12- I'm In The Bathroom
"Will? What- what are you doing here?" the ravenette took a step back. OH FUCK! Why was Will here right now? And why was he holding an ice cream scooper? Mike was shocked, shit! What should he do? His voice was panicked, his hands slightly trembling.
The brunette was angry, yet he laughed, having a sinister smile plastered on his face, "Oh, well I'm here to check on my dear friend... you know because you're not feeling too well,"
"Yeah, yeah. I'm still a bit sick and I appreciate your concern..." Mike nodded, looking back to ensure his friends wouldn't come up the basement stairs to see who was at the door, "But you should go... now!" he advised, attempting to close the door.
But Will put his foot in the way, stopping the door from closing, "But Mike..." the small boy pouted a fake frown, "I can't let my best friend suffer alone, right?" confidently walking past the tall boy and into the house; he couldn't help but enjoy the panic he saw in Mike's eyes. He wore a sinister smile, knowing he had the upper hand in this situation.
"No, but I could be contagious! You should really, really go!" Mike on the other hand was a nervous wreck, trying to push the brunette back toward the door, but Will stood his ground refusing to budge,
Will's sarcasm was relentless, crossing his arms, raising his eyebrows at Mike; his smile never fading, still holding the scooper, "But aren't you home alone? What if something happens to you and no one knows?" he said, feigning innocence.
"Listen, I'm 15, I think I can handle myself," the ravenette explained,
"Oh, I'm sure you can, but I think I'll stick around for a while. You know for moral support and stuff." The small boy jeered.
The ravenette panicked, "Fine! Fine! I'm not really sick, but I'll explain everything later, but you have to go. The others can't see you here!"
"No!" Will huffed, "I want the explanation now!"
Mike shivered at the assertiveness in Will's voice; the brunette was in control of the situation, and he knew it. It was causing a bubbling feeling inside of him. He couldn't say no, yet, desperate to maintain some control of the situation, the ravenette took a risk, sighing, "Okay, we can talk in the bathroom... for privacy,"
In a flurry of emotions, Mike grabbed Will's arm, accidently missing and holding the brunette's hand instead; a shiver ran down Mike's spine as their skin touched, a weird sensation bubbling inside him. He quickly regained composure rushing the small boy into the bathroom.
Inside the bathroom, the brunette checked his phone; the repeated buzzing from Robin's constant texting asking if he reached safely; if he confronted Mike; if he threw anything...
But before Will could react the ravenette snatched the phone, pushing Will who stumbled to the ground confused. The tall boy felt trapped by the guilt settling on his shoulders, but he couldn't deal with this right now, leaving the bathroom and closing the door behind him. Placing a chair in the way of the handle, he ensured the brunette wouldn't be able to leave for now; first he wanted to get the rest of the Party out his basement before he talked to Will... he wouldn't want to cause a ruckus.
With a deep sigh, Mike realised the gravity of the situation, but he had gone too far, backing away from the door. Feeling a hint of guilt, the ravenette mumbled under his breath, "Sorry."
Yet from the other side, Will's fear of closed spaces began creeping in on him, banging on the door; desperate to get out, "Mike, why did you lock the door? Please let me out! I don't like being locked in here!"
Mike hesitated for a moment, torn between his turmoil and Will's distress but couldn't face the truth just yet, not with the Party downstairs. With a deep breath, he replied apologetic, leaning his head against the door. "Will, I'm sorry! I promise I'll explain everything later." he whispered.
Pushing himself off the door, he placed Will's phone in his pocket before deciding to go back to the basement once again where his friends; Dustin, Lucas and Suzie, were still gathered around the table, eagerly awaiting their D&D adventures. They notice the worried look on the ravenette's face inquiring about the visitor at his door,
"Who was at the door?" Dustin questioned raising an eyebrow.
"Oh, uh just telemarketers!" the ravenette nervously chuckled, attempting to sound believable, "You know how persistent they can be."
"Oh, okay. And what's that sound?" Lucas pointed above to the sound of thumping; Mike knew it was undeniably Will pounding on the bathroom door begging to be let out.
"Look, its nothing... the noise is just plumbing issues. Nothing major!" The tall boy lied.
"Mike... is everything okay?" Suzie asked concerned, hearing the thumping escalate and the ravenette sweat.
"Yeah..." Mike sighed, "Listen... I just think you all need to go home; I just think we should reschedule the meet?"
"Reschedule? But I thought you were looking forward to this?" Lucas pointed out.
"Yeah, but it's not the same without the whole Party!" the tall boy lied.
"That's true! Maybe we should have a movie night instead?" Lucas suggested.
"No!" the ravenette held his hands up, "I need to study for an exam tomorrow... in music!" he claimed, using the only class he doesn't have with the rest of the group.
"Oh... We can help if you want." Dustin shrugged
"Do you know anything about music?" Mike deadpanned.
"Me and Suzie know all the lyrics to 'Never-ending Story'." the curly haired boy smiled a bright grin.
