"Great. Well, Victor- your resume looks good. You seem to know all the information. And, not going to lie, I would like to have some more Koreans working around here, y'know?" Chris said, and Taehyung laughed, his fingernails digging into the armrest of his chair.
Jungkook was stood against the wall, having no where else to go so he just stayed there. Every time Chris looked away, Taehyung would look at Jungkook, and Jungkook would just gulp and look away.
"I'll have my assistant call you with a confirmation by tomorrow. Although, I don't know if it was mentioned to you. But- you have to do something to get a place here." Chris said, and Taehyung frowned.
"Do.. something?" Taehyung asked, and Jungkook looked up- confused as well.
"Yes- y'know. Just a simple act proving your worth and loyalty and what not." Chris said, and Jungkook gulped, and so did Taehyung.
"Oh- um- what- what do I have to do?" Taehyung asked.
"Kill the last person you slept with."
Taehyung's eyes widened and Jungkook choked on his spit, coughing. "W-What?" Taehyung let out, and Chris laughed.
"I'm just joking, obviously. You just have to give in your past sales papers. Email them to Holiday." Chris said- and Taehyung let out a nervous laugh, nodding.
"Great. I look forward to your response." Taehyung said, both him and Chris getting up. They shook hands, and then Taehyung quickly grabbed his things and headed for the door.
"Baby, just show him the way to the parking lot. It's a little confusing." Chris said, and Jungkook almost glared at Chris, but then got up, walking to the door.
Jungkook walked out of Chris' office, seeing Taehyung there. Jungkook started walking, Taehyung right beside him.
"So. You work at a 'place' huh?" Taehyung asked.
"Your name is Victor, huh?" Jungkook responded, equally snarky as the two walked in speed towards the elevator.
"You're engaged, huh?" Taehyung snapped, and Jungkook pressed the button to the lift, turning to face Taehyung.
"What do you expect me to tell you? That I'm engaged to one of the biggest CEO's in New York?" Jungkook exasperated, and Taehyung looked away.
"Could've told me you were in a relationship." Taehyung mumbled, and the both of them stepped into the elevator.
Jungkook pressed the button, and then sighed. "I didn't think it was any of your business." Jungkook mumbled, and Taehyung snickered.
"Well that's great. 'Cause I'm working for him now. So that's just great." Taehyung grinned fakely, and Jungkook pursed his lips.
"So.. how did you fake the Yale and work stuff?" Jungkook asked, and Taehyung shrugged.
"Mark's really good at stirring fake shit up." Taehyung said, and Jungkook turned to face him. "Mark's here?"
"Visits from time to time. But he's in Seoul right now." Taehyung said, and Jungkook hummed, and they both faced the front.
"You've changed quite a bit, Kook." Taehyung said suddenly, and Jungkook looked at him, a little confused.
"Changed?" Jungkook asked, and Taehyung smiled a little. "Yeah. But, as long as you're happy. I'm glad you are." Taehyung said softly, and Jungkook nodded, looking ahead.
"Yeah- I guess I have changed. But living in a big city and how I do- you have to change. Plus, I used to be childish, stupid. Practically a baby. But now-" Jungkook started, but then the lift jerked.
It stopped, shaking a bit. Jungkook squeaked in fear and rushed closer to Taehyung, gripping the back of his shirt. Jungkook closed his eyes tightly when the lift moved down a bit, only to stop suddenlt again. He gripped onto Taehyung's shirt tightly with his two hands.
"T-Taehyung what's going on?" Jungkook piped, and Taehyung placed his hand on Jungkook's side, looking around the lift and seeing how the lights flickered.
"It's just a little technical problem. Don't worry dollie- it's fine. Lift's moving again, see?" Taehyung said, and then turned around to face Jungkook, who nodded, eyes big.
"G-got scared." Jungkook squeaked in a small voice, and Taehyung looked into his eyes that were still just as pretty. "I know, I know. But look- it's fine now." Taehyung said softly, and Jungkook nodded again.
Jungkook realised what he was doing and pulled away from Taehyung, moving back to the other side of the lift as it reached the basement.
Taehyung almost smiled to himself, looking down. Changed. Funny little word. Taehyung was wondering if it was all that true, or if Jungkook was just forcing himself to change.
They stepped out of the lift, which led to a big basement. Jungkook pointed his finger. "You need to take your bike and leave from that exit- not this one. And- only this lift leads to the basement- not the other ones. So if you have to come here then use this one, or-" Jungkook started, but Taehyung cut him off.
"Does he treat you well?" Taehyung asked, looking at him closely. Jungkook paused, looking at Taehyung in slight confusion.
"What?" Jungkook asked, and Taehyung moved closer.
"Chris. Does he treat you well?" Taehyung asked, his voice sounding genuinely curious, not a hint of resentment or jealousy in his tone. Just.. closure.
Jungkook nodded, not even thinking abut it before answering. "Yes. He-he buys me everything I need, and makes sure I'm safe." Jungkook said, and Taehyung chuckled.
Buys him everything. "And you're happy?"
Jungkook looked up at him, tilting his head lightly. "Y-yeah. Of course I am." Jungkook said, and Taehyung nodded, smiling.
