↳ 13. IRL
GEOVANNA KNOCKED HER KNUCKLES against Tom's trailer, her fingers feeling numb against the hot cardboard. After she didn't hear anything for a while she rocked back and forth on the balls of her feet, whistling a random tune.
Geovanna got bored and slightly impatient after a couple of minutes. She softly grabbed the door handle, before lightly pushing it open and realized that she could've let herself in ages ago. With a small and quiet noise of annoyance, and thinking over if it was right to enter Tom's trailer without permission, she stepped inside.
She dropped the pizza box against the coffee table and shut the door before throwing herself on the couch. Geovanna took the time to glance around the trailer as it was her first time inside one, the sound of water going on in the background. It wasn't too small, but it wasn't somewhere she could lice either. There were picture frames of what she assumed to be his family on the walls, as well as the faint smell of wet dog.
Her ears picked up the sound of the shower turning off. She thought up a devious plan, her lips curling into a mischievous smile. Geovanna looked around and tip-toed to the wall closest to the bathroom door. She heard some shuffling, leaning back against the wall, trying to hide behind it.
Geovanna soon heard the door open and soft foot steps coming closer to her. And without any thought she jumped out from the behind the wall and yelled, "BOO!"
"Fuck!" Tom shrieked, holding his towel around his waist as he jumped back, completely and utterly surprised by her sudden appereance.
Geovanna laughed hard. Her arms wrapped around her stomach as her head was thrown back, continuing to laugh. "Y-You're face!"
"G-Geo!" Tom's face flushed red, holding his towel closer to his body. He was too busy singing in the shower to hear her come in.
"What?" she slowly calmed down, her laughter turning into small giggles. Her brown eyes scanned his half body and began to wiggle her eyebrows. "Afraid I'll see something, Spider-Boy?"
"I thought we were meeting in an hour." he ignored her comment, and cleared his throat, trying to calm his nerves.
"It's even an hour, dummy." she was unfazed by his awkwardness and continued to say, "Now get dressed! The pizza's getting cold."
¤ ¤ ¤
"You suck at picking out movies. Like Titanic, really Tom?"
"It's a classic!"
"My memes are better than this love story." huffed Geovanna as she crossed her arms over her chest. After a while she got bored, not very interested I'm the story at all and decided to grab the remote and change it.
"Dude!" Tom exclaimed, after what he thought was the best part (just the scene where they're at the edge of the boat doing the "I'm the king of the world scene") and tried to reach for the remote.
"Nuh-uh, Holland! You've been watching this for like an hour and there is no true character development. Like seriously? Plus she won't let him on the door at the end anyway. They clearly had more room!" she began to search for 'NCIS' and clicked on the first episode.
"A crime show?"
"Don't hate it till you try it. Plus I bet you watch Sherlock, so kindly, shut up and watch."
With that Tom kept quiet and chewed on his slice of pizza. After the episode was over, it seemed that Geovanna's plan had worked and got him hooked to the show. She turned to look up at him after five episodes were finished and said, "Told you it was better than that boat movie."
His chest vibrated, a loud chuckle leaving his lips. "Okay fine, you win."
She smiled widely and sprung up from her spot, nearly hitting her head against his chin then looked at him, "Somebody owes me a Double Chocolate Chip Frappuccino."
"But now?" Tom whined, looking away at the tv to face her. "Gibbs was going to hit Tony!"
"And my throat is getting dry, c'mon Spider-Boy!" Geovanna clapped her hands, before grabbing his and trying to pull him up with her small strength.
"Ugh," Tom reluctantly allowed her to pull him up and got to his feet, "fine. But when we come back were watching more."
Geovanna chuckled, her hands still clasped around his and nodded with a small eye roll, "Yeah, yeah. C'mon!"
planning for tom and grandpa jude to meet and have tom flip the fuck out because he looks like gibbs, loool.
and yo, i got so many fics up my sleeve it's sad aha.
but what's their ship name? tomavanna? toe? lol help me because idk either.
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