Jungkook stood under the bright white light, eyes big- feeling his senses withering away slightly. He felt high. He's pretty sure he was high. On what? He doesn't know- but he feels high.
He saw some men in front of him, in suits- looking at him questioningly, all eyeing him up and down. He didn't know them. But he stayed there- perched on the chair- just letting himself be gazed at by all these men.
The men, they were whispering to one another. Pretending as if Jungkook isn't in the room- as if he couldn't see. But he could- even though he felt his senses cascading away.
He was in a dress.
A white dress of sorts- reaching his thighs.
He doesn't know why it's so short- but they told him he's small, so he should wear it. So he did.
He was in New York now. And as he looked ahead, feeling the lights harsh on his body- the eyes harsh on his body- the heaviness harsh on his body- he was told.
"6 months. You'll be here for 6 months." A voice told him, and Jungkook didn't respond- just looked down. "You're ours for 6 months, Jungkook."
Jungkook woke up, startled, gripping onto the bedsheets under him. He panted- looking around nervously, wondering if he was still there, still stuck there for 6 months-
"Baby-" A voice said, gentle- taking Jungkook into his arms. "It was a nightmare, don't worry."
Jungkook turned and saw Chris, and laid his head on his chest, breathing in his scent. "S-sorry." Jungkook squeaked, and Chris traced his hand down his bare back, clutching his thigh.
"Don't apologise. Everything's fine. Go to sleep, princess. Daddy's holding you tight." Chris whispered- and Jungkook hummed, closing his eyes- though glimpses of his memories won't go away.
"Can I go to work with you today?" Jungkook asked with his eyes big as he held a glass of orange juice for Chris.
Chris, fixing his tie in the mirror, didn't even stop to think about it. "No."
Jungkook pouted, and then tapped his foot against Chris'. "Please?" Jungkook asked, and Chris grabbed the orange juice from Jungkook's hand and then walked out of the bedroom.
"Why? Princess getting bored?" Chris asked with a small smirk, and Jungkook followed him out, huffing.
"Princess is getting very bored. And princess is gonna throw a tantrum." Jungkook said with a small scowl, and Chris just chuckled at his words, grabbing a piece of toast from the table and taking a bite.
"Oh come on, Kook. Just- go shopping or something. Meet up with some friends." Chris said.
"I don't have any friends." Jungkook said, and saw Chris still look a little disinterested, still chuckling slightly- and Jungkook stomped his foot.
"Please, Chris! Ugh- you never let me do anything! It's so boring at home all alone!" Jungkook whined, and then saw Chris give him a stern look.
"Watch your tone," Chris said, and Jungkook looked away brattily- and Chris scoffed. "Why don't you find some shit to do, then? Join some classes or something."
Jungkook looked up suddenly, eyes wide. "Do-do you think- remember when I told you a-about that cafe dream thingy I had? Do you think I could work on that? Please, Chris? We have enough money- and-and I'll handle it! You just-"
"Jungkook, you know I don't-"
"Think about it! I'll get something to do too! It's always been my dream to open one! It-it can be a nice cafe and-and I can design it- maybe make it a Korean cafe, a-and-"
"Jungkook." Chris snapped- making Jungkook halt and look up. "Stop asking me for this cafe bullshit. I told you no every time, didn't I?" Chris spoke sharply, and Jungkook gulped, cowering his head and nodding.
"I-I know, I-"
"I've worked since I'm 21 in my father's company and made so much money for what- you to open a stupid cafe?" Chris grumbled, dropping the half eaten toast onto the plate.
Jungkook looked down at his feet, just nodding and trying not to cry. Chris looked at him, and then rolled his eyes.
"Jesus- don't fucking cry, Jungkook." Chris said, and Jungkook sniffled, wiping his eyes quickly and turning around- taking a few steps forward.
"S-sorry. Um- ha-have a good d-day at work." Jungkook let out, voice squeaky. He heard Chris sigh, a hint of annoyance in his tone- and Jungkook gulped harder, hearing footsteps approach him.
"Princess, don't be like that." Chris said, and then Jungkook felt his hands on his waist turning him around. "We have enough money for you to buy twenty cafes. You don't need to open one and waste your time."
Jungkook nodded, but saw as Chris' voice became gentler, and he placed his fingers under Jungkook's chin and lifted it up. "Why're you crying?" Chris asked, and Jungkook sniffled.
"I-I d-don't like it when you yell at me." Jungkook squeaked, and Chris chuckled softly, tucking a strand of Jungkook's hair behind his ear.
"Then stop doing dumb things that make me yell at you. I don't like doing it either. Don't like seeing my princess all upset." Chris said, and then leaned forward and kissed Jungkook.
