=FOUR=Maybe Things Are Alright=
Logan made it back to Virgil's room after his fairly strange yet somewhat eye-opening conversation with Janus. He sat down on the edge of Virgil's bed, next to Virgil himself, who quickly leaned against Logan.
"So, how was it?" Virgil asked.
"What, putting away dishes?" Logan looked down at him, carding a hand through his hair once, just because he felt like it.
"It was alright... nothing unusual."
Nothing unusual. Logan tried to ignore the pit in his stomach and the questions that were now filling his mind. He didn't like the uncertainty, not knowing why he wasn't feeling completely content with his current situation. He had everything he had ever wanted. Virgil was there to constantly cuddle with him, Roman wasn't leaving his room so he wasn't being a nuisance... what more was there to wish for? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
So what was truly the problem?
"Mmh. How was Patton? Bet he was talking about how great the dark sides were, wasn't he?"
...That. That was the problem.
"...Well, no, actually. He was- er... I brought up Janus in conversation and Patton seemed quite embarrassed and didn't want to admit having interacted with him much off-camera."
Another lie, and Logan was also starting to wonder whether the that in his previous thought was the topic of the dark sides or just Virgil himself.
"You talked to him?"
"I- uhm, well, he started the conversation. I didn't want to be rude."
It couldn't be Virgil. Virgil was the one best thing in the entire world. Logan didn't care about anyone more than him, not even himself at times. But he was just a bit... opinionated. If you said something that ticked him the wrong way he'd go off. It was hard to avoid that. But everyone had their flaws, right?
"Whatever. I just can't believe he was ever my friend. He's a traitor."
Wasn't Virgil technically a traitor, too..?
And then Logan started questioning himself even more. What was this feeling? If he were to be talking to anyone else, he'd bring up his thoughts. Virgil was being a hypocrite in that situation, as he was technically a traitor himself for switching over to the Light Sides. But why didn't he call him out on it? Right, because Virgil would be mad. Was he really letting his thoughts and actions be this influenced by a person, though?
When Logan zoned back in he almost immediately re-entered his mind, as Virgil had begun venting. Venting his frustrations about Janus, about Patton, about the dark sides as a whole. But Logan didn't want to think about the dark sides at that moment. There were just too many questions revolving around them that Logan didn't want to focus in on. The stress of choice and change were both just too much for him, but it was hard not to think about it when it was all his boyfriend seemed to talk about.
Of course, Logan didn't think that venting was a bad thing- in that moment he just wasn't mentally prepared to listen. But Logan never listened to Virgil's vents that much anymore, did he? Was not being mentally prepared even a valid excuse at that point? Logan also got stressed from not being listened to, but right now he wasn't listening. Here he was, residing in his own mind instead of listening to his own boyfriend vent about his problems. He was just thinking Virgil was a hypocrite a few moments ago, but he was the real one.
...Logan really needed to get his mind sorted out.
"...And, for fuck's sake, Janus just never left my side when he realized I was planning on leaving. I'm so glad I br- Logan, you good, dude?"
"Hmm? Oh, yes, I'm fine, love."
He probably wasn't. Virgil just sighed, and sat up, as he had been leaning against him that whole time.
"Hey, I'm sorry if I'm ever a little... wordy. Or just talking a lot. I just have a lot of thoughts." He chuckled.
"Oh, it's alright, Virgil. I want you to feel safe around me, you know I do. You can tell me anything."
"I know that. And you can tell me anything, too."
"Of course."
The two smiled at each other for a moment, and something just about the way Virgil appeared made Logan forget about his worries, if only for a moment. He couldn't deny it- he loved Virgil. He never had denied it. After they made eye contact it was almost as if Logan's mind just jumped to a different way of thinking. He was staring at Virgil. There was nothing wrong with Virgil. So what, he got overly-frustrated sometimes? Everyone had flaws, right?
Virgil leaned against Logan again, and this time Logan scooted closer to him, wrapping his arm securely around his waist. They stared at each other for a moment, until Logan reached a hand to Virgil's cheek, rubbing his thumb against it twice as was their tradition to ask for permission to kiss. Virgil leaned in and Logan closed his eyes, their lips very softly brushing for a moment until locking together. Their noses brushed and so Logan tilted his head, letting himself melt into the feeling of butterflies in his stomach. He couldn't help but smile, his skin beginning to tingle as Virgil gently stroked his arm with the back of his hand. When they pulled apart, Logan leaned forward once more to gently peck his boyfriend's cheek, and that was the driving force that finally made the tips of Virgil's ears turn pink. Logan just chuckled.
"You make me feel... so amazing," Logan admitted.
"Oh, great, my boyfriend is being a sap again," Virgil groaned out, making Logan lightly laugh and rub his back.
"It's true, though. Even if I'm feeling lost and confused and sad, just one kiss from you makes it all go away. You really are the light of my life."
"Logan..." Virgil's face was steadily turning red now, and he ducked his head, away from Logan's view.
"What did I do to deserve you..?" Logan asked sweetly as he brought his fingers underneath Virgil's chin, making him meet his eyes.
"And what did I do to deserve a boyfriend who constantly tries to fluster me just for his own amusement?"
"I think you pronounced succeeds wrong, darling."
"Oh, shut up."
Logan laughed and leaned up, gently pressing his lips to Virgil's forehead for a moment. When he pulled away, Virgil rubbed at his cheeks in an effort to get them to become the same pale shade that the rest of his skin was.
"Are you... feeling a bit calmer now?" Logan asked, knowing that even after their romantic moment Virgil could most definitely still be seething with rage on the inside.
"Eh... yeah. I don't really wanna think about it any more right now," Virgil chuckled. Logan nodded, knowing that he didn't, either.
"Would you like to play a game, then? We can load up your Nintendo Switch."
"Sure. What game do you think?"
"We could always just play Smash Bros. Even though you're far better at it than I am."
"Hah. Works for me."
Logan loaded the switch onto Virgil's TV and the two began playing. As Logan had predicted, Virgil was beating him in almost every round. And even though Logan wasn't a fan of losing and being "wrong" about things he couldn't help but smile whenever Virgil won, as he would begin to jokingly mock him and shove his shoulders and his side. Logan of course pretended like this bothered him, but it was obvious to the both of them that it secretly didn't.
After a good while of playing, with Virgil having won twenty-four times more than Logan did, both were a good bit tired out. They turned off the switch and both leaned back, falling onto Virgil's bed. They were quick to look over at each other and smile.
"How's it feel to get your ass beat that bad?" Virgil asked, smirking.
"Oh, hush," Logan said, reaching a hand over to gently touch the freckle on the tip of Virgil's nose. The latter blushed and swatted his hand away.
"What, you think you can get back at me for losing by getting me flustered?"
Virgil just sighed, and Logan laughed, scooting closer to his boyfriend. He cuddled up to Virgil's side, gently pecking his cheek and intertwining their fingers. Virgil wrapped an arm around him and held him close.
"You're pretty alright sometimes," Virgil commented.
"Wow. And you call me a sap."
"Shut up."
Logan found himself laughing again at that comment, and then began to laugh more as he realized exactly how much Virgil told him to shut up. It was quite cute. Virgil was quite cute.
And when Virgil started laughing too and Logan's body was filled with serotonin just at the angelic sound, any worry he had held at the back of his mind just seemed to wash away.
Sure, he was still a bit confused and lost. But he had Virgil. And as long as he had Virgil, he knew that he was happy.
Virgil made him happy.
Awwwe, they're such a cute couple (for now)!!
See ya in the next chapter!💛
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