All grown up
- Do you really have to move Nari-ah? I'll miss you so much! -a quiet noise came from Yuri, who nervously stared at the floor-
- Of course I don't have to. But I can live alone and my brain is still not rotten enough to let this chance fly away. -I spit out the clueless answer-
As a quite dramatic reaction, Yuri ran outside and all of my classmates glared at me with furious eyes.
- Damn, you're so cruel... Couldn't you at least tell a lie that you must go? She is one of your closest friends... -said Hyun -Jun with a death glare-
- Yeah, but I'm like a living furniture, who never leaves her bed, so it's gonna be almost the same as it is right now... I mean even if you try to talk to me I'll just roast you, so why y'all dropping tears for me? -I asked insensibly again-
- Nari... Don't be an a**hole this time and just hug her before you leave. Oh, and we'll miss you all... just sayin'... -he said while rolling his eyes and everyone followed him by a nod-
I smiled slightly, then rushed out of the door. I did as they asked me to and Yuri's eyes eventually got filled with a warm salty liquid, while I just stood there like a piece of sandwich and watched her acting way too emotional like a decent human being.
After school, all of my friends invited me to one of their houses and we had a last party together, filled with nostalgic memories and stupid little games what were followed by some pointless arguments.
On the next day the time finally came, when I could start my adult life, alone in an enormous house. Although it could only happen, because my dad -who lives separately from us- had to go overseas for a year. Therefore, he asked me if I wanted to move back to the place where I was born. And hell yeah, I didn't even need any more second to think through it. I couldn't believe that I can sleep through the whole day without others mocking me, I probably won't even make any mess, because the only time when I move, -other than housework- are the times when I get my survivor package from the fridge. Yes I know: "Why don't you go outside and have some fun with your friends?"... but honestly it usually only makes me get in trouble or even better... waist my money. My only plan for the time what I'll spend there, is to move enough so the teachers won't think I'm dead.
With that in mind, I've arrived to the presumably already perfectly cleaned house, and even thought I didn't go inside yet, I already imagined myself sleeping on the couch for the rest of the day.
But then the disaster appeared.
When I stood in front of the door I've realized that the key what mom told me not to forget about has been forgotten on the kitchen table. I've immediately called my father for permission to break into the house.
- Ehhh... Hey dad... You know this funny thing happened... Hehe... -I giggled suspiciously-
- Yes! I just won the bet! You forgot the keys to the front door right? -he laughed-
- I can't believe mom thought I won't... But hey! I should be offended! I hope your reward's at least something worthy for my everlasting disappointment in you... -I mumbled-
- It's 10 hazelnut chocolates. -he answered happily-
- Nice one! But then I'm sure you got the key somewhere here. -I searched after it while talking-
- Yes-yes, Do you remember Hoseok? The neighbor boy? I gave it to his mother.
- Well done, now I have to give up on my antisocial lifestyle... -I mumbled again-
- You are just a lazy ass not antisocial... Your mother told me about the night when you came home all drank and... -he changed his tone to serious this time-
- It's kinda freezing outside, I should get going now! Bye dad! -I hung up on him as soon as I said the last word- That was a close one, I knew I should have just slept at home instead...
After our short talk, I walked over to the neighbor's house, and knocked on the door calmly. I heard the light tapping sounds on the floor so I bowed with a lazy expression sitting on my face, before the door even opened.
- Good afternoon Ms.Jung, long time no see. -I looked up and saw a guy instead of Ms.Jung-
He was insanely adorable, and his smile crushed through my heart just like a well made arrow. I just stood there with a clueless expression and my jaw hanging on the ground.
- Shortie? I mean you are tall now, but damn you look hot Hoseok-ah! -I stared at him like some piece of steak-
- You didn't change at all Nari... You still resemble me to a sloth. Do you want to have dinner with us? -he asked me with a heart melting, gentle smile-
- Is this some kind of joke? Who says no for free food? -I asked with a serious expression, and went inside without waiting for him to move from the door-
His mom greeted me with the same gentle grin as her son and led me to the coach.
We were talking about the past, the fact that I've always teased Hoseok, when we were in kindergarten and even in elementary school before we've finally moved.
At that time I had a huge crush on him what I've even confessed, but no wonder he rejected me immediately. Even thought Hoseok's kindness didn't change at all, he became more fun and confident.
When his mother went to serve our food I looked at him slightly smiling with resting eyes.
- Seems like you've grown up Hoseok. I missed you! But I guess you didn't craved to stay in contact with me after how I treated you. I'm sorry for that, it was a childish way to express my feelings... mostly... hehe.. -I giggled, with the sign of regret written on my face-
- No, don't worry, I was an overly sensitive kid. So you became an adult as well. I heard you'll come to the same school as me. We're gonna be in the same class as well. -his eyes wondered down with a fake smile-
I couldn't figure out why did he showed that kind of expression. It seemed upset and looked like he didn't want to go further with this dialogue. So I stopped the conversation and begun to eat.
When we've all finished our dinner, Hoseok said goodbye and went to his room. His mother escorted me to the front door, but before we could say goodbye she grabbed my hand and said:
- Please Nari take good care of him! He won't talk about it, but the kids from his school aren't really close to him. I'm worried about his grades as well, he was a top student before, but now... Please be kind to him. -she bagged me, almost crying right away-
- Ah, don't worry that much Ms.Jung, you have my word. -I bowed and sent a light smile towards her-
She smiled back at me, and I fell asleep right after stepping inside my house.
A new day came, and I found myself inside my new classroom.
- Please introduce yourself! -the teacher commanded me-
- Hey guys! My name is Kim Nari, and I came from Seoul. I like to sleep. -I grinned satisfied with my answer-
- And? -he asked cluelessly-
-...Well then... I like resting my eyes... and keep my eyes closed for a long period of time...and laying on the bed while snoring... I like to look like I just fainted and my dream is to fell in coma one day. -I said seriously-
Except for the teacher the whole class started laughing, even though I didn't mean it as a joke. After staring like a dead fish for awhile my eyes caught Hoseok's upset visage.
His mother was right, something felt wrong with this whole atmosphere. He looks like the type who's pretty popular among girls. He's relatively tall, extremely handsome, kind and even cuter than most of the girls I know.
I wanted to greet him, but he set in the back of the class and I'm at the front. After the bell rang everybody gathered around me, and started asking questions, so I had to be an ignorant as*hole what I was really good at anyway. Therefore I backed off an inch, and yelled at Hoseok with full volume.
- He~y Hoseok-ah, wanna have lunch together?
- Do you know this guy? -they asked, with a disgusted look-
- He is my childhood friend and my neighbor... -in my imaginary world I looked intensely, with murderous eyes, but in reality the dead fish eyes came back as always-
- It seems like you aren't really close with him after all. -they all started laughing after the guy in front of me shared his thoughts-
I looked at Hoseok who stared at me terrified. He clenched his hands while closed his eyes and bit on his lips. It was obvious that he was terrorized by the whole class and it got on my nerves rel quick.
- I don't know what's so f*cking funny, but if nothing smart comes out of it, you should just keep your mouth shut. -I said accompanied by a death glare-
Part 1
Well here is a random meme just because:
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