Chapter 30: Sky Ring and Orphanage
After seeing Alex and Lexi's sweet moments in Aulani, Kairi pondered on where she and Jaguar will go on their vacation in her home country of Japan. Their plane landed, and they walked out of the airport.
Kairi: Jaguar, what are we doing here in Japan? This isn't a vacation if I'm home.
Jaguar: *growls* (I think it's time to show you where I trained)
Kairi's eyes widened and a smile grew on her face.
Kairi: oh yes, I want to know where you trained.
The two took a cab and they stopped at the base of Mount Fuji. Then Jaguar pointed at a tower.
Jaguar: *growls* (you see that tower? That's where King trained me, and in there is a sky ring)
Kairi: sky ring?
Jaguar: *growls* (just think of it like the glass floor from the CN Tower in Toronto)
Kairi: ah okay, let's go
The two proceeded to climb the volcano, and made it to the tower. Jaguar proceeded to knock on the door. The door opened and it was Jaguar's mentor King.
Jaguar: *growls* (so good to see you again, master)
King: *growls* (so glad to see you too, come in)
Jaguar and Kairi walked into the dojo. Kairi looked around and saw pictures of King when he won matches during his career. She saw the championship belt King held with pride. Then she saw the jaguar mask which was wore by the first King.
King: *growls* (so what brings you two here?)
Jaguar: *growls* (Kairi and I are given vacation time)
King: *growls* (alright, you want to show Kairi the sky ring?)
Kairi: that's the one thing I want to see, King
King led Jaguar and Kairi to the sky ring. Kairi was in awe from the surroundings and view.
King: *growls* (Jaguar, I forgot to tell you, but Armor King will be visiting the dojo)
Jaguar: *growls* (why is he coming here?)
King: *growls* (I told him a lot about you; he seems impressed and he really wants to meet you)
Jaguar: *growls* (I look forward to meet him)
Jaguar and King turned to look at Kairi taking selfies while admiring the view. King put his hand on Jaguar's shoulder
King: *growls* (don't let her go, man)
Jaguar: *growls* (I won't I promise)
Then Jaguar walked up to Kairi and joined her for pictures. Then she posted the pictures on her Instagram with the caption:
@kairisane_wwe: what a view from @JaguarGodWWE's training facility. I love you
It didn't take too long for the comments to pop in.
@beckylynchwwe: is that ring high in the sky?!
@alexio.auditore: that's what I call a view
@Chad_WWE: dude, that's way up there
@alexa_bliss_wwe_: you two look so cute together!
@sashabankswwe: a pirate and her big strong cat
Jaguar: *growls* (Armor King is visiting later)
Kairi: I want to meet him
Jaguar: *growls* (King only told him about me; he didn't mentioned you, but I'll introduce you to him)
Kairi: thank you so much
She kissed Jaguar on the cheek. Then after an hour of going around the dojo; a loud knock was heard on the door. King opened it and at the doorframe was the great Armor King. Jaguar and Kairi were at awe of the man who trained Jaguar's mentor King.
King: *growls* (mentor, it's great to see you again)
Armor King *growls* (it's great to see you, King. Where is this Jaguar God you spoke about?)
King: *growls* (this is him, mentor)
King pointed at Jaguar's direction. Armor King turned and stared at the Aztec Luchador. At the sight of the great Luchador, Jaguar was shaking with nervousness and Kairi was hiding behind him as she was intimidated of Armor King's presence. Then Armor King walked up.
Armor King: *growls* (you must be Jaguar God I presume?)
Jaguar nodded lightly; still feeling nervous and intimidated. Then to his surprise, Armor King held out his hand. Jaguar was confused, he looked at King, then Kairi and then back at Armor King. Then he proceeded to shake his hand.
Armor King: *growls* (it's so nice to finally meet the man who my apprentice trained)
Jaguar felt his nervousness lowered down.
Armor King: *growls* (I've watched your matches in WWE. It seems King here taught you well)
Jaguar: *growls* (my master really taught me)
Armor King: *growls* (I was even more impressed when you defeated him)
King: *growls* (mentor, he got lucky)
Jaguar: *growls* (a win is a win, mentor)
King: *growls* (I'll get you next time, boy)
Then Armor King saw Kairi behind Jaguar still intimidated.
Armor King: *growls* (and who is this lovely lady?)
Kairi came out from hiding, and blushed lightly.
Jaguar: *growls* (Armor King, allow me to introduce you WWE's Pirate Princess and my girlfriend, Kairi Sane)
Kairi: I-it's nice to finally meet you, sir
She stuttered as she held her hand out. Armor King accepted by shaking her hand, but he was shocked.
