CHAPTER FORTY FOUR: Farewell, Water 7
My entire body hurt like crazy.
Sure, finally crossing the line and having sex with Eustass Kid was a dream come true, but the sheer size difference between us had come at a cost.
By the time we had woken up on Scrap Island, it was mid-morning, so we were now slowly making our way back to Galley-La Headquarters, my exhausted form hidden between Kid's coat and his warm, broad back.
"How you holdin' up?" He asked me quietly, his thumbs rubbing my legs where he held them so I wouldn't fall off.
"Mmm...Sore..." I admitted, squishing my cheek into his nape. "You're too damn big for your own good..."
Bumping his head back into the top of mine, Kid uttered a small laugh, continuing to follow the path of the canals.
"All the more reason to do that more often, so you get used to it."
Rest in peace, cervix.
I was about to complain, or suggest that maybe we could find a workaround so I wouldn't end up out of commission every time, when something screeched to a halt beside us in the water, splashing Kid up to the hip.
It was Titus, and on the boat upon his back sat Killer, frantically waving for us to climb aboard.
"Where the hell have you two been?! We need to go, now! Shit hit the fan!"
Without hesitation, Kid climbed aboard and set me down beside him in the back of the Yagara boat. Killer wasted no time in directing Titus to start off again, and we began zooming down the canals.
"Alright, what's the run down?" The redhead asked, still keeping one side of his coat around me. Killer didn't turn to look at us, and I couldn't blame him. He wasn't stupid. Why else would Kid and I have been unaccounted for last night?
"Ship's ready, but (Y/N)'s parents have pulled out all the stops to try and find her. Apparently that bastard you had dinner with the other night suddenly remembered your face. The Navy is enroute. If we don't get out of here now it's gonna be a shit show."
I knew it was only a matter of time before Timbley recognised me!
Wriggling out from the protection of Kid's coat, I shifted up closer to Killer.
"Wait, so we have to leave?! Right now?! I can't even say goodbye to anyone?!" I began to panic at the thought. There was no way I'd be able to tear myself away from my brother without having the chance to speak to him.
"We have to leave, but they're all waiting for us down at the port. Some people called the Franky Family are trying to keep your parents and that Marine family distracted while we make our getaway." Killer explained, leaning along with the boat as we rounded a corner.
I caught myself on his shoulder as I sighed in relief. At least I wouldn't have to skip town without saying my farewells.
"Sorry, guys...I cause a lot of trouble, huh?" I apologised, feeling bad for all of my family drama.
"You think we ain't used to trouble?" Kid scoffed, pulling me back down to sit as his side. "This is nothin'." I knew he was right, but it was still a pain. I had wanted to stay in Water 7 just a little longer.
It didn't take us long to reach the dock, and once I was out of the boat I turned to give Titus a hug around the neck, feeling him nibble at my hair.
"You be good, buddy! I'll miss you!"
Titus nickered and nuzzled at me before zipping off, likely back to the Yagura stables, and I hurried to find Paulie in the busy mass of people. It seemed like many of the Galley-La workers had come to bring the ship and see us off.
The Victoria Punk herself looked as good as new, large and mighty upon the water. There were new cannon holes lining her sides, and steel reinforcements on the masts. I was sure there was plenty more internal and structural work I couldn't see at first glance, too.
"(Y/N)! Oi, over here!" Paulie saw me first, and he called me over, both Kid and Killer following behind me. I rushed to where he was standing, Iceberg along with him. "Where the hell were you?!"
Scooping Tyrannosaurus out of Iceberg's pocket, I booped my nose to his, avoiding eye contact with my brother.
"Getting my guts rearranged inside a shipwreck. What about you?"
Paulie clicked his tongue, flicking me in the earlobe.
"Save the jokes. We don't have much time to get you guys out of here before the Navy shows up, or worse. Ma and Pa."
Yeah, that wasn't a joke, bro.
"Before anything else..." My brother crossed his arms over his chest and stepped in front of both Kid and Killer, and I found it almost laughable that he was trying to intimidate them. "I don't like you, Eustass. Killer, I'm not too keen on you either, but at least you seem like a decent man. If either of you let her get hurt, I'll be coming after you."
It was obvious Kid found the threat amusing, but for once he didn't say anything snarky. He just nodded, allowing Killer to take the lead with spoken words.
"You have our word. We'll take care of her."
Paulie hummed, sceptical, as always, then, much to my surprise, held his hand out in offering to Kid.
"You, especially. I don't trust you, but she swear it. Look after her. Don't hurt her."
