Chapter 29: Aulani
Thanks to all of their hard work; Vince McMahon has allowed the seven to have some vacation leave. Unbeknownst to Lexi, Alex has booked reservations to Aulani, a Walt Disney resort and spa in Hawaii, and Alex knows how Lexi really loves anything Disney related. After the two ate at Starbucks for lunch, they were walking at a park; Lexi asked Alex a question.
Alexa: so babe; where are we going for our vacation?
Alex: I'll tell you, but you have to close your eyes.
Lexi pulled the cute grumpy face on him
Alexa: you're always teasing me
Alex: come on close them
She closed her eyes, and Alex took out the Aulani brochure
Alex: okay you can open them now
Lexi opened her eyes and she gave an excited look
Alexa: were going to Aulani?!
Alex nodded
Alex: I was surprised that there was a Disney resort and spa.
Lexi hugged Alex tightly and she assaulted his face with her lips
Alexa: you have no idea how much I wanted to go to Aulani
Alex: well by your assault on my face, I can tell.
Lexi giggled
Alex: to make you happy; I've already booked reservations for us.
Lexi's eyes widened and she resumed her assault on the Pinoy Prince's face.
Alex: oh not again, but I really enjoy it
After she finished she asked
Alexa: so when are we going?
Alex: hold on; give me a sec to catch my breath.
Alex breathed heavily as Lexi laughed. Then he answered
Alex: we're going in two days
Lexi jumped and hugged Alex tightly
Alexa: I love you so much
Alex: I know, but we should get back and pack up
(Back at the hotel)
The Pinoy Prince and the Goddess were packing their bags for their trip to Aulani the next day. Out of the two though, Lexi was packing her bag faster than the speed of light. Alex looked on and smirked.
Alex: well look who's excited
Lexi chuckled
Alexa: I'm just so excited
Alex: we have two days you know
Alexa: you don't want to get in between me and Disney
Alex shook his head, and the two continued to pack.
Alex: I wonder where Jaguar and Chad will be going for their vacation
Alexa: knowing those two; they will make Kairi, Sasha and Becky have a good time
Alex: well since we have two days; what do you want to do now?
Lexi looked at Alex with a devilish grin. Then she had her hands on his cheeks and started to make out with him. Obviously it caught Alex off guard, but he knows how much he loves Lexi, so he kissed her back with his hands on her back. They pulled back and had smiles on their faces.
Alexa: let's take this session to the couch.
She said in a flirtatious voice, and Alex nodded in agreement. They continued their make out session on the couch with Lexi sitting on Alex's lap.
Alex: you made me so happy Lexi
Lexi heavily blushed as she continues to peck kisses to his face
Alexa: you complete me, Alex
Alex tearfully smiled as he kissed Lexi on her forehead. They continued their session. Lexi had one hand on Alex's cheek and the other brushing his hair. Then gravity soon hammered the final nail, Lexi was lying on top Alex. Even though their hotel room is cold due to the air conditioning they felt warm in each other's arms. Their make out session got heated, and after half an hour of kissing; they pulled back heavily sweating and breathing hard. Lexi was blushing heavily and Alex was smiling from ear to ear.
Alex: we done it better than Fifty Shades of Grey
Alexa: yeah, but I respect your PG mind, so I don't want it get too heated
Alex: well even though I'm the one with the clean mind; I really enjoyed our session.
Lexi heavily blushed and she put her hands on his cheeks
Alexa: there will plenty more of that when we go to Aulani
She said as she pecks his cheek with a light kiss. Alex blushed
(Two days later)
Alex and Lexi's plane landed in Hawaii, and they took a cab to Aulani. No one was more excited than Lexi; she kept bouncing up and down like Eddie Gurrerro in his low rider. Alex looked at her with a smile.
Alex: I swear you act like a child sometimes
Alexa: I'm a kid at heart
Alex: I can't argue with that
The cab stopped in front of the resort, and the two got out and stood in front of the resort. They were at awe of the size.