Jungkook kissed him back softly- and then got back on his feet and felt a smack on his bum. "S-so I can't go to work with you?"
Chris, now walking towards the door, gave Jungkook a look- and Jungkook looked down, pouting lightly. He knew the answer was a big fat no.
"Don't piss me off more, baby. Go shopping. You know that big office party's happening tonight. So princess will have to look the prettiest, got it?" Chris said, and Jungkook nodded, giving him a shy smile.
Chris walked out, closing the door, and Jungkook sighed- shoulders slumping. You're rich. You don't need a cafe. It's not your 'dream'. It's stupid.
His dream should be to be with Chris forever, to have children with him, to move to a bigger mansion, to have their wedding, to have his life be comfortable.
That's what he should want. That's who he is now.
Those dreams he had of staying by the ocean and opening a cafe and all that- it was never realistic. And the biggest part of that dream died, and so the dream died with it.
Even if it didn't die, the dream is dead. Jungkook's changed. He's into older men now. He's into the life of luxury and comfort, not the constant run and murder.
Jungkook saw his phone ding when he reached his room and grabbed it, wondering if it was Chris.
is this jeon jungkook
Jungkook frowned. Who could this be? Not many people know his last name..
who is this?
we know about you. we know what you've done. the acts you've committed. we know what brought you to america. we know what you did.
Jungkook's eyes widened, and he felt his heart pace increase rapidly, sitting down on the bed with a tightness in his throat.
what?? tell me who this is
how dare you STEAL taehyungs leather jacket from him
Jungkook paused.
gookie its me!!! taehyung
sorry for scaring you hehehe
Jungkook almost screamed.
omg taehyung WHY would u do that omg how did u even get my number
holiday gave it to me i told her i needed some korean ppl she knew and she just gave me your number lmao
do u even know what lmao means u old man
i'm 25 not 29
kidding lol no i dont know what it means jimin used it while texting me
omg u have jimins number!!! give it to me pls!!
are you coming for that office party tonight
should i dress fancy or like casual or work clothes
dress fancy!
i dont have fancy clothes ): can i wear a leather jacket
no !! you're in a proper company now taehyungie not a mafia
ughh being in a mafia was easier i could just kill people here i have to know math
you're the one who lied
about the yale + resume thing
didn't lie about anything else haha
so wyd right now
the guy sitting next to me is SO annoying oh my god he keeps talking
i think he knows you
should i ask him if he knows you
i asked him if he knows you
he said yes and that u dress rly well
he also said chris is hot LOL
hey if its ok could you not text me here a lot
i don't want chris to think anything wrong
you can tell him i'm a friend though
yeah but
it's different
he's really possessive
did he kill 20+ men for u
no but he didn't die
k won't text u here :^)
Jungkook was dressed pretty, in a sheer floral top from Gucci and tight fitting pants, with a big belt on it. He had on a simple diamond choker on, along with the big ring on his fourth finger. He could feel eyes on him, perhaps envious, perhaps judging.
The room was full of people. It was in a big room in the office itself, with a bar on the side, old music playing, people all chatting and laughing- a sense of relax after a day of work. It was a Christmas party as this was the last working day for them before Christmas break.
Jungkook just stayed by Chris- who was talking to other men in suits and laughing or snickering. Jungkook didn't understand any of it, just knew he had to stand beside Chris and look pretty.
Jungkook remembers the first formal party he went to with Chris. Chris told him to stay by his side and look pretty and smile and be shy. And Jungkook did. But then a woman began talking to him- and before he knew, both were chatting up a storm. Discussing books they'd both read and movies and all these things- and the woman had looked impressed by Jungkook's knowledge on such things.
But Chris got mad at him.
He told Jungkook, in a way, to act dumb beside him. To just be pretty and dumb and giggle at whatever and be shy. Jungkook didn't know why- and felt a little confused, but just agreed to it because Chris was angry.
"-so a week later, the guy gets fired and has the nerve to ask me why," One of the guys said to the finish of his little anecdote, and the whole group laughed- and Jungkook just looked at Chris tentatively and saw him laughing- so he just let out a giggle, not knowing what was going on.
"Working at HR sounds like a nightmare." Chris snickered, and the guys laughed and nodded- reminding themselves to be respectful, as he was the boss. "Jungkook," Chris said, turning to Jungkook. "Get me another drink, will you?" Chris asked- but more like told, and Jungkook just nodded.
Jungkook turned around and felt a pat to his bum by Chris' hand- and walked over to the bar in the end of the room. "One Jack on the Rocks, please." Jungkook said timidly, and the bartender gave him a knowing warm smile and began making the drink.
