I made sure to wake up as early as possible the next morning, knowing that it would be my only chance to speak to Killer before breakfast.
All night I tossed and turned, worried that he'd sneak off at the crack of dawn and leave without saying goodbye. Sure, I wanted a break from the Kid Pirates, but I still wanted to hold onto a part of them while I was away.
As expected, Killer was already up, walking down the hall with his hands neatly tucked into the pockets of his jeans.
"H..Hey, Killz! Wait up!" I sprinted up to him, nearly tripping my own feet, and he held his arms ready to catch me if I did.
"Mornin'. You're up...concerningly early. The sun's barely showing." Killer glanced over to the window, and I followed his gaze, seeing the bleeding hues of the sunrise over the watery horizon.
"Yeah, well, I wanted to talk with you."
May as well just jump right into it...
The man's body language was rather stiff, and I could see his hands fidgeting in the bulges of his pockets.
"What did you want to talk about?" I couldn't blame him for being sceptical, considering our last serious topic of conversation.
"There...isn't much going on in terms of pirating right now, while, uh, while Kid gets back on his feet, so I was wondering..." Why was I so nervous about asking? It wasn't like a confession or anything.
"Wondering what..?" Killer urged me to continue.
"Wondering...if you'd consider maybe, uh...staying on Water 7 for a while..?"
He's going to say no. Of course he is. I don't know why I even asked.
Killer heaved a sigh as he pulled his hands out of his pockets, reaching to ruffle my already messy bed-hair.
"You know I can't do that, (Y/N). I'm not welcome here, and Kid needs me, no matter how much of an asshole he's being right now..."
I deflated, looking down at the gap between my bare feet and his boots.
"But you are welcome here...Icy said so..." I murmured, shifting from one foot to the other. "You said you were done. Over it. I just thought that maybe you needed a break too..."
Killer removed his hand from my head and moved closer to the window, looking out over the vista.
"I'll admit, it's nice here...and a break sounds really good...but I have responsibilities. The only reason I'm hesitant to go is because I don't want to leave you alone, but at the same time, it's why I wanted to leave as soon as possible..."
Ouch. I get it, but ouch.
I sidled up next to him, choosing to just look down at the windowsill instead of at him.
"Yeah, that makes sense..." I sighed, trying to force myself not to lay on any intentional guilt. "Sorry, it was selfish to ask. I'm just gonna miss you..."
Killer puffed out a breath, tapping the toe of his boot against the wall lightly, and I could feel his eyes move over to me.
"How about...I stay for a week? Just one. To make sure you settle back in, and to take a breather for myself. Then I have to to back. Understand?"
He wasn't prepared for the way I jumped into him, hanging with my arms around his neck and I beamed, although still somehow looking tired.
"Yes! I totally understand! Thank you!"
I felt Killer's shoulders stiffly jostle as he awkwardly held me, knowing that with my luck I'd fall flat on my ass if I were to let go.
"Don't thank me. Seriously. You're not the only one being selfish..."
My chest just fluttered...but that's just because I'm happy he's staying, obviously...I think...
He held me up for a while before quickly placing me back on the floor, taking a step away, turning and continuing down the hall.
" hungry? I'll make us breakfast."
A little disheartened, but glad he was staying, I followed him down to the large kitchen, making myself comfortable on a counter top as he made crepes, which had my mouth drooling.
"Something smells good." Just as Killer was dishing up, Iceberg waltzed in, already dressed in his suit for the day.
"Thought I'd thank you for your hospitality." The blond motioned for Iceberg to take a seat, placing a plate of food before him. "Ass on seat, girly, or no meal."
I obeyed instantly, waking up a lot more once the deliciously scented steam hit my nose.
"Thank you for the food!" I beamed as I dug straight in, wanting to taste his cooking as it came before adding anything on top.
"You are an excellent cook, Killer." Iceberg added, glancing up to the man who was lingering by the stove. "Are you going to eat as well?"
Oh, wait...
I suddenly felt bad when I looked to Killer. He never ate food he had to take his helmet off for in front of other people, save for me and Kid.
"Uh, well, Killer doe-" My words died on my tongue as Killer reached up and took off his helmet, carefully placing it on the counter before dishing up his own plate and moving to sit next to me.
"Could you pass the syrup?" He acted so casual about it, but I just sat there, my jaw nearly hitting the edge of my plate and sending it flying. He glanced to me and raised a brow. "What? You always ask me to take it off, so what's the big deal?"
He's going to give me some kind of brain bleed right now, I swear.
I chose to just keep my mouth shut and robotically eat my food, stealing as many glances as possible until we were done. I couldn't comprehend it. He wouldn't even do this around the crew, his found family, so why now? It made no sense to me.
