31- Coming Out
Mike felt himself melt into the kiss as the brunette pulled away. Feeling his insides warm and fuzzy, the ravenette leaned closer, wanting to meet Will's lips again but unable to find them. He opened his eyes, seeing the brunette's smug smile. Without thinking, Mike asked for another kiss, his heart racing with anticipation, "Will, please," he begged a little needy.
But the brunette rolled his eyes, deciding to keep Mike on his toes, "That depends on how you behave as my first boyfriend." He teased, his eyes sparkling with the same mischief Mike had the whole day.
Mike blushed in response, his cheeks turning a shade of pink, pouting, "Please Will! I promise I'll be the best boyfriend ever." he said, his eyes filled with sincerity, "I'll treat you like a king."
Will laughed at the display before him as a smile painted his face, "Well in that case..." he mocked, "I might reconsider the kiss."
The ravenette's face lit up, not wasting any time, leaning in once more, capturing Will's lips in another sweet, gentle kiss, keeping a hand cupping the brunette's face. Will allowed his hands to move, running his fingers through Mike's hair... so this is why people like kissing so much?
The kiss lasted mere seconds but felt like an eternity, this time Mike was first to pull away, whispering, "I'm looking forward to being your boyfriend,"
Will's eyes sparkled with happiness as he replied, "Me too..." standing in a silence for a moment before being cut out his trance, nervously saying, "Do you wanna come inside?"
"I would love to... but I should probably go." Mike replied.
"Oh." the brunette said surprised, "What's the rush?"
"I have something important to do, but I don't wanna say anything until I've completed it, you know?" the ravenette nervously admitted, hoping he wasn't coming off as mean or as if he was withholding information; it was just something he was very determined about and if he stayed or said anything, he worried his resolve would crumble,
"Oh, so we're keeping me in suspense, huh?" Will asked intrigued, though he pouted playfully.
Mike sighed, relieved Will wasn't getting angry at him, "It's just a little mystery; I promise I'll tell you."
"Mike... you don't have to tell me whatever this thing is, if you don't want to."
"I know..." the ravenette scratched the back of his neck, "But I want to because you're kinda like my inspiration for this."
"Inspiration...?" Will repeated; what did Mike mean?
"Yeah, it's just... something you said earlier, it got me thinking, like really thinking and well, I've decided to do it." Mike replied with a dumb grin.
"Figure skating?" the brunette furrowed his brows; they had done a lot of talking today and Will couldn't pinpoint one that was 'inspirational'.
"No- not figure skating," Mike chuckled, "It's something else, but don't worry about it! I'll tell you how it goes later, but for now I really have to go."
"Okay, I'll let you go... have fun doing whatever it is." the small boy smiled,
Mike produced a toothy grin, leaning in to give Will a soft kiss to the cheek before walking away from the porch. Picking up his bike that he had brought all the way in the morning, he waved, "Goodnight Will,"
"Yeah- yeah, goodnight." The brunette stammered, waving his hand; grinning like a chimp. Standing on his porch, he watched Mike walk away, his figure getting smaller with each passing second. The night had been unconventional, but it was the best the brunette had in a while.
With a never-ending smile, Will turned back to his front door, placing his jingling keys into the keyhole, turning it gently, pushing open the door. The moment he entered he realised the lights were off and the room seemed unmoving; was no one home? He questioned himself but shrugged, it wasn't unusual for everyone to be out the house at once; everyone had their very own busy lives.
Realising just how dark it was in the house Will feels the wall for the light switching, switching it on and is suddenly ambushed by a chorus of "Surprise!" the sudden noise and the unexpected sight of his family gathered in his kitchen kept him completely off guard, stumbling backwards in shock. His heart pounding in his chest as he fell to the ground against the door.
Jonathan's eyes widened as he rushed over to his little brother, helping him off the floor; his expression soft and joyful with a touch of mischief. He spoke, "When you told me that you came out to everyone in the family, I thought we should congratulate you." he winked.
Will smiled bright, quickly wrapping Jonathan into a tight embrace, "Thanks Jonathan," he mumbled against his shoulder,
"Anytime bud," the older Byers' sibling replied, "Just know how proud we are of you."
That's all Will wanted to hear his whole life: proud: proud for just being himself. With a smile, his mother chimed in, "Sit down everyone, it's time for cake!" she giggled.
As they all sit around the table a, delectable looking cake was served and Will couldn't help but smile, feeling the love and acceptance from his family.
