Chapter 19: Second Test
The guys drove to the arena for Raw tonight with their beautiful girlfriends. Alex was with Lexi, Jaguar was with Kairi, and Chad was with both Sasha and Becky. Then the seven went to the catering area, and wait for any announcements.
Alex: so Jaguar, Chad how was your first dates?
Jaguar: *growls* (peaceful)
Chad: fun
Alexa: can you two explain it in details?
Kairi: I'm confused.
Jaguar: *growls* (we'll get into details after Alex explained his)
Alex: why do I always have to go first?
Jaguar: *growls* (come on you big wuss, tell us the story)
Lexi held Alex's arm
Alexa: it's okay babe. Tell them the story, for sure they'll be jealous.
Chad: wait did Lexi just call you babe?
Alex: yeah
Jaguar: *growls* (so where did you two went for your first date?)
Alex: Lexi and I went to Disneyland.
Becky: Disneyland?!
Sasha: obvious choice since Lexi loves everything Disney
Kairi: is that where you two share your kiss?
Alexa blushed and nodded. Alex grinned and he had his arm around Lexi. The girls squealed and the guys applauded. Then Alex planted one on Lexi's temple causing her to cover her face with her hands.
Alex: alright enough about us. Jaguar, how was yours and Kairi's first date?
Jaguar: *growls* (it was the best day of my life)
Chad: where did you take her?
Kairi: he took me to this wonderful park and we walked and admired the peaceful scenery.
Chad: not bad Jaguar.
Sasha: Jaguar, did she kiss you?
Kairi blushed heavily and Jaguar growled nervously.
Alexa: did you kiss him Kairi?
The Pirate Princess couldn't answer, so Jaguar took over
Jaguar: *growls* (she kissed me on my cheek)
Alex: hey a kiss is a kiss, so good job amigo
Kairi: and Chad how did you manage with Sasha and Becky?
Chad: well they both agree to share me.
Alex and Jaguar had shocking expressions on their faces.
Becky: there are the reactions from those two
Sasha: I knew those two will react like that
Jaguar shook his head while having his hand on his face.
Alex: wait, how will you two share Chad?
Becky: well Sasha and I agreed to take turns.
Jaguar: *growls* (oh my god)
Alex: will you be okay Chad?
Chad: trust me, I'll be fine
He put his hands around Sasha and Becky. Then they ate and relaxed until the guys were called to Kurt's office.
Alex: oohh, I think this is urgent
Jaguar: *growls* (we'll be back girls)
Chad: wait for us
Then the three walked to Kurt's office.
Kurt: ahh, glad you three made it. Please, take a seat
Alex: so what did you call us for sir?
Chad: is this about the test?
Kurt: well yes. You three did an excellent job in the mixed tag matches. You had perfect chemistry with your female partners, and I noticed that all of you are in relationships.
Jaguar: *growls* (well we got closer to them)
Alex: so sir, is there another test?
Kurt: yes, but this time it's for one on one matches. You can bring your girlfriend to be in your corner.
Chad: alright a test that makes us bring out the best of us.
Alex: so who will be our opponents, sir?
Kurt: well let's just say that the three of you know each of these men well, and you'll find out first, Alex.
Alex: me?
Kurt: your match is in a few minutes, so get ready. You can bring Alexa with you.
Alex: okay, thank you sir
Kurt: no problem. You three can leave.
The guys exited Kurt's office, and Alex went to his locker room and changed to his attire.
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