Alex: shall we go, babe?
Alexa: yes, babe
The two went inside and Alex walked up to the receptionist while Lexi sat down on a sofa.
Alex: hi, I have a reservation for two under the name Alex Auditore
Receptionist: Auditore, ahh yes your name is on the list. Here's your keycard. Do you need anything else?
Alex: yes, another keycard for my girlfriend there.
He pointed at Lexi.
Receptionist: okay, here's another keycard. Have a nice day
Alex: thank you
Alex walked back to Lexi
Alex: here babe, this is your keycard
Alexa: thanks babe, so do we have our own rooms?
Alex: nope, we'll be sharing one room together
Lexi blushed and hugged Alex tightly. Then the two went up the elevator and to their room. They opened it and they were amazed.
Alexa: I think I've died and gone to heaven
Their room was decorated with Disney related furniture. Everything from the carpet to the couch and the bed was decorated with Disney. The two settled in and unpacked their bags.
(The next day)
The two were out enjoying the Disney theme park and resort. Lexi's inner child instantly came out. The two went around swimming and going on the slides. They were having the time of their lives together. After they swam, the two went to the lunch buffet and ate a lot of exotic food. After eating they went back to their room and rested. They changed into their casual clothing.
Alex: I'm gonna take a nap
Alexa: you're not the only one
The two instantly fell flat on the bed and took a nap. While Alex was knocked out flat on his back; Lexi made herself comfortable by moving closer towards Alex. She moved his arm and wrapped it around her, and she laid her head o his chest. Alex instantly felt her breath and looked down and smiled at his goddess. Then the two took a nap.
(2 hours later)
They woke up from their nap feeling all refreshed. Alex checked the time and it was 5:30 p.m. Thirty minutes before the restaurant opens for dinner service.
Alex: we have 30 minutes to waste, so what do we do now?
Alexa: let's take some pictures
Alex: let's make the others jealous
The two took pictures together. Lexi took one from the window overlooking the whole water park and resort. She also took pictures of the room. Then their final picture is a repeat of their pose from their beach day with their foreheads pressed against each other with their eyes closed. She then proceeded to post them on Instagram with the caption:
@alexa_bliss_wwe_: I feel like a princess in #Aulani with il mio amore @alexio.auditore.
The pictures instantly got likes and comments from the others:
@JaguarGodWWE: you two are seriously goals
@sashabankswwe: I can't handle this! So cute!
@kairisane_wwe: a strong ship between you two #Unsinkable
@beckylynchwwe: as Finn would say, this is too sweet
@Chad_WWE: don't go all the way lol
Alex: I see you use some Italian lingo
Alexa: I learned from you, and by playing Assassin's Creed
Alex: alright, come on its 6:00 p.m. time for dinner
The two went down to the hotel restaurant and proceeded to eat their food.
(1 hour later)
The two were sitting down and watching TV, and after finishing Monsters University, Lexi turned to Alex.
Alexa: hey babe
Alex: yes?
Alexa: remember our little Fifty Shades of Grey style session we had before we left?
Alex: are we doing it again?
Lexi turned off the TV and looked at Alex while she bit her lower lip.
Alex: I guess that's a yes
Lexi lunged at Alex and planted her lips on his with her hands on his cheek and hair. Alex returned with his hands on her back. Lexi pulled back with a smile on her face.
Alexa: ti amo, Alex
The Pinoy Prince smiled and told the Goddess.
Alex: ti amo anch'io, Lexi
The two resumed their session and it got heated instantly. Alex pulled back to catch his breath.
Alex: since I'm the Pinoy Prince; I think I should teach you some Filipino phrases.
Alexa: tell me one
Alex: mahal kita, Lexi
Alexa: what does that mean?
Alex: it means I love you
Lexi smiled and Alex kissed her forehead. Then they resumed their Fifty Shades session all the way to the bed.
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