Chapter 24: Beach Day part 2 (Jaguar, Chad, Kairi, Sasha, Becky)
The seven drove to the beach, and to their surprise it was not that crowded. They had the beach all to themselves. They got out of their cars and changed into their swimming attires. Alex wore a tank top and swimming shorts, Chad was wearing the same thing as Alex, and Jaguar wore shorts that matched the color of his wrestling attire which is blue and gold. Lexi wore a sports bra and shorts like she promised Alex and the rest of the girls wore a two piece swimsuit which causes Alex to cover up his eyes drawing some laughs from his brothers.
Chad: dude, Lexi is right, you're like HBK
Jaguar: *growls* (hey someone at least have a clean mind unlike you Chad)
Chad: whatever
Alexa: babe it's okay, just look at me not them. We'll relocate to another spot for ourselves
Alex: yeah, I rather stare at my adorable girlfriend than the others.
Lexi blushed
Chad: whatever you two go enjoy yourselves
Alex and Lexi walked down the beach to look for a quiet spot. Meanwhile Chad and Jaguar couldn't take their eyes of their respective girlfriends.
Jaguar: *growls* (Kairi looks so cute in her swimsuit)
Chad however was too distracted by his girlfriends. Jaguar took notice and lightly chuckled at the Superstar.
Jaguar: *growls* (Alex is right, you're just like Hunter)
Chad: I know we have a good view from here.
Jaguar: *growls* (whoa okay, don't need to get your Hunter mode on)
Chad chuckled
Jaguar: *growls* (looks like they're having fun)
Then the three girls came.
Sasha: hey, aren't you two gonna go swimming?
Jaguar: *growls* (no thanks, I don't want to get my mask wet)
Becky: I can see that because you're a cat, and cats don't like water
Jaguar gives a thumb up in agreement
Kairi: oh that's okay; I'll just stay with you, Jaguar
Jaguar: *growls* (oh my goodness)
Kairi: you three go enjoy yourselves
As Jaguar and Kairi lay on the chairs to get a sun tan; Chad, Becky and Sasha ran to the ocean water and enjoyed themselves for the rest of the day.
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