"I swear I heard the word orgy a few minutes ago..."
Shooting Jaguar a cheeky wink, I squeezed my way between Kid and Killer so I could see the map that has been spread out over a crate.
"Damn right you did, my dude. Had to end my call with a little pizzaz."
I was getting used to Kid smashing his hand down into my head, but it still nearly sent my spine down through my asshole.
"As if you could get any action here, you scraggly bitch. I wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole." He snickered, trying to hurt my feelings.
"You're literally touching me now, you dorkus malorkus." I pointed out, causing him to jerk his hand away almost too quickly. "Quick survey! Who here would partake in such activities with this, what'd you call me, Kiddo? Scraggly Bitch?"
My confidence sky-rocketed when literally everyone raised their hands, even Killer, though he made sure to do it subtly.
"Are you lot serious?!" Kid nearly screeched, glaring daggers at his crew members.
"Sorry, Boss...She's got charm." UK shrugged, rubbing the back of his neck.
Chuffed, I turned back to the captain and beamed, puffing my chest out with my hands on my hips.
"Y'hear that? I's gots me some charm!"
Hand back down on my heard, harder this time, Kid spun me back to face the unfurled map, growling low under his breath.
"Shut up and listen, you idiot. We're going up against an entire country this time."
Wait, a whole country?!
Silencing myself, I buckled down to listen to whatever the ambitious red-head had to say.
"This is a map of Pinbour Haven, one of the top three gold mining countries this side of the Grand Line." He continued, sounding like what he actually was for once. A leader. "Despite being under the musty old blanket of the World Government's protection, there is absolutely no Marine presence on the island. Doesn't mean it'll be easy, though."
Killer took a step forward and pointed to a red circle, haphazardly drawn onto the paper.
"They have their own military, based here. I'd estimate roughly a thousand men, maybe two, if our information is outdated. They get trouble with pirates pretty often, as you can imagine, but they haven't seen the likes of us. We can wipe them out pretty swiftly if we take them by surprise. The only other people on the island are miners, so of we take out their military, we can do whatever we want."
Everybody seemed to be nodding along with his words, so I did the same thing. It did seem simple enough, but I felt like there was a catch.
"Trouble is..."
Here we go...
"They have sharp eyes at every corner of their compound. We'll need a distraction so we can get the jump on them..." Kid leaned down and swung his arm over my shoulders, pulling me flush into his side. He was warm, and part of his coat fell over me, tickling my skin only a little less than his touch seemed to. "That's where you come in, Sneak."
Of course it is...
"So, you want me to do a replay of the Navy base? I mean, that's easy enough." I nodded, already going through injury ideas in my head.
"Actually, I've already decided what your role will be..."
"Kid, we talked about this-" Killer interjected, his voice tight with a stressed warning. That bothered me, but Kid took no notice, his arm still over my shoulders as he turned and walked me a few paces away.
"Pinbour Haven is populated entirely by men. Once a month, a woman or two is sent out to the barracks to give them a little relief." He explained, as though it would take me longer to figure it out.
"You want me to pose as a prostitute..?" The word left a sour taste on my tongue. I had nothing against ladies of the night. Not at all. They were a solid disk in the backbone of society, but it wasn't for me. Even playing one gave me the icks.
"What's the matter? You don't think you can do it?"
Narrowing my eyes, I shoved him off and turned to face him in full, standing my ground as best I could against the large brute.
"Obviously I can do it! The issue is how can I trust that you'll start your shit up before any of them get their greasy little hands on me?"
When Kid placed the pad of his index finger under my chin, I struggled against the urge to bite him, instead allowing him to raise my chin so our eyes would meet. Instead of a smug smirk, I was met with utmost seriousness.
"Within five minutes of you walking through those gates, all eyes will be on you. All eyes. That's when we'll strike. Nobody's gonna get their greasy hands on any part of you."
Something in me just throbbed, and I can't tell what...
Taking hold of his wrist, I slowly moved his hand away from my face, mulling over what he had just said.
"Do you promise? I mean it, Kid. I know I put myself into dangerous situations a lot, but rarely this kind of dangerous. It's easy for you to ask it of me because you're a man. Do you promise, five minutes, not a second more?"
