CHAPTER FIVE: Prove Your Worth
***(Y/N) POV***
"I'm blind. No, like, for real, man. I can't see. It's too bright."
I squinted as some guy with the most incredible legs I had ever seen, also known as Wire, nudged me further out onto the deck. The sun was a sight for sore eyes, literally, but at least it was warm.
"Deal with it." Wire replied with a huff, though he still guided me so I wouldn't trip and fall flat on my face. Once my eyes started to adjust, I could see the hulking blob which was no doubt Eustass Kid.
Well, at least I had a good run. Wish I'd stolen some fancier crap, but oh well. Goodbye, Paulie. Goodbye, Iceberg. Goodbye anybody else who gave a damn.
"It's your lucky day, you sneaky little bitch." Kid addressed me, a smirk stretching his painted lips. "I've decided you're gonna work off your life sentence. Aren't I the nicest?"
I had been expecting some screaming, a few punches, maybe a little stabbing, so his announcement really took me off guard.
"I, uh, wouldn't say nice, but I'm listening, Chief." I replied, hoarse from lack of water and basic human necessities.
His smirk dropped instantly, and I could tell he wanted nothing more than to kick my sorry ass into the ocean. Now that I was seeing him in the daylight, I found him to be far less intimidating than I had initially thought.
Sure, he was big, and obviously mean, but not terrifying. He had a kind of steampunk rockstar wannabe vibe about him, but it worked. Lizard print pants, motorcycle boots, slim bandolier, not the peak of fashion, but it suited him. I wanted to ask him when his eyebrows were due to return from war, but decided that probably wasn't going to help me in any way.
"We'll be reaching a mountain town by sunset. There's a significant Navy base situated in said town, which'll have a nice big cache of weapons." Kid went on to explain, beginning to pace as he spoke, rolling his hand as gesture. "I want you to get me the keys. You do that, I won't shove a wrench down your throat and rip it out your baby maker."
Yikes. Not my poor baby maker.
On any other day, that would have been a piece of cake, and I would've been happy to oblige in return for my life, but as I held up my useless wrist I tried to show him exactly why it was less than ideal.
"Listen, Kiddo, I wanna help you. I really do, but this is gonna make things a little difficult. Sure, I could still pull it off if I had the right equipment, but all my disguises and crap are back where you lifted me from." Motioning to myself, clad in Killer's dirty, spotted shirt and my ripped pants, I raised a brow. "Would you trust somebody dressed like they just escaped Impel Down?"
Pulling back his lip, Kid went to say something, but Killer stepped forward to diffuse before he had the chance.
"You're not exactly in any place to refuse, girl. If you're as good as your bounty claims you are, then it shouldn't be a problem. We can always throw you into something else to make you look less suspicious."
Glancing around at the Kid Pirates surrounding us, I very nearly scoffed. In what way could they expect to make me look less suspicious when they all looked like they'd crawled out from the heavy metal underground?
Returning my eyes to Kid's, unwavering and direct, I nodded once, despite my reservations.
"Alright. I guess it sounds better than being violated to death. I know I'm not exactly in any position to make demands, but if I do this, is there any chance you'd give me back my snail? It's the only thing I really care about."
In hindsight, I probably shouldn't have told him that, watching a wicked grin spread across his face. Digging into his pocket, he pulled out my Paulie look-alike, tossing it up and down in his hand, teasing me.
"You mean this ugly piece of shit? I think I'll keep ahold of it for a while. If you do what I tell you to, maybe I'll let you use it every one in a while?"
Fair enough. He probably expects me to try and make a break for it once I get it back, so I can't exactly blame him.
Nodding my head in agreement, I felt nervous watching the way he manhandled my poor transponder snail, shifting from foot to foot.
"Once you do the job, we won't withhold food or water anymore. You can work your way up the chain." Killer explained, not letting on that both he and Heat had already broken that streak.
"If, not when. I still reckon you want to fuck her, considering how badly you seem to wanna keep her alive." Kid jabbed his companion in the side, barely budging him.