Armor King: *growls* (girlfriend? King you never had a girlfriend, it seems your apprentice has one up'd you)
King: *growls* (with all due respect, mentor can we not bring it up)
Hearing what Armor King said, Jaguar and Kairi couldn't hold back their laughter. King however was not amused. Armor King whispered to Jaguar.
Armor King: *growls* (Jaguar, can we talk privately?)
Jaguar: *growls* (sure)
Armor King and Jaguar left Kairi and King and they went to the sky ring to talk.
Armor King: *growls* (you have a beautiful girlfriend there, don't let her go)
Jaguar: *growls* (King told me the same thing, so what do we need to talk about?)
Armor King: *growls* (I believe King has told you that my older brother trained your father, the first King)
Jaguar: *growls* (yes of course)
Armor King: *growls* (and you remember the orphanage, correct?)
Jaguar: *growls* (of course, my matches in WWE earned me a lot of money in which I gave to the orphanage. Why is there something happening to the orphanage?)
Armor King: *growls* (no, the orphanage is still strong, but the reason I want to talk to you is that you should show Kairi the place. Let her see the story of your father)
Jaguar: *growls* (I see, I will do that)
Armor King patted Jaguar's shoulder and nodded and the two went back inside. King was showing Kairi some of the dojo's relics.
Jaguar: *growls* (babe, I think it's time I have to show you something)
Kairi: what is it babe?
Jaguar: *growls* (I'll show you, but we have to go)
Armor King was surprised of the couple's sweetness. He turned to King and under his mask he had a teasing grin.
Armor King: *growls* (babe)
King: *growls* (never speak of it)
Then Jaguar and Kairi talked to the two masked legends.
Jaguar: *growls* (we have to go now; it's great seeing you again mentor, and great meeting you Armor King)
Kairi: it's nice meeting you, Armor King
Armor King: *growls* (it's a pleasure meeting you, Jaguar and Kairi)
King: *growls* (come back soon)
The couple left the dojo, rode a cab to the airport and jumped on the next plane
(12 hours later)
Pilot: welcome to Mexico, please stay in your seats as the plane will come to a complete halt.
Jaguar and Kairi were both jet lagged from the trip, so they stayed at a hotel in Jaguar's hometown of Veracruz.
(8 hours later)
Jaguar and Kairi were walking around until the Aztec Luchador saw a familiar building.
Jaguar: *growls* (Kairi I have to show you something, let's go)
Jaguar took Kairi's hand and they walked to the direction of the building. A few minutes later they were there. Kairi was confused.
Kairi: babe, what is this place?
Jaguar held Kairi's hands.
Jaguar: *growls* (this is the orphanage built by my father the first King)
Kairi's mouth hung open. The two went inside and they were greeted by the children and the caretakers. Kairi's smile widened at the sight of the kids.
Jaguar: *it seems the orphanage is doing really well
Child: all thanks to you Jaguar; you're working for the biggest wrestling promotion in the world.
Jaguar: *growls* (oh everybody, this is Kairi my girlfriend)
The children and caretakers chanted with "oohh" in a teasing way making Kairi slapped Jaguar playfully.
Jaguar: *growls* (children, go on and play, I have to talk with Kairi)
The children left, and Jaguar guided Kairi to a room which is a shrine dedicated to the first King.
Jaguar: *growls* (King II told me that this was once my father's study)
He showed Kairi around the room with pictures from his days as a wrestler to a display case containing his father's jaguar mask. After that Jaguar took Kairi to a secluded park not too far from the orphanage.
Kairi: it was great seeing what your father has done.
Jaguar: *growls* (yeah, even though I never met him; I'm proud of what he did)
Kairi: you're living on your father's legacy.
Then Jaguar confessed.
Jaguar: *growls* (I love you so much Kairi)
Kairi: I love you too, Jaguar
Jaguar: *growls* (I think it's time now)
Kairi: time for what?
Jaguar put his hands on the sides of his mask and attempted to remove it, but only to be stopped by Kairi's hands on his.
Kairi: what are you doing, Jaguar?
Jaguar: *growls* (just trust me)
Kairi took her hands off and Jaguar proceeded to remove his mask. Under the mask was a handsome young man. Kairi tearfully smiled.
Jaguar: this is who I am, Kairi.
Kairi was shocked in seeing her lover's true face. She put her hands on his cheeks and hugged him tight.
Kairi: with the mask you're so strong; without it you're so handsome.
Jaguar: you complete my life, Kairi
Kairi heavily blushed and the two finally locked lips sharing a passionate kiss.
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