Kid stared at his hand for a few moments before seizing it in his own, his strength taking Paulie aback a little.
"I swear it. Man to man." He spoke firmly, and it seemed to be enough to somewhat satisfy my brother.
"Ayooooooo! They're on the move! On my tail! Get a move on!" Careening down the path came a familiar face. It was Zambai, a member of the Franky Family I had known quite well.
Shit! So soon?!
"Meet you on the ship. Be quick." Kid patted my shoulder before he took off with Killer, leaving me to do something that I really didn't want to do. Say goodbye.
I turned to hug Iceberg first, allowing Tyrannosaurus to climb back into his pinstriped pocket.
"I'm really sorry about all the crap this has caused, Icey! You're awesome and I love you and I'll miss you!"
The man petted my head softly, his other arm rubbing my back.
"Don't apologise. We needed some chaos around here. It's been too quiet since both you and Franky left. Don't be a stranger, okay?"
It was hard enough not getting emotional when I pulled away from him, but once I came face to face with my older brother, I couldn't hold it all in anymore.
Tears began to stream down my face when I launched myself into his arms, and Paulie held me as close as humanly possible, lifting me from the ground.
"Y..You be good, okay? Quit getting yourself into trouble, a..and be safe! For the love of god, be safe..."
I nodded against his neck, feeling him try to keep his sobs from wracking his body. I didn't want to leave him behind, but I knew I had to. Water 7 was where Paulie belonged. It didn't suffocate him like it had done me.
"I love you so so so so so much, Pauls..! I'll be safe..! Y..You better get a girlfriend, o..or a boyfriend, and have a bunch of little shipwright babies, y'hear me..?!" I whimpered, trying not to wipe my snotty nose on his jacket. "I'll call you ever chance I get! I promise..!"
I could tell he didn't want to let me go, and part of me didn't want him to, but I knew it had to happen. Especially when I heard that high pitched voice I dreaded screeching in the distance.
"WHAT ON EARTH DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING, YOUNG LADY?! COME HERE THIS INSTANT!" My mother was the first to round the corner, both my father and Timbley close behind her, and Paulie pushed me off and away after pressing a kiss to my cheek.
"G..Go on..! Get out of here, you little shit..!" He yelled, wiping at his eyes with the back of his hand. Taking one last look, I began to sprint away, but quickly skidded to a halt and backtracked. "What the hell are you doing?!"
Skidding to a halt in front of Iceberg, jogging on the spot, I smirked through my tears.
"I almost forgot." With a quick wind up, I slammed my hand hard against his ass, not giving him or Paulie a chance to react before I dashed off again.
"(Y/N), YOU IDIOT!" Paulie yelled after me while Iceberg just laughed. Just the farewell I had needed. The Victoria Punk was already pulling away from the dock, the crew onboard and lining the rails.
"(FULL NAME), DON'T YOU DARE TRY TO GET ON THAT SHIP!" My father screamed out at me, yelping when Paulie stepped in front of him, forcing him to a stop.
"She can make her own decisions. Just give it up."
I sprinted as fast as I could towards the edge of the dock, lifting the front of my shirt to reveal my belt buckle.
"Kid! A little help?!" I called out, knowing that he had already planned on doing exactly what I was asking for.
I could see his smirk from where I was, proud and devilish as he held out his hand.
"Attract!" Somehow, I managed to keep myself upright as I flew through the air towards him, laughing when he caught me against his chest and set me down by his side.
"I KNEW I RECOGNISED YOU! I KNEW IT! YOU'RE A CRIMINAL!" I turned to find Timbley skidding to a halt at the water's edge, alongside my mother, who was screeching some kind of nonsense I couldn't comprehend.
Leaning far over the railing, Killer quickly grabbing hold of my waist so I wouldn't fall overboard, I cupped a hand to my mouth.
A little ways down from them, I could see Paulie waving to me, his forearm partially over his eyes, which set me off in a bout of tears again. I continued to wave, even as I was pulled down from the railing, and I felt Kid's hand on my shoulder.
This sucks...but...
As much as I knew I would miss my brother, and Iceberg, and the other things I loved about Water 7, I knew I belonged on the sea. Beside Kid, Killer, Heat, Wire, and everybody else in my crew. My family.
Sucking in a deep breath, trying not to choke on my own bitter-sweet sobs, I cupped my hands around my mouth once last time before we were out of earshot.
***We finally slapped the juicy Iceberg cake.
I got sick again. Second time in a month, and I'm pissed. That's what happens when 3 separate grown men sneeze in your face in retail, I guess...
Next Time: Perfect For You***
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