25- I'm Not The Boy I Ought To Be
"No." The brunette muttered, struggling to get the word to leave his throat, it was a simple word and yet it was one of the hardest things he ever had to say. He felt trapped in his own anxiety, torn between his affection for Mike and his concern that he wasn't enough; that he could never be what Mike really wanted... a girl.
In the silence that followed, the ravenette's once hopeful smile begun to fade; that... that was not what he was anticipating. He didn't think Will would say that; he anticipated the brunette would say yes! Will loved him and he loved Will. He couldn't help but feel a split in him, "What? W-why?"
Will looked up at him, still holding the box with the giant cookie in his hands, "Mike..." he said softly, his voice heavy, "I... I can't give you what you need; I don't want to just be something you put up with, if in the back of your mind, y-you want me to be someone else."
"That's not true Will, no way is that true." Mike's heart sank, but he was confused what brought this, "I love every part of you."
"Is that so?" Will said sadly with a disbelieving chuckle, "Mike... I just, I just don't think this is best for you." he said; he didn't believe he was good enough for the ravenette.
"What? No! You've got it all wrong! I want you! Just you." Mike tried to explain, reaching out to touch Will's arm gently,
But Will instinctively pulled back, his expression fearful yet stone-cold, "No, I can't do this." he trembled once more, standing from his seat, giving the cookie in its box back to Mike; not a single bite was taken from it. "I'm sorry." he mumbled, overwhelmed and insecure, running off in a random direction, leaving Mike all alone.
The ravenette sat there stuck to his spot, the large cookie in his hand, watching Will retreating from with a mix of disappointment and frustration. He didn't understand why Will reacted this way, especially when he was so sure Will loved him; he said it! With his own lips!
The heartbreak within him intensified as he looked down at the cookie; a burning reminder that he was rejected, rejected by the boy who meant so much to him. Quickly enough, he scrambled to his feet, making his way out the Mall, wanting to be alone for now; he would make an excuse to his friends later but now, he just wanted to go home.
Making his way pass the Food court to the front door of the Mall, he practically ran, one step at a time. None of his friends noticed him on his way out except Max who had coincidently been looking away in that moment, barely managing to catch his figure as he left. Something bad must have happened, she knew it.
"I'm getting a call." she lied to the Party who turned to her as she stood up from the table, "I'll be right back." she excused herself, quickly running toward the front entrance; not wanting to make a big deal if this was regarding who she thought.
She looked around, seeing Mike walking to the bus stop. Rushing up to him, placing a hand on his shoulder, she spoke, "Mike, what's wrong?"
Suddenly, the redhead was caught off guard by an unexpected hug. Mike's embraced was filled with sadness and relief; he didn't know how much he needed this right now. Max, despite all their little hiccups, was always there for him, finding solace in her presence.
But quickly, Max hugged back, offering a comforting presence. They stood there for a moment as people passed by, barely casting a second glance. The redhead knew something must have happened to her friend; in the two years she had known him, the most physical contact they had were playful punches to the arm... but she wanted to be there for him.
After a short while, the ravenette pulled away, "Thanks Max," he said, his voice dulled with gratitude.
"It's fine, it looked like you needed it." Max smiled, "Don't tell anyone we hugged; it would ruin my street cred," She joked, trying to lift his spirit, but it only caused a small tight-lipped smile on his face that vanished almost immediately.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" she questioned; her voice as soft as possible.
"Not- not in public," he mumbled,
"Okay, that's fine; let's talk in my car." the redhead smiled, leading Mike to the carpark to the beaten-up blue car. "I still get privileges on Billy's car; it's basically mine now," she added with a bright grin; hoping speaking would cheer Mike up.
Max unlocked the car as they both took a seat, Max in the driver's seat with Mike slipping into the passenger's seat. The air was calm as the redhead was the first to speak, "So what's going on... and what's in the box?"
Mike looked down, not even realising he was still holding the cookie he brought for Will, "I... I finally told him how I felt, and it didn't go well. I just thought..."
"He would say yes?" the redhead finished his sentence.
Mike sighed with a small nod, his voice tinged with confusion and hurt. "Yeah! I don't get it. He said he loved me yesterday. Why did he reject me today?"
Max listened carefully, offering her perspective, "I just think you need to be patient for now; I mean, Will just broke up with Robin; he's probably dealing with that. Will just needs time to come to terms with everything that's happened... just be there for him when he's ready to talk."
