dollie jungkook is one of my favorite jungkooks ive ever written if not THE favorite
why did you leave? ):
i had some work
oh ok.. do you have a place to stay?
tae whats wrong ):
nothing . im sure namjoon wouldnt want you texting me anyways
"Hobi's flying in from Singapore tomorrow." Jungkook heard Namjoon say from the other room, and he walked into it, putting his phone in his pocket.
"Hoseok's coming?" Yoongi asked, eyes growing big, and a smile reaching his face. "Haven't seen him for ages. Really missed him. Weird how he never called us or reached out, huh?"
"Yeah.. I think the whole prison thing took a toll on him. It'll be good to have all of us here." Jin said with a smile, and Namjoon smiled as well.
"That's so great! I haven't seen him for ages," Jungkook said, and then looked at Namjoon. "Joon- where's Taehyung?"
Namjoon shrugged, stirring the glass of wine in his hand. Jungkook looked confused. "But- h-he was here and then left suddenly. He's saying he has some work, but I don't know if I believe him.."
"It's doesn't matter, Kook. Come sit with us." Jin said, and Jungkook sat down beside Namjoon.
"But.. can I go see him tonight?" Jungkook asked in a small voice, and then instantly saw all the boys either look confused, angry, tense, or all three.
"Why?" Jin asked, and Jungkook huffed. "We-we're friends.. just wanna talk to him about something-"
"Talk to him about what?" Yoongi asked calmly. Jungkook shrugged. "Just.. stuff. Um- I think he has some of my stuff, actually-"
"Jungkook are you kidding me?" Namjoon snapped, and Jungkook tensed. "It's been, what, 3 years and you're still that naive?"
Jungkook looked at Namjoon with a frown, eyes big in confusion. "I'm not! I just wanted to talk to him.."
"Right. We know you still like him, Jungkook. And he still likes you or whatever. But you're not going back to him. I refuse to let you go back to him after everything he did," Namjoon grumbled, and Jimin sighed.
"Jungkook.. can make his own decisions, I'm sure." Jimin said, and Namjoon sighed, running his hand through his hair in frustration.
"I know he can, Jimin. But after everything Taehyung did? Lied to him, yet still-"
"He didn't lie to me! He just-" Jungkook started, and Namjoon snickered.
"Didn't lie to you?? You're joking, right?" Namjoon said, and Jungkook looked confused. He looked at the other boys, who looked pale, eyes wide. "Did you not tell him?" Namjoon asked, and Jin sighed.
"No. But we might as well now." Jin grumbled, and Namjoon turned to face Jungkook.
"Tell me what?" Jungkook asked, and Namjoon walked closer to him. "Taehyung. He never died."
Jungkook tilted his head. "What?"
"He got shot. He got sent to the hospital. And he died, and you went to America. But he never did die. He never even came close to death. In fact, his doctor clogged up the bullet holes in an instant and reassured him he'd be fine and walking in a week, even less." Namjoon said.
Jungkook froze, eyes wide in confusion. Taehyung... was fine?
"He pretend to die so you'd go away, Kook." Jin said softly, and Jungkook's shoulders tensed. "He knew you wouldn't leave without him any other way."
Jungkook was paused for a while, looking at Jin in disbelief, hesitation. It's like thoughts were flooding into his head, and memories, and bad memories, so many horrible memories.
Memories that wouldn't have existed if Taehyung just trusted him.
"I need to go talk to him." Jungkook said, getting up. Jin grabbed his wrist. "Jungkook you-"
"I said I need to go see him, I don't care about what you guys have to say!" Jungkook snapped, and Jimin stood up, looking at Jungkook.
"I'll drop you." Jimin said, and Namjoon scoffed and pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance.
Taehyung closed the door of the brand new small apartment that frankly, he didn't think he'd have to come to. Yoongi and Jimin told him he could stay with them in the new house, and Taehyung just wanted to be with Jungkook so he agreed.
