Don't try and hurt Hermione, mountian troll!
Harry and Ron were running to the girl's bathroom and when they brust into the room, Harry saw Hermione on the floor and he told her to move and when she does, the troll knocks over the other stalls.
Both Harry and Ron throwns stuff at the troll before it saw Hermione under the skins and once he swinged his club at her, Harry snapped and striked like a snake and the troll was in pain before seeing a snake as it wraps around Hermione protectively making it to roar at it as the teachers showed up.
§Leave my friend alone, you creep assss.§ Harry hissed out before picking Hermione up and moved to Ron, but the troll swinged again at Harry, but he flicked Hermione at Ron who caught her and he transformed into a wolf with bat wings and pointy teeth and the eyes were yellow.
Harry jumped onto the club and jump to the neck where he bite deeply into the flesh making the troll to howl in pain before he falled backwards and Harry jumped up and landed on all four before going back to normal.
"FUCKING TRY AND HURT HERMIONE AGAIN AND I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU, YOU MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD!" Harry shouted before he ran to check on Hermione making the teachers to be unsure what to do.
"Harry, what was that?" Hermione asked shocked as Harry was a snake then he was a some wolf like creature.
"First one was the incredible deadly viper and the second one was a mix magical creature from werewolf blood, phoenix tear, basilisk venom and vampire blood which I don't know the name to." Harry answers as Hermione has that look that means she is going to be stay in the library until she knows what it is.
"Blimmy Harry. I didn't know you were a animagus with two forms." Harry rubs the back of his head nervous.
"Hehe, try six forms. Still trying to figure out what the other four are." Hermione is so going to be staying in the library and learn the potion to know one's abilities.
The teachers don't know what to do and Dumbledore showed up after Harry went to check on Hermione. He was happy that Harry has friends and wonders if Harry will have more friends in the future.
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