I could tell that he hadn't expected me to come around so easily, but he quickly shook off his surprise and slipped his wrist through my hand so his would envelope it, squeezing firmly.
"They won't even get you inside the building. You have my word."
He's a crude, violent asshole...but I trust him to keep a promise like this...
Heaving a sigh, I squeezed back and shook, sealing the deal.
"Alright...I trust you, Kiddo. You better get me some decent money so I can look convincing, though. I can't imagine they'd go the cheap route with that kind of company..."
His smirk returned, and he nodded as he released my hand, arms folding across his visible chest.
"We have time, so I suppose I can lend you some berries to do some shopping. I'll take it out of your cut of what we get from this."
Stingy ass hat.
"Wait...I get a cut?" Instead of dwelling on the stress of the situation, I perked up at the thought of having my own money again. Kid nudged me back around and towards where the others were waiting, shrugging his shoulders lazily.
"If you do a good enough job, I'll definitely consider it..."
***KID POV***
"I can feel you glaring at me. Either punch me, or spit it out already. It's pissing me off..." I muttered as I lifted my goggles back up to my forehead, turning away from my revolver to focus on my companion instead.
He had been seething all day and night, ever since I had openly voiced my plans for (Y/N). He had already opposed in private, but now that they had been set in stone he was obviously livid.
"You already know the reason. Honestly, punching you sounds like a pretty good idea right about now." Killer muttered, his bitter tone only slightly muffled by his helmet.
"She agreed to it. If she'd refused, we would've thought of another way. What more to it is there?" I replied, sick and tired of his bitching.
I had known the blond long enough to be able to tell what expressions he was making without actually seeing them, and I knew for a fact he had just rolled his eyes at me.
"If she wasn't here, we would've just stormed the place without a second thought. Why can't we just do that? Or is this just another one of your chauvinistic proove your worth games?"
I'm not chauvinistic...
I hated getting angry with my friend, but Killer had me grinding my teeth, trying not to snap.
"If she's gonna be on this crew, she's gotta pull her damn weight! She's hardly good at anything else, so I'll make use of what she can do!" I bit back, standing up as he advanced a few steps.
"So it is a game! God, you're still not over her nearly stealing a few bits and pieces, so you're ready to makes things more complicated for all of us, and throw her to the wolves?! If we're late by even a few minutes, she could be-"
"We won't be late! How many times do I have to go over this with you?!" My stool crashed to the floor when I moved, but I refrained from getting too close. I knew my temper, and I didn't want to take it all out on my closest friend.
Throwing his hands up in the air, Killer paced back and forth a few times, making gestures in front of himself.
"There's a little thing called unforeseen circumstances, Kid. You ever heard of those? We can't see the future! Hell, we got this info from a tavern for crying out loud!"
Calm down. Don't hit him. He has a point.
"She agreed to it! Take it up with her if you're so against it, Killer!" I barked, swinging my arm to point up the stairs, where the woman in question was most likely asleep.
"She agreed because she's young, stupid, and wants to prove herself to you! That, or she's still scared of us after what we did to her!"
She's not still scared of me...I don't think she was ever actually scared of me to begin with...
Turning on my heel, I stalked back to my bench and hunched over it, trying to stop myself from losing what dregs were left of my cool.
"I promised I wouldn't let anything happen to her, and I won't! Drop it, Killer! She's known me for what? A month, and she trusts me! You've known me my whole life and you're saying you don't?!"
Killer went quiet for a few moments, and I waited for him to continue his arguing, but instead I heard the heavy clack of his boots against wood as he started back towards the door.
"I'll always be on your side, Kid, but if she gets hurt, it's all gonna be on you. Really think about if this plan is actually worth risking that..."
***Like, Kid, bruh, my dude, just charge in and go feral like you always do. It's hot. And efficient.
I got a lil flippy Killer today and he's so small and flippy and I love he.
Without his blades he kinda looks like he's getting messed up by Vecna though.
Not sure if I'll get any more chapters out until next week, because I have three straight days of work, then a convention to go to. I'll see what I can do.
Next Time: Screw You***
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