𐙚 2
Namjoon woke up early the next morning to the harsh blaring of his alarm, groaning and hastily slamming the "stop" button.
He wasn't surprised to see Seokjin still sleeping on his chest, he assumed the boy wouldn't be moving any time soon after looking at his relaxed expression. As much as Namjoon's lonely heart enjoyed the feeling of a warm head on his chest, he knew he had to do something with Jin, he didn't know what he'd do if his parents found out about him.
He still had so many questions. Who was this mystery sender? Did Jin know what was going on? Did he have any thoughts in that cute little head? He reread the letter that arrived in the box with Seokjin, but it didn't provide much information about who the boy was. Namjoon figured the only way he'd find out is if he asked Jin.
Namjoon scratched his neck as he looked down at Jin. His own lips tugged at the corners into a smile as he watched Seokjin sleep so peacefully on his chest. For some reason, it wasn't awkward or uncomfortable. It was... nice. Maybe that was Namjoon's loneliness speaking, maybe he was just so thrilled to have a friend, but he didn't know if this counted as a friend or not.
He didn't have much time to think about what to do with Seokjin because he had to catch the bus in an hour. He awkwardly rolled out from underneath Seokjin, who kept snoozing away. Well, maybe he was sleeping, Namjoon didn't really know.
Namjoon silently got ready for school, standing in nothing but his boxers as he rummaged through his closet for something to wear. Glancing shyly over his shoulder at Jin, he used the closet door to cover his near nudity even though Jin wasn't conscious, a red hue washing over his tanned cheeks.
Despite the weather being warm as it was already May, Namjoon preferred sweatshirts and jeans, so that's exactly what he wore. He pulled on a pair of dark blue baggy jeans and a brown knit sweater, which his mother always teased him about looking like a grandpa, but it made them both smile.
Namjoon brushed his teeth after wolfing down a singular Eggo waffle, quickly combed his hair into its usual perfect golden ratio spiral, then checked his watch. 7:52 AM. He still had 8 minutes, and the realization really hit hard.
What on earth would he do with Seokjin while he was away for hours?
Namjoon felt his knees buckle before he ran to his room. Seokjin was sitting upright in bed already with perfect posture, looking around the place with an air of interest. Namjoon sighed in relief and leaned against the doorframe, his eyes fluttering shut.
"Good, you're awake," he breathed, rushing over to the bed. Seokjin only smiled that cute little c-shaped smile, his head turning with Namjoon's every movement, watching him like a hawk. Except he looked nothing like a hawk, he looked like a little puppy watching the world around him.
Namjoon looked at his watch again, his leg bouncing anxiously. 7:54 AM.
"What do I do with you, oh God..." he hummed, looking around the room as if the solution would be written on the walls.
"I could always stay here with Teddy," Seokjin suggested in a sweet voice, pulling a teacup out from under the pillow. "We can have a tea party."
"Wh- no!" Namjoon spluttered, taking the teacup out of Jin's hand, throwing it back under the pillow. "Where did that even come from?! No, no, you are not having a tea party with Teddy, you can't stay here, you'll get caught."
A part of Namjoon wanted to just leave Jin home in the closet or something, it'd be so easy, but a much bigger part of him said there was no way Seokjin would stay put in his room, he would wander right out. He groaned and checked his watch again. 7:55...
"You're coming with me!" he blurted out. Seokjin didn't even look fazed, he just nodded and set Teddy aside as Namjoon frantically rummaged through his closet once more to find something for Jin to wear. He was a lot less calm that Jin in this situation, thinking of everything that could go wrong with his ridiculous plan of bringing Seokjin to school, but what other choice did he have?
"Here, put this on." Namjoon handed Jin a pair of jeans and a shirt, but the latter just shook his head, eyes closed.
"Mm-mm, I want a dress," he said dreamily, pushing the offered clothing away. Namjoon groaned in frustration, 7:56.
"Seokjin, I don't have a dress," he tried explaining as calmly as possible, putting his hands under Jin's armpits to lift him right off the bed. Seokjin didn't mind, he just allowed it, wrapping his frail arms around Namjoon's neck.
"Please just put it on," Namjoon begged, setting Jin down at the foot of his bed. He tucked the clothes in Seokjin's lap and turned the opposite way so he could change, standing there for a few seconds. Silence. He had to do a doubletake over his shoulder, spluttering once more when he saw Jin just sitting there.
"Wh-what're you doing? Come on now!" He groaned, slowly losing his temper. 7:57...
"No. Gray isn't my color," Seokjin said in the same dreamy tone as before, holding out the gray hoodie in front of him. Namjoon's eye twitched.
"C'mon, you'll look fine in it," he sighed, bouncing his leg and gently snatching the hoodie from Jin's clutches. Seokjin didn't resist as Namjoon pulled the sweater over his head and dress, then reached under the pull his dress off, but he made sure to cover Jin's private parts, still respecting his privacy. It really was just like dressing up a dolly.
"Didn't I tell you you'd look fine?" Namjoon smiled, wrapping his arms under Jin's shoulders and around his back as he lifted him off the bed to stand in front of the mirror. Then he cursed loudly as he glanced out the window to see the bus approaching his driveway. He grabbed his bag and sprinted out of the room, running down the stairs.
Jin didn't follow.
Namjoon noticed.
He facepalmed and ran back upstairs to where Seokjin was standing, looking up at Namjoon through his fluffy bangs.
Namjoon scooped him up under the armpits and ran downstairs.
Panting and wheezing, Namjoon ran onto the bus, huffing out an apology to the grumpy driver. As usual, nobody looked at him.
He sat in his usual front seat behind the driver, finally setting Seokjin down. The boy looked around the bus curiously, his small fingers poking the cheap material of the bus seats, practically drowning in the fabric of Namjoon's clothes due to how much smaller he was than Namjoon. The latter smiled.
"Hey, don't touch that, you don't know what little kids could've sneezed on it," he muttered, gently pulling Jin's hand away from the seat, holding it in both of his own large hands to keep Seokjin from touching anything.
Namjoon needed a plan. Well, he had a plan, his plan was to bring Seokjin to school with him, he was already on the bus with him, but he needed to effectively carry out his plan. He wasn't exactly sure of how much Jin actually listened to him, the boy always seemed to be in his own little world, completely unconcerned about anything around him. Namjoon just hoped it would be easy to get him on board with his plan.
"You're going to act like a student today, got it?" Namjoon whispered, leaning close to Jin's face, feeling little puffs of breath against his skin. But it wasn't warm like most people's breath, it was cold, almost unreal. But Namjoon wasn't even sure if Jin himself was real, so he didn't really think much about it.
The good thing was, Namjoon was never noticed. Not by his teachers, peers, nobody except his parents, who were probably heading to work now, unaware of everything that had happened. He didn't even have to worry about anyone noticing Jin, why would they when he was with Namjoon, the loner of the school?
"You're gonna follow me around all day, I don't want to see you out of my sight for a second." Namjoon's voice dropped to an even quieter whisper as more people boarded the bus. "You're gonna come to my classes, eat lunch with me, and don't talk to anybody. Okay?"
Seokjin simply nodded. Namjoon was suspicious, it was too easy for Jin to agree like that to a plan that could go wrong in so many ways so easily. He had a feeling today would be a long day.
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