"Good. That's just what I wanted to hear for the past three years. To learn that you're happy and safe." Taehyung said, and Jungkook nodded, looking away.
Taehyung's motorcycle was parked right there, so he gripped it- turning the engine on. Jungkook turned around, looking at the lift, and then sighed. Jungkook took out his phone- calling up Chris.
"What?" Chris asked when he picked up the phone, and Jungkook walked a little closer to the lift, so Taehyung wouldn't hear him.
"Can you come to the basement?" Jungkook asked. "Why?" Chris asked, and Jungkook bit his lip.
"The lift isn't working properly- like- it, um- it keeps stopping." Jungkook said.
"So?" Chris asked, and Jungkook closed his eyes, letting out a soft sigh. He felt dumb asking this. "I-I'm scared." Jungkook squeaked.
Jungkook heard a small pause, and then gulped. "Never mind. Sorry- I- um. Shouldn't have called. Y-you're probably busy, I-"
"Are you fucking serious, Jungkook? Come to the fucking basement because you're scared- what are you, 3 years old?" Chris snapped, and Jungkook shook his head, even though he knew Chris couldn't see him.
"N-no- sorry. I just- s-sorry." Jungkook said, and then heard Chris scoff. "I told you not to distract me. Just come upstairs, it's just a lift." Chris grumbled, and then cut the call.
Jungkook put the phone down, pouting a little to himself as he put his phone back in his pocket. Jungkook sighed, looking up- when he heard an ahem.
Jungkook turned around, and gasped when he saw Taehyung- with a small smile on his face.
"You're scared of small spaces, aren't you?"
Taehyung asked, and Jungkook's eyes grew a little bigger. "'Cause your dickhead brother used to lock you in closets. God- sorry, I totally forgot. Come on, I'll drop you back up." Taehyung said.
Jungkook froze, and he gulped and shook his head. "No no- it's fine. I just- I'm being dumb. Like, it's just a lift, and-"
"Hey. It's not dumb. You're scared." Taehyung said, and Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows. "I can tell, your eyes are all big." Taehyung trailed, and Jungkook's cheeks tinted.
"H-how do you remember that?" Jungkook squeaked, and Taehyung laughed.
"For better or for worse, Kookie- I remember every minute I spent with you far too well. Now c'mon, let's drop you up to the 28th floor." Taehyung said, and placed his hand on the small of Jungkook's back and led him inside.
Taehyung pressed the button, and then looked at Jungkook, who was shyly looking down. "So- what's the age difference between you guys? If- if you don't mind me asking?" Taehyung said, and Jungkook bit his lip. "18 years." Jungkook replied.
Taehyung let out a gasp, mouth falling.
"Wow. I thought- didn't you say once you wouldn't date anyone older to you than 10 years? It's 'scary'?" Taehyung asked with a small chuckle, and Jungkook giggled.
"Things change, I guess." Jungkook said, and Taehyung hummed. "Well- who am I to judge?" Taehyung mumbled, and Jungkook looked at him.
"Yeah, who are you to judge- Mr. Zombie Man." Jungkook said, and Taehyung laughed.
"If that's an insult to my hair- then I'm very offended." Taehyung said, and Jungkook giggled, and nudged his shoulder playfully.
"No, silly! I mean- you came back to life. Kind of. Right? A medical miracle. I mean isn't it crazy? So close to death yet you don't die. Must've been scary." Jungkook said, and Taehyung gulped, licking his drying lips.
"Y-yeah. Um- by the way- about Mark's sister. When I met her in Chicago- she told me you'd moved to New York. Though.. she told me you were only with her for.. 3 weeks. But you've been with Chris for 2 and a half years?" Taehyung asked, and Jungkook stilled.
"Where were you for those 6 months? Like- what'd you do?" Taehyung asked, and Jungkook looked at him wearily, but then gave him a small smile.
"Nothing. Y'know- just here and there. Small jobs." Jungkook said, and Taehyung frowned.
"Who'd you live with?" Taehyung asked, and saw how Jungkook's grip around the elevator handle thingy tightened.
"It doesn't matter where I was or what I was doing, Taehyung. I'm fine now." Jungkook snapped as they reached the 28th floor, and Taehyung looked a little taken aback by him snapping.
"Oh.. sorry- I wasn't trying to offend y-"
"It's fine." Jungkook said, cutting him off. He was about to exit the lift, but then grabbed Taehyung and wrapped his arms around his neck.
Taehyung placed one foot in the doors of the elevator to not let it close and wrapped his arms around Jungkook's waist.
Jungkook hugged him tightly for a good fifteen seconds, and then pulled away, blushing lightly. "Bye." Jungkook squeaked, and Taehyung smiled softly, letting Jungkook walk out and letting the lift doors close.
Jungkook looked back at the lift as the doors closed, giving a quick wave to Taehyung, and then turned to walk towards Chris' office- but bumped into someone.
"S-sorry-" Jungkook let out, but then looked up and saw Chris standing there, eyes darkened.
