CHAPTER TWENTY: Can't Stress Enough
(Note: [ ] are whispered words that Paulie cannot hear)
Paulie: "You have great timing. I just started my break."
(Y/N): "I know. Look behind you."
Paulie: "....................You're horrible."
(Y/N): "But you love me!"
Paulie: "Yeah yeah, don't remind me. Anyway, how are you doing? Not still gallivanting with those sea dogs, I hope?"
(Y/N): "Don't call your future brothers-in-law sea dogs, Paulie. That's rude."
Paulie: "Try all you want to stress me out. I started meditating. Your days of psychological torture are over."
(Y/N): "Even if I said I almost got tag teamed by over three hundred military men last week?"
Paulie: "....Very funny."
(Y/N): "No, for real, it was actually terrifying."
Paulie: "Your jokes are getting darker."
(Y/N): "No joke, I'm being one hundred percent serious. Here, even ask my bro. Oi, I almost got defiled by like an entire army, didn't I?"
Killer: "[Wait, don't drag me into thi-] Yes..."
Killer: "I'm Ki-"
(Y/N): "-pper! My good friend Kipper!"
Killer: "That's not my-"
(Y/N): "Kipper says hi! [No I don't] Anyway, nevermind about all that. I have a present for you and Galley-La, so you'll be getting an Albatros delivery within the next few weeks."
Paulie: "Oh no, we are not glossing over that, (Y/N)!"
(Y/N): "Ugh, fine. I got dared to do a stupid thing, ended up in the middle of a remote military barracks and nearly got pounded to death in a sexy un-sexy way. Happy? Now, about that present-"
(Y/N): "That meditation thing isn't really working for ya, is it, buddy?"
Paulie: "This is serious! For one second, quit acting like a child and think about how badly you could've been hurt! Or worse!"
(Y/N): "I know, Paulie. I won't let myself be put into a situation like that again, and neither will the crew I'm with. Believe me, they've let me know that."
Paulie: "It wasn't them that got you into that mess, was it?! If it was, so help me, I'll-"
(Y/N): "No! No, it was a completely unrelated individual with absolutely zero connection to the people currently on this ship!"
Paulie: "I swear if you're lying to me..."
(Y/N): "I'm not! They saved my dumb ass! Look, even ask Kil-Kipper!"
Killer: "Quit shoving that thing in my face...Tch, yes, we got her out of there. As you can tell, she's back to her usual self. [Stop making me talk to him]"
Paulie: "I guess a thanks are in order, then...Are you sure you're okay, (Y/N)? How close of a call was it? You can't just spring something like that on me and expect me to stay calm."
(Y/N): "You got a girlfriend yet?"
Paulie: "You've gotta be kidding me. No, (Y/N), I don't have a girlfriend yet..."
(Y/N): "That'd work better than meditation. What about Kiwi or Mozu? Or both? They seem to know how to have a good time."
Paulie: "I don't have any desire to discuss my sex life with my little sister."
(Y/N): "Oh my god, have you already done it with them?!"
Paulie: "Wha?! No?! That's not what I meant! You're infuriating!"
(Y/N): "Aww, thank you! I really do try."
Paulie: "Is that Kipper guy still there? Tell him to clip you over the head for me."
(Y/N): "Hah! Joke's on you, he'd never do- [THWUMP] OW! YOU TRAITOR!
Killer: "Sorry, but you kind of deserved that."
(Y/N): "Consider yourself out of my mass wedding."
Killer: "Don't forget who feeds you, girl."
(Y/N): "You're back in."
Paulie: "Stay away from my sister."
Killer: "Right. [Can't exactly police that from where you are, though, can you, Paulie?]"
(Y/N): "...Hang on a sec, Pauls. [Could you repeat that?]"
Killer: "[I didn't say anything.]"
(Y/N): "[Yes you did. What was it?]"
Paulie: "What the hell are you whispering about?!"
(Y/N): "Just about how that one time, at shipwright camp, you tried to stick your-"
Paulie: "There's no such thing as shipwright camp, you idiot."
(Y/N): "Yeah, I know, but what fun is it when I can't make up wild shit about you to my new friends who haven't met you? Let me thrive."
Paulie: "No thriving. It's bad for my health."
Killer: "Amen to that."
(Y/N): "This is bullying and it's against the law. I'm telling the Navy on you."
Paulie: "You brought it upon yourself. Anyway, anything else new? You said something about a gift?"
(Y/N): "Oh, right! Yeah, I'm sending a sizeable donation to Galley-La! I did a thing and the thing went well so you're welcome! Aren't I just the greatest little sister in the whole wide world?"
Paulie: "I'm scared to ask how you managed to get anything that could be considered a sizeable donation..."
