@geovannaricci: when you leave your phone with tom and find this one your camera roll when you come back
tagged: @tomholland2013
tomholland2013: i feel betrayed that you posted this
username: omg tom what are you doing?
geovannaricci: tomholland2013 you put this as my lock screen and background on my phone. of course i needed to post this
zendaya: and i thought i had amazing hair
username: i am zendaya
username: they've been posting about each other lately 👀
username: where paul, anthony and seb?
hazosterfield: mate, amazing hairdo
tomholland2013: geovannaricci so you'd have something to look at when i'm on my press tour :-)))
username: tom is an actual dork awe
username: #tomavannaisdatingandnoonecantellmeotherwise
paulrudd: ...so- you two were together recently 😏
anthonymackie: heard y'all were watching a movie 😏
imsebastianstan: and cuddling 😏
geovannaricci: paulrudd anthonymackie imsebastianstan whO THE HECK-
tomholland2013: paulrudd anthonymackie imsebastianstan that's not weird... like at all...
alesbianpark: guilty as charged 😁
victhedick: we were gunna barge in on you guys but glampa jude told us to leave
geovannaricci: alesbianpark victhedick gee guys
username: best friend goals bye bye
williameastman: i miss you 💔
zendaya: williameastman F U C K O F F
username: williameastman weLL AIN'T THAT TRAGIC
robertdowneyjr: who let the trash in?
username: ew ew
username: omg me too rob
username: if you're not ratatouille then you can leave. he's the only rat i love williameastman
elizabetholsenig: williameastman boi how about nO
victhedick: williameastman how about you leave
alesbianpark: williameastman i found an exit for you- It's the edge of a cliff 😊
williameastman: victhedick alesbianpark you two don't even know what happened, so fuck off
imsebastianstan: L E A V E williameastman
chrisevans: 0-100 real quick
anthonymackie: lol bitch gotta go
paulrudd: avengers assemble
geovannaricci has deleted this post
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