"That's quite impressive for someone who can't sing!" Lucas chimed in with a chuckle,
"Oh, I can sing!" Dustin claimed, an offended twist in his voice.
"Excuse me children!" Mike rolled his eyes, "I'd like to finish my homework right now,"
"Oh yeah!" Lucas raised a hand to the air, "We shall finish this discussion outside!" he said taking Dustin with him as they travelled up the stairs.
Mike looked at Suzie, who merely rolled her eyes, sarcastically chuckling, "Guess I'm the third wheel for them!"
The smart girl took a few steps up the stairs, her tone caring, "Take care! Hope your homework is good!" she smiled, continuing her route.
With those words, they depart, leaving the ravenette alone in his basement with mounting anxieties. He listened as the footsteps got further and the front door closed; he was all alone in the house; the rest of his family out for other various reasons...
But he wasn't alone, Will was here; well, still in the bathroom. "Shit!" he mumbled, running up the stairs; almost tripping on another one of Holly's toys; she really needs to stop leaving her toys around! Once upstairs, he stepped over to the bathroom door, still hearing banging against the other side,
He approached the door with guilt and apprehension. Placing a hand on the chair blocking the handle not yet moving it, he called, "Listen Will," Mike started, trying to sound calm and sincere, "I know this looks bad, but I said I would explain everything, just promise you won't go all ape-shit crazy on me here. If you try anything... I'll lock you in here for the whole night." he warned,
The ravenette awaited an answer, hearing nothing from the other side; he knew the brunette could hear him considering the thumping had stopped, "Will? I'm gonna need an answer over here,"
"Fine... just let me out... please." The small boy grumbled.
With caution, Mike unlocked the bathroom door, moving the chair out the way. Will emerged, his face flushing with anger. He stepped out without saying a word, but once his whole body was out the door, he couldn't contain himself, exploding, his voice quivering with anger, "What the Hell was that?" he raised his voice, "First you lie about D&D night and then you lock me in the God-damn bathroom?" he said stern, clutching his ice scream scooper tight to the point his knuckles turned white.
"Will, please just hear me out! I can explain!" Mike explained, keeping his hands in front of him and creating distance between them incase the brunette pounced.
"Explain? Well, you better start right now. You've been acting weird this whole week; I deserve to know." Will said enraged, waving the scooper.
"Well maybe if you weren't so obsessed with thinking I was hiding something we wouldn't be in this mess!" Mike accused.
"Obsessed?" the brunette agaped in disbelief, "You're the one who lied and locked me in the bathroom!"
"Yeah! Because you showed up unannounced! And I didn't want everyone downstairs to know you were here!" The tall boy scrunched his face.
"Oh, so now you're embarrassed by me?" the small boy growled, raising his scooper, holding himself back before he launched it across the room.
"No, I- Look, I don't even know why you're here!" Mike knitted his brows.
Will rolled his eyes, sarcastically deadpanning, "Umm, because you lied; you're a liar, and apparently your embarrassed of me!"
"You know what Will? I should have just left you in there, maybe you'd return to your senses afterwards!" the tall boy argued.
"You're actually unbelievable. How could you even say that?" Will's voice fell.
Mike felt immediately guilty, unable to bear the hurt in the brunette's voice; he needed to fix this, now! "I... I didn't mean that! Listen... the reason I was lying was because I was just... planning a surprise party for you! Yeah, that's it! Your birthday ended badly last week, and I thought... I thought I'd surprise you with a party and the others were helping me plan...." he said, making it up as the words flew out faster then his thoughts.
"What?" the brunette was taken aback, not knowing if he could believe what the ravenette was saying, "So how come El and Max weren't here? I met them in the mall." he said sceptical.
"Oh... umm, you know El can't keep a secret!" the ravenette lied, mentally patting himself on the back for the believable lie, "And also, I asked Max to get some supplies for the party and stuff,"
The brunette looked Mike up and down visibly taken aback by the words; he didn't understand why the ravenette would do such a thing; that would explain the weird mannerisms this past week. Was he really planning a surprise party? Did Mike feel that bad?
Realising he wasn't speaking, Will cleared his throat, "Umm, it's fine. I didn't expect anything!"
"No!" The tall boy cut off, "This is happening, we've already planned out everything!" He lied, now thinking he could use it as a way to apologise to the brunette for what he did the other day and subconsciously showing he was better than Robin ever could be.
"Thanks... I mean thank you." Will smiled, his grip on the scooper loosening. That was indeed a nice surprise but he wished Mike didn't lie and avoid him this week. But secretly he was over the moon; he's never had a surprise party before.
On the other hand, the ravenette remained unmoving; he dug himself deeper into a hole with an even tighter web of lies and now he had to plan a surprise party with only one day to plan it all... shit.
He needed professional help... he needed Max!
1930 Words
After so many Wifi attempts I can finally post this chapter <3
Stay Safe <3
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