"I know..." Mike frowned, realising his timing wasn't the best, "I'll give him space... I just want him to know I do care about him."
"He will!" she smiled bright, lifting his spirits, "I can tell Will thinks very highly of you... honestly, I thought he always had a crush on you; he looks at you like you hung all the stars in the sky."
"You think so?" Mike questioned, starting to feel a little bit optimistic about the situation.
"I know so." Max nodded with a little smile.
"So you're telling me, the man you LOVE said he feels the same and you rejected him?" Robin asked in disbelief.
Will remained silent, his head down on the table not even bothering to look at Robin who was pacing around the breakroom of Scoops Ahoy, the only place he could find refuge. He was lost in thought, not knowing what else to do after that confession.
"I just can't believe you actually did that!" Robin exclaimed, her voice a mix of irritation and concern, "Mike poured his heart out and you shot him down." she wasn't angry, just so confused.
The brunette just kept quiet, he didn't know what to say, just replaying the moment in his head over and over again; he hated himself; he felt guilty. He couldn't even bear to look Mike in the eyes after what he said; just the tone of the ravenette's voice told him everything he needed to know.
"Did you talk to him at least?" the blue-eyed girl asked furrowing her brows.
The question made the brunette want to answer back, his cheek still flat against the cool metal table, "After what happened the last time we 'talked', I didn't know what to say."
"So what are you gonna do?" She asked inquisitive,
"I... I don't know," Will mumbled, "Maybe Mike was right... it would have been better if I was a girl," He confessed his inner turmoil and wished aloud to be exactly what Mike wanted him to be.
Robin's anger and shock immediately transformed to empathy and concern, realising the depth of his emotions taking a seat opposite him with a sympathetic grimace, "Will..." she said in a soft tone, "You don't have to change who you are to fit someone else's expectations."
"I hate this." he looked up, his eyes filled with vulnerability and gratitude, "It's just so confusing; if he didn't hate me before, I bet he's resenting me now."
Robin passed a gentle smile crossing her features, "Mike will never hate you; trust me! If your friendship is as strong as I see, you'll find your way back to each other. You always do."
The brunette flickered a smile, reflecting relief of having someone who understands him, "I just hope I didn't ruin our friendship."
"Trust me, you didn't ruin anything!" She replied with a giggle, pausing for a quick moment, "So are you ready to face him again?"
"...Not yet." Will looked down at the table, "I just want to think for a while, I don't really want to do anything impulsive, you know?"
"I thought you were going to the movies?" Robin questioned, relaying the plan the Party originally had for the evening
"Oh yeah..." the brunette said surprised, "I think I'm just going to cancel on them; I'll say I'm too sad with the break up and all," he chuckled, for the first time since the confession.
Robin, well-meaning and concerned passed a sympathetic look, "Alright, if you need anything, just call me, okay?"
With a nod, the brunette arose from his seat, bidding farewell to both Robin and Steve as he walked away from the Scoops Ahoy; he would have said goodbye to the Party as well, but he knew if he met them, they would only persuade him to stay, and he would end up not enjoying his time.
His thoughts overwhelmed him and the isolation in his bones crept through him; his mind distracted him as he walked over to the bike rack's unlocking his bicycle.
He was just tired.
He kicked his way off, biking through the familiar streets; his mind full of his self-deprecating thoughts. He was tired of being the seventh wheel, the one who was always alone; even through Mike's confession, he felt so lonely; he wasn't a perfect girl like the ravenette had wanted, and Mike's drunken words cut him deep to the core, just confirming his insecurities.
These past few weeks just felt like he was going round in circles; things kept happening to him and the moment when he thought he would just be content with everything going on, things would go horribly wrong; it was as if he wasn't allowed to be happy.
He wondered if Mike really meant the confession that he said or if he was just drunk again? Just like his strange kissing outburst last time and... the girl comment. But this time it felt different, deeper, more profound.
Will arrived home, and although the familiar surroundings should be comforting, they offered no solace for his conflicted heart. The house was quiet as his entire family was out; all doing their own thing, leaving him alone with his thoughts.
He walked into his bedroom, locking the door behind him, kicking his shoes off and slumping onto his bed. The room was dimly lit, with only the soft glow of his desk lamp illuminating his thoughts.
Will looked up at the ceiling... What should he do? He just wanted a sign that Mike really loved him..
1885 Words
Stay Safe <3
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