Jungkook's eyes turned big, and he gulped. He looked.. upset. Chris looked behind him, at the lift, and then back at Jungkook. "Hugging?" Chris asked, voice showing his angered tone.
Jungkook looked down, feeling his cheeks redden. "N-no- there w-was something on his-his shirt-" Jungkook tried, but Chris snickered, turning Jungkook around rather forcefully.
"Yeah. Okay." Chris said bluntly, one firm hand on his back taking him towards the other lift. Jungkook felt a bit of fear pool in his stomach- because he didn't want to get yelled at.
There was a silence all the way down the lift and to the car and to the house. Jungkook was fidgeting with his fingers, looking at Chris cautiously. Once they entered the house, Jungkook saw how he took his suit jacket off in anger.
"D-Daddy, I-" Jungkook tried, but got cut off. "Shut it." Chris snapped, and Jungkook flinched at his tone.
The maid walked out of the kitchen, the smell of roasted chicken coming from behind her. "Everything alright, Mr. Tang?" The maid asked, and Chris didn't bother batting her an eye, just grabbed onto Jungkook tightly, pushing him forward.
"Just fine. Make sure dinner's ready by 7."
Chris said, and Jungkook audibly whimpered at how he shoved him up the stairs.
The maid looked at the two and gulped, feeling a little nervous- but just nodded, knowing better than to interject.
The moment they entered the bedroom- Jungkook got pushed onto the bed. Chris walked up to him, rolling his shirt sleeves up. "What'd I say, princess?" Chris growled, his usual neat hair falling on his face.
Jungkook gulped. "T-to not-" Jungkook started as Chris slowly took Jungkook's jacket off him, chucking it to the side like it was nothing. "To- to not b-be around other men." Jungkook said, and Chris hummed, unbuttoning Jungkook's shirt.
"Exactly. You're mine, remember?" Chris said, and Jungkook nodded, feeling his shirt being thrown away and pants being pulled down.
And then, Jungkook was picked up- fully naked- and thrown over Chris' lap. He was spanked twenty times- so by the end he was all teary, biting his lip.
Then, he was pulled onto Chris' lap and fingered open. And then Chris made Jungkook bounce on his cock until he could only but whimper. And then, he laid Jungkook down onto his bed, kissing him gently.
"Such a good little boy for daddy, aren't you?" Chris asked, and Jungkook nodded, cheeks red, lips open, breathing heavily. "But baby sometimes does stupid things which angers daddy, doesn't he?" Chris asked, and Jungkook looked down, nodding again, eyes still a bit fogged. Chris pressed their lips together, Jungkook's hands gripping the collar of his shirt.
"Don't want you doing that shit again, is that understood princess?" Chris asked, and Jungkook just nodded, words not coming out of his mouth.
"I'll ask the maid to get dinner here for you. I have a dinner party to go to." Chris said, and Jungkook frowned, sitting up- seeing Chris grab his wallet and phone.
"Again? You always have parties to go to.." Jungkook said, and Chris looked at him. "What did I just say, Jungkook?" Chris asked sternly, and Jungkook looked down.
"R-right. Sorry daddy." Jungkook squeaked, and then heard Chris sigh. The older man walked up to him, sitting on the bed beside- placing two fingers under his chin and lifting it up.
"You know I love you, right?" Chris whispered, and Jungkook blushed a little.
Jungkook nodded, and Chris smiled. "I love you too." Jungkook replied, and Chris leaned forward, pressing their lips together.
"There's my baby. Alright- daddy's gonna go now." Chris whispered, and Jungkook smiled in return, waving him goodbye as he walked out the room.
Jungkook grabbed his panties that fell on the floor and hurried to put them on. He grabbed one of Chris' big t-shirts from his closet and put it on, walking out of the room. He walked to the kitchen, seeing the maid there cleaning up the counter.
"Hey Annie- could you give me dinner upstairs?" Jungkook asked, and their maid- Annie, turned to look at him. "Yes of course." She said, and Jungkook turned to leave, but then heard her voice.
"Is everything okay, sir? Mr. Tang looked.. angry." Annie said, looking genuinely worried. Jungkook looked at her and chuckled in confusion.
"Yes yes. Everything's fine. Why wouldn't it be?" Jungkook asked, tilting his head slightly. Annie looked a little concerned, but then just smiled, shrugging it off.
"Never mind. As long as everything's fine. Also- I forgot to mention you received some letters." Annie said, and Jungkook frowned.
"Letter? Like- handwritten letters? That's odd." Jungkook chuckled, but Annie opened a drawer and took out two envelopes. She grabbed them and handed them to Jungkook.
"Thank you." Jungkook said, and then walked upstairs, looking at the letters in confusion.
Jungkook froze at the first letter. He saw the words written on it. Saw who it was by. Saw what it was for. Knew it spilled everything that happened in those first 6 months he was alone.
He also knew what would happened if Chris found it.
So Jungkook grabbed a drawer and stuffed the letter in the bottom of it, not even bothering to look at it.
He let out a big sigh, trying to forget some flashbacks etching in his mind. He looked at the other letter, and gasped.
To : Jeon Jungkook
From : Kim Namjoon, Busan City Prison, Busan, South Korea
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