He expected him to be sleeping in Jungkook's bed, arms wrapped around the smaller boy who would babble about the day and something cute, with his small fingers dancing down Taehyung's chest.
But instead he's stuck in a small apartment, alone. Just like the past 8 years of his life.
He was so fucking tired of this. Of this life where it seemed like he got absolutely nothing. He hates to be selfish, but he couldn't help but think about himself sometimes.
Giving love was great, but he wishes he got some in return. Just because he's strong, doesn't mean he's not weak inside.
Taehyung moved through the boxes scattered around the house, having no motivation to clean it up. He walked into his bedroom, more cardboard boxes splayed out, and fell onto his bed, just wanting to sleep the night away.
He saw a smaller cardboard box on his bed, and sat up, wanting to look at what was inside. He reached in, and took out a photograph. The one of him and Jungkook. He smiled at that, and then placed it onto the bed.
He took out some keys, some stuff he kept in the random desk in his bedroom back in New York. He took out some papers, some bills he had to pay and stuff. He skimmed through the letters, and then found the one Namjoon wrote to Jungkook. He threw it to the side, and beneath it, saw another letter.
To Jeon Jungkook.
Taehyung frowned. He thought people didn't know his full name back there.. no one except Chris did, at least that's what Jungkook told him.
Taehyung didn't know if he should be looking through Jungkook's stuff, but curiosity got the better of him and he turned the letter around.
Chicago was the first word he read. Why was Jungkook getting a letter from Chicago?
But then he continued reading. Jennifer Ito, it read. Must be Japanese.
But then, Taehyung's eyebrows furrowed.
Dunning Mental Asylum. What?
"I'm not fucking doing this Mark, it's not just today- he's been like for two fucking weeks!" A woman's voice yelled from the living room.
"I know-" A voice was heard from the speaker phone the woman was holding. "Please, we can't bring him back to Korea, you know that. Can't you just-"
"Shut up, Mark. I know I'm your sister, but you told me he was fine! Able minded! Not a fucking annoying kid who acts like- like this!" The woman continued.
"He's lost a lot, he's just going through a rough time-" Mark on the other line of the phone tried, but Mark's sister, Hannah, groaned aloud. "Yeah, well I have a job and I can't keep taking care of him all the time. I'm sorry." Hannah grumbled, and then cut the call.
Hannah placed the phone down, and then walked down the living room and looked at the bathroom door. She took a deep breath, and then knocked her fist on the door several times. "Jungkook come out. You've been in there an hour."
Nothing. No response. Hannah groaned. "Not again," She grumbled, ans then grabbed the door handle and pushed the door open.
She saw the black haired boy, the frail small boy who was practically skin and bones, laying in the tub, water seeping into the floorboard. He was naked, looking ahead, and Hannah could see his lips moving slightly.
"Jungkook," She started with a sigh, rushing to the tub and turning the water off. The water was freezing cold, and Jungkook was still looking ahead of him, eyes glassy, not blinking once as he continued.
"My love," left Jungkook's lips in a whisper barely hearable. "My love, my love, my love, my Tae-Taehyung, Taehyung," Jungkook continued, and Hannah reached into the tub, picking up the nude boy from the bathtub and placed him onto the floor.
She grabbed a towel quickly and wrapped it around the shaking boy, water falling onto his face from his hair. "Taehyung- Taehyung said he was fine. Fine. Good. Alive. Alive. Said he was alive. Said he was alive. He's alive." Jungkook continued whispering to himself, staring into space.
"God fucking dammit Jungkook, snap out of it!" She snapped, and then picked him up by tucking her hands under his knees and back, and then took him out of the bathroom.
"Don't touch me-" Jungkook started, and then he began crying, screaming, rather. "Don't touch me!" He screamed, and she placed him onto the couch. "Don't fucking touch me! Please! P-please- let me go!" He screamed, and then turned to the side, head burrowed into a pillow, shaking.