"If I let him, would I get food quicker?" I piped up, earning more than a few incredulous stares. "I'm kidding. Yeesh..."
Fed up with my existence, Kid turned to walk away, waving off over his shoulder.
"You lot get the bitch sorted. I'll be in the shop." A heavy hand nudged me into step, and I allowed Wire to lead me up to what appeared to be the infirmary, Killer and Mosh in tow.
I was sat down upon the black leather examination table bed thingy they had. I didn't know the word for it, and I was pretty sure whatever brain-dead idiot who wrote my life hadn't a clue either.
"We'll fix your wrist up before anything. Wire'll at least wrap it, for now."
The hooded man with the scrumptious legs reached for me, but I pulled back, shaking my head.
"Actually, leave it, for now. I have an idea on how to use it for Kiddo's stupid mission." I announced, even though I wanted it sorted as soon as possible.
Shrugging his shoulders, Killer turned to Mosh and motioned to the door.
"Go and scrounge up some clothes that could fit her." Sighing, Mosh shot me a dirty look before doing as he was told. He was no doubt still mad about me sneaking past him and onto the ship. It wasn't my fault he wasn't doing his job properly.
"What's your plan? I can't see you doing much with a broken bone." Wire asked, leaning back in his seat, one leg crossing over the other. I never really had anybody to discuss my ideas with, so the fact that somebody was interested made me kind of excited.
"Well! The Navy are supposed to be public servants, right? Justice and do good, yadda yadda yadda. If a poor, defenceless woman shows up crying on their doorstep in the middle of the night, all torn up and injured, what'll they do..?" I pointed to Killer, who remained silent, then turned my finger to Wire.
"Bring her inside?" He answered, and I snapped my fingers, thumb sticking up after in approval.
"Exactly, my man! All I need is a decent sob story, and they'll be eating right out of my hand!"
Tinkering with the handle of the medicine cabinet, Killer scoffed at me, unconvinced.
"I can't see that working out for you. From experience, I know you're annoying, and not very good at convincing people."
Hand to my chest, I gasped in great offence. Did he really just say that? To me?
"I'll have you know, I'm an exceptional actress! You all thought I was a guy before my brother outed me!" Standing up, I started poking my finger towards his chest, finding it amusing when he took a step back for each one I took forward. "How can you say that I'm not very good when you hardly even kno-Fuck..!"
Doubling over, I clutched my broken wrist to my chest, squeezing my eyes shut tight. Hearing the scuffing of shoes growing closer, I felt my cheeks grow wet, flinching when a large set of hands lifted me up.
"See? I told you...Just like I expected, you're all talk." Killer sighed, carrying me back to the bed and sitting me down in a surprisingly gentle manner. Turning to face him, tears streaming down my face, soaking the collar of the shirt I had borrowed, I pulled in a stuttered breath.
"I..I told you..." Lurching forward, I clung to his shirt, his hands hovering awkwardly over my back before I looked up into his helmet, grinning widely. "I'm an exceptional actress." All was silent for a few moments, and I couldn't contain my laughter.
That wasn't even my best work.
"You really are a sneaky little bitch..." Wire muttered, slumping back in his seat and looking at me as though I'd grown a second head.
"That she is..." Killer agreed with a slight huff, yanking me off of his body by the scruff and setting me back where he had originally put me.
"Hah! If you two fell for that average act, then this'll be as easy as...I dunno, something easy. My brain isn't working because I'm dehydrated as hell." I wheezed, trailing into a coughing fit that proved I wasn't kidding.
"I'll get you some water. Damn, I already regret saving your ass..." Killer shook his head as he headed towards the door, and through watery eyes I leaned to watch him go.
"Don't worry! You'll regret it a lot more later!"
***I've been making too many crackhead readers lately. Don't worry, she'll tone it down later. She loses braincells when she's nervous.
Fun fact, this was originally going to be a Killer x Reader but I changed my mind last minute. I'm gonna have a lot more Kid stuff very soon xD
Next Time: Poor Thing***
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