The cake was beautifully decorated and in bold letters written, 'Out of the Closet' adorned with a vibrant display of colours all meticulously handcrafted curtesy of his stepsister El who sat by his side with a bright grin. It was a heartfelt gesture showing how much his family cared about his journey of self-discovery and embracing his true identity.
The group cut the cake enthusiastically as Hopper spoke, "Have the first slice kid." he announced, passing the plate and fork over to his stepson.
"Thanks dad." the brunette smiled taking the cake and digging in. The celebration meant more than anything to him...
He always wanted this: To be accepted.
Meanwhile, on the other side of town Mike arrived home around dinner time, stepping into the house and caught off guard by his mother, Karen. She smiled upon seeing her son, "I was just about to call you!" she said in a sweet tone, "We were waiting for you to eat."
"Umm... yeah. I'm not- I'm not hungry." Mike mumbled.
"Aww okay," Karen said but upon seeing her son's panicked expression enquired, "Is everything okay sweetheart?"
"Yeah, it's just, um, can I talk to you?" the ravenette whispered.
"Go ahead, I'm all ears," she smiled bright.
"I meant all of you; like the whole family?" Mike overexplained.
"Oh," Karen said a little worried, "This is a biggie, huh?" she whispered, barely audible before nodding, "I'll call everyone, okay sweetie?" she replied slightly ruffling his head like she used to when he was younger.
---- 8:14 PM ----
A few minutes later, Karen had worked her magic as the family sat on the couch, each in their respective seats while Ted sat on his Lay-z boy as per usual. Mike didn't even know if this was a good idea, but he was filled with inspiration and was determined to say what he wanted.
Mike took a deep breath as he stood before his family, his mother looking with a mixture of concern and curiosity. The rest of the family including his father, his two sisters and even Holly's toy duck, turned to him, their brows knit in confusion at the sudden family meeting.
Karen was the first to speak, placing a caring and supportive voice, "You can talk to us about anything. So, what's on your mind?"
Taking a deep breath, the ravenette started, "So you know how I've always been best friends with Will? Well recently I've been spending a lot of time with him..." He trailed off, realising he was not getting to the point. Clearing his throat, he continued, "Well, we've gotten really close; well, we were always really close... I mean like extremely close, that there's... something special between us."
The family was now fully intrigued, Nancy already figuring out what her brother was getting toward but didn't say anything to break the moment, and Mike continued, "And, we've decided to, you know, start seeing each other, like romantically. Will and I are dating now."
There was a moment of silence as the words sunk in, then his mother spoke, "You mean like a boyfriend?"
Mike nodded, relieved that he got those words out his throat, "Yeah, exactly; me and Will are boyfriends."
Karen listened to every word intently, replying with a mixture of surprise and warmth, being the first to speak, brimming with enthusiasm, "Mike that's wonderful!" she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with joy, "We're so happy for you hon; even when you were in kindergarten you got married to him," she chuckled, revealing a story from Mike's past.
The ravenette blushed embarrassed, "Well let's hope dating first." he laughed in reply.
"I'm honestly not surprise," Nancy said in a cool manner, "I kinda guessed,"
"What? How?" Mike furrowed his brows stunned,
"A journalist and a big sister just know these types of things," she winked jokingly.
Mike rolled his eyes as Holly furrowed her brows with a pout, "You can like a guy?"
"Yes, but I also like girls; so, I'm Bi," the ravenette explained in a soft tone to his curious little sister.
"Bi!" Holly repeated in a determined pose, "Got that ducky?" she said, turning to the toy in her hand.
The girls got up, showering Mike in congratulatory words and letting him know that they still love him no matter what, embracing him tighter than they ever had before.
Mike nodded, relieved by their supportive reactions but then noticing his father remaining eerily silent; not imputing a word this entire conversation which made Mike worry of his reaction; immediately assuming the worse.
"Dad?" the tall boy whispered.
Ted took a deep breath as he spoke, "I might not be the best with words and that I'm not around a lot..." he began, trying his best to understand, almost seeming guilty about his actions, "But I want you to know, it doesn't matter to me who you care about; like your mum said, as long as your happy; that's all we can ask for."
Mike's heart swelled with relief at the words; touched by his father's acceptance. Ted then reached into his wallet, taking out some money, holding it out to Mike. "Here," he said, "Take this and treat Will next time you go out. Show him a good time, okay?"
Mike smiled, his worries melting away, running his father hugging him while Ted still sat in his seat with a playful eyeroll. Mike squeezed his father into a deep embrace; something he hadn't done in a long time.
1774 Words
Stay Safe <3
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