She took out her phone, which was ringing, and pressed it to her ear. "Yes... yes. He's here. Okay, great. See you." She said, and then cut the call. She walked into the room she gave Jungkook, and then stopped.
Glass was shattered everywhere, blood droplets on the ground, teddy bears and dolls scattered on the bed. "Jungkook- god, Jungkook, how the fuck am I supposed to deal with this? What do you want me to do??" She let out to herself.
She shook her head and walked to pick up some clothes, and then back back to him, and saw him scratching over the knife cut on his arm. Scratching on it until blood started pouring out of it.
"I told you not to do that!" She snapped, and Jungkook only continued, so she rushed over and reached his hands away. She grabbed a shirt and then pulled it over his head, and then took some pajamas and pulled it up his legs. "Fucking nuisance."
Jungkook giggled, staring towards the balcony door. "Let him in."
She looked at him confused, and then turned to face the balcony door. Jungkook pointed up at the balcony. "Look. Taehyung's outside. Taehyung!" Jungkook called, and she sighed to herself, getting up and walking out of the room.
"Taehyung!" Jungkook called out, and then frowned to himself, tears reaching his eyes. "Taehyung," He cried out, and then brought his fingernails to the scratch on his arm again. "Taehyung!" He started crying.
He stayed there for another half hour, just calling out Taehyung's name while sitting on the couch.
And then he heard some voices from outside and turned his head to face it. "Namjoon?" He whispered to himself, and then saw Hannah walk in.
"There he is." Hannah said, and then Jungkook saw some men walk in, both wearing white shirts and black trousers.
"Do you want us to anesthetize him?" One of the men asked, and Hannah sighed. "I don't care. Just take him away. He needs help."
Jungkook looked at them with emotionless eyes, and then one of the men walked up to him, and it caused Jungkook to move back, fear invading his body. "No.." he left out, but then he felt one of the men reach forward and bound his hands together.
"No!" He screamed, and they took a mouth mask and put it over his lips, so he couldn't scream anymore.
"Ma'am you said he keeps attempting suicide and breaking glass objects, yes?" One of the men asked, and Hannah nodded.
"Yes. He keeps seeing people who are dead and hasn't eaten for 4 days." Hannah said in annoyance, and then Jungkook looked at them frightfully and one of the men picked him up, throwing him over their shoulder.
"Thank you. We will call you. You know where to see him." The man said, and Hannah nodded.
The men took Jungkook out the door of the apartment, and then took him outside the building, and then he was pushing into a car.
He kept crying in the back of the car seat, confused and fearful. He looked out the car window and saw Hannah by the entrance of the building. She didn't move.
The car began driving away, and Jungkook waited. Waited 2 hours for the car to stop. And when it did, it was in front of a big white building.
He was pulled inside, and Jungkook saw some doctors there, and he felt like a zoo animal, getting stared at by all ends. He was pushing into a small room.
The two men took the hand and leg ties off, and Jungkook muffled a scream when they pulled off his clothes until he was naked. He kept crying and screaming, so fucking scared.
He got pushed into a bathtub and bathed and scrubbed clean, his hair washed with a harsh shampoo which had a coarse smell to it. They clipped his nails, brushed his teeth, and cleaned him up fully. And then, put him into clothes.
"These seem too big for him." One of the men said, and the other sighed. "Just put him in the women's one. That might fit."
So they put him in a white hospital gown. It was white and reached his thighs and had grey dots on it. Jungkook was still shaking.
The mouth guard was finally pulled off and chucked to the side, and then he was locked in the room, followed by the men walking out.
He felt crazy. Not knowing where he was, but knowing he was safe, because it felt like Taehyung was right beside him.
its not even funny how badly i wanna see bts live like im so over it im gnna straight up walk to america at this point idc idc i HAVE to see them live n have that experience godddd bighit release the FUCKING ASIAN TOUR DATES YOU COWARDS
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