After breakfast, Paulie arrived, and once I was dressed I sat with him down in the main entryway, still flabbergasted.
"You don't understand, man. He's pretty pretty. Like, makes Pirate Empress Boa Hancock look like a chewed up transponder snail pretty. He rarely takes that helmet off, but now he's just...freeballin'...but with his face..."
Paulie snorted, sitting back with his arms loosely folded across his chest.
"I doubt a guy like him could be that pretty. Maybe you just have a crush?" I couldn't tell if he was being sincere, or if he was teasing, but either way I batted him away.
"N..No, seriously, you'll see! I'm not exaggerating! You're no longer the second most attractive blond on Water 7." I could admit my brother was pretty decent when it came to looks, without it being creepy.
"Who the hell is the first?" Paulie narrowed his eyes.
"Sodom. Duh."
Paulie's frown lines grew deeper as offence set in.
"The damn king bull?!" His brow ticked, and I nodded firmly, mimicking the cross of his arms.
"Yeah, he's yellow, so he technically falls into the category of blond, and he's a handsome baby boy."
I couldn't escape Paulie's arm as he trapped me in a headlock, twisting his fist into the top of my head, just like he used to do when we roughhoused as kids.
"When she's being a brat, just scruff her. It's pretty funny."
Hearing Killer's voice, we stopped and turned to the bottom of the stairwell. Paulie's arm around my neck immediately released, and I wriggled my way out.
"I told you he's pretty pretty." I huffed, though I couldn't help but admire the man either.
He had wanted to blend in, considering his global reputation, so Iceberg had arranged some new clothing for him. A rather fitting orange t-shirt, with a D1 on the front, referencing Dock One, and acid washed jeans. His hair was what made it all come together, though. Tied back into a long, flowing ponytail. The man had won every possible genetic lottery.
I wasn't even able to react when Paulie did as Killer had suggested, lifting me by the scruff and snickering when I curled in on myself.
"Heh, would'ya look at that? Great tip."
This is bad...Do I really, genuinely have actual feelings towards Killer? So soon after Kid? No, I'm just lonely...he's familiar...and he's just agonisingly attractive...That's all...
"-ciate your offer to lend a hand, man. Could always use some muscle in the yard." I tuned back in well after I had been placed back on my feet, and I followed along after my brother and companion as we left the Galley-La headquarters.
"Wait, you're helping out on Dock One?" I jogged to squeeze myself in between them, wondering what the hell I had missed.
"Yeah, just for a few days. I'd prefer to earn my keep if I'm gonna be staying for a bit. I like keeping busy, anyway." Was I a little bummed that he wasn't going to be in full relax mode? Sure, but the positives outweighed that negative.
"As long as you're happy. Oh, don't let Paulie bully you. Just toss him into the canal if he's being an ass." I half laughed as Paulie hip checked me, sending me into Killer's side.
"Why do you have to tell everyone to throw me into the damn canal?! God, you're such a brat!"
Clasping my hands behind me, I leaned towards him and smiled, knowing he could never stay mad at little ol' me.
" love me and you're super glad I'm back, right? Hmm?" I could see him break in under a second, rolling his eyes and puffing a cloud of smoke into the air.
"Yeah yeah, shut up..."
I followed them all the way to Dock One, but before I could waltz my way through the front gate, Paulie stopped me.
"This is complete and utter discrimination! I plead sanctuary!" I stamped my foot, but my brother wasn't having any of my bullshit.
"No, we have work to do. Work that we can't have disrupted by you being a chaotic little gremlin. Go, relax, do anything you want, responsibly." He wagged his finger in my face and I deflated.
Killer sighed and reached to ruffle my hair, leaning down and offering me a soft smile. It damn near melted me on the pavement.
"You can drag me around wherever you want when I'm done, okay?"
I nodded slowly, trying not to get lost in his sapphire-esque eyes.
"Uh...okay...Have a good day, I guess. Work hard." I murmured, and he nodded, satisfied by my answer before he followed Paulie inside, leaving me standing before the gates, kind of at a loss.
Now I had a whole day to myself, which would only lead to festering over Eustass Kid. It was taking a whole lot of energy I didn't have to avoid thinking about him at all, so I knew I had to keep busy.
Sorry, Pauls...but I don't think I know how to do anything responsibly...
***Don't worry, Kid will end up back in the picture eventually. I have the basic plot all figured out, after altering some things thanks to a few (lot) of reader suggestions (demands).
Next Time: I Can't Take My Eyes Off You (For One Damn Second Without You Getting Into Trouble!)***
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