(Y/N): "Then don't ask. Speaking of sizeable, is my dear, sweet, spankable Iceberg around? I'd like to speak to our son."
Paulie: "Don't ever use the words Iceberg, spankable or son in the same sentence again. I'm begging you."
(Y/N): "Iceberg spankable son. So? Is he there?"
Paulie: ".............."
Iceberg: "Hello, (Y/N)! I'm just assuming this is you because your brother looks like he's about to jump into the canal."
(Y/N): "Tis I, your most favourite person in the universe. How are you? How's our darling son?"
Iceberg: "If you're referring to Tyrannosaurus, he's right here and doing fine. Say hello, Tyrannosaurus."
Tyrannosaurus: "[Mouse sounds]"
(Y/N): "I love you so much, you sweet little angel baby. I'm your Mama now.
Iceberg: "He seems delighted. Now, (Y/N), I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to wrap it up soon. Paulie's break is almost over and we have a lot of work to get through today."
(Y/N): "Oh, that's okay! I have some things I need to do too, so I don't mind. Miss you, Iceyyyyyyyy!"
(Y/N): "Miss you, too, (Y/N). Here, I'll hand you back to your brother. It seems as though he's decided to rethink diving into the canal. Until next time!"
Paulie: "I guess I have to at least commend you on not asking about slapping his ass this time."
(Y/N): "Wait, shit, put him back on for a sec-"
Paulie: "Don't."
(Y/N): "Buzzkill. Whatever...How are Mama and Papa?"
Paulie: "They're doing fine. They miss you. Definitely didn't like hearing you're travelling with a group of strange men."
(Y/N): "Please don't tell them about my close call. I mean it, Pauls. They don't need to know about that."
Paulie: "I wasn't planning on it. They don't need to stress out like that at their age. I can handle a few years shaved off my life, but them? Not a chance."
(Y/N): "Thanks, Paulie. So, you gotta get back to work?"
Paulie: "Yeah, shortly. Hey, if anything like that ever happens again, or anything that scares you, or whatever, please call me. I don't care if I'm working, or sleeping, just call. That's what I'm here for."
(Y/N): "I just don't wanna bother you with dumb crap like that..."
Paulie: "But you'll bother me with other shit? (Y/N), you're hundreds of thousands of miles away. Let me at least be an ear for you to turn to so I don't feel like I've lost my little sister."
(Y/N): "Pauls..."
Paulie: "Are you crying..?"
(Y/N): "Wh..what? No-"
Killer: "She is."
(Y/N): "One moment. [Stoooooooop!]"
Paulie: "Promise me, okay?"
(Y/N): "Yeah, okay, I promise..."
Paulie: "And no more dangerous dares, either."
(Y/N): "But what about danger when it isn't a dare?"
Paulie: "(Y/N)..."
(Y/N): "I'm just yanking your chain. I know, I promise I'll try.
Paulie: "Do more than just try. You're not going before I do."
(Y/N): "Yeah, I don't wanna orphan you."
Paulie: "That's...not how it works. Maybe you should've gone on a quest for an education instead of adventure."
(Y/N): "Maybe you should splurge on a better wardrobe. I'll bet my left nut that you're still wearing that same scrappy yellow shirt with the white target on the front."
Paulie: "You don't have a left nut."
(Y/N): "Fine. I bet Kipper's left nut."
Killer: "Want me to clip her over the ears again?"
Paulie: "Please."
(Y/N): "Wait, no, I was jo- [THWUMP] Owie...Y'all are mean..."
Kid: "Why the fuck are you two lurking around in here?! We have shit to do!"
Paulie: "Who the hell was that?!"
Kid: "Who the hell's askin'?! Oh, right, the brother."
(Y/N): "Oh, uh, Pauls, this is, uh, Eubert Crud. The captain of this funky little vessel."
Kid: "The fuck did you just call me, you bratty little bitch?!"
Killer: "[Oh man...]"
(Y/N): "Paulie, it's cool, we're just messing arou-"
Kid: "Bold talk from a man on the other end of a call. Can't do shit. I'll talk to her however the fuck I want."
Paulie: "Like hell you will! I'll-"
(Y/N): "Boys, boys! Calm thy farms! You both need to get laid. Hey, I know the first time can be scary, but it'll really help y'all to chill out."
Paulie: "(Y/N)?! (Y/N)?!"
Killer: [Chaotic screaming and swearing in the background] "She's playing tag right now. Don't worry, this is just how they flirt. Gross, I know. Anyway, I'm hanging up now. Nice to speak with you."
Ignore his hands. Please. I rushed it.
Next Time: Soft Spot***
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