Jungkook felt a hand on his lower back.
"Jungkook? Drinking? This is new,"
Jungkook turned to his side and saw Taehyung, and let out a little giggle. "It's not for me. It's for Chris." Jungkook said, and Taehyung hummed, and then looked at the bar.
"One beer-" Taehyung started, and then Jungkook smacked his arm, making Taehyung wince lightly. "What?"
"Taehyung! We're at a proper party, you do not order beer. That's a bar drink. Not a proper party drink! Give him a rum and coke, please." Jungkook said, and Taehyung snickered.
"Sorry Kooks, not used to being all rich and fancy." Taehyung said, and Jungkook nudged his shoulder playfully. Taehyung looked back at the bar.
"Oh, and a vodka martini." Taehyung said, and Jungkook frowned. "Two drinks at once?"
"Not for me. For you." Taehyung winked, and Jungkook blushed lightly- and then saw as the bartender handed over a rum and coke, and a martini, and Chris' drink.
Jungkook grabbed his drink and Chris' drink- and then gave Taehyung a knowing glance before walking away and towards Chris. Jungkook handed Chris his drink- and Chris took it without acknowledgement, laughing at another thing someone said.
Jungkook looked at Chris and realised he wasn't looking at Jungkook nor paying attention to him. So Jungkook turned around and walked over to Taehyung, who was talking to some guy.
"-and, like, oh my god? I told her, girl- I'm a size 2, not a size 6. She thought I was lying! I mean, can you believe?" The guy gasped, and Jungkook tugged on Taehyung's shirt lightly- and Taehyung, who looked a little irritated and amused, turned to face Jungkook.
"Oh- Mr. Tang, hello. You look lovely." The guy said, and Jungkook gave him a small smile, blushing lightly. "Thank you." Jungkook said in a small voice, and then looked at Taehyung.
The guy walked away, and Jungkook cleared his throat. "What's in this?"
Taehyung raised his eyebrows. "What's in a vodka martini?... I don't know.. Vodka.. and olives."
"I don't like olives." Jungkook whined softly, and Taehyung took the toothpick with the olives in it out from his drink. Taehyung gave him a small smile. "Forgot you were a picky eater."
"I am not a picky eater!" Jungkook said, and Taehyung scoffed. "Oh please, Kook. You always pushed the vegetables aside on your plate and then got a mini lecture by Jin like every day." Taehyung said, and Jungkook huffed.
"I didn't like veggies. Tasted icky." Jungkook said, and Taehyung let out a fond smile which Jungkook didn't see as he looked at his drink. "And- vodka's too strong! I don't like it."
"Sorry. Would the princess like my drink?" Taehyung asked, and Jungkook blushed lightly and nudged his foot against his but then grabbed Taehyung's drink and took a small sip.
"This.. isn't so bad." Jungkook said, and Taehyung grinned. Jungkook handed the drink back to Taehyung, and then turned to spot Chris. He was talking to some woman who was in a tight red dress, and she was laughing and hit Chris' chest lightly- while Chris just smirked at her.
Jungkook felt his stomach turn a bit, and then gulped and walked over to Chris, not caring that he just left Taehyung alone.
"-oh Chris- I never knew you were this funny," The girl said, and Chris laughed at her comment, smiling a bit. Jungkook walked closer to him, and then cleared his throat.
"Hi." Jungkook said, giving a smile to the woman. "I'm Jungkook." He said, and the woman let out a smile as well. "Oh, right! You're his fiancee. It's lovely to meet you."
Chris turned to face Jungkook, and Jungkook saw his eyes, and saw how he looked almost a little.. pissed? But doesn't he want Jungkook to be with him? Jungkook looked at him, and saw how Chris smiled at Jungkook, however Jungkook saw no sweetness in his smile.
"Jungkook- I left my phone in my office. Could you go get it for me?" Chris said, and Jungkook's face faltered a bit, and he gulped. He looked at the woman, and then at Chris.
"I'll get it later-"
"Now, Jungkook." Chris said, tone showing anger, and Jungkook flinched ever so slightly and nodded, turning around and rushing away with cheeks red. He saw the confused look on the woman's face, and saw how upset Chris looked.
Jungkook walked out of the room, in the dark of the hallways which were empty. He gulped- realising Chris' office was 8 floors up. Jungkook felt a little hinge in his stomach- and then suddenly felt arms grab his waist from the back.
Jungkook screamed, and then turned around ready to smack the fuck out of-
"Tae- oh my god- you scared me." Jungkook gasped, and Taehyung giggled, and then looked at Jungkook. "Where're you going?"
"Chris' office. He forgot his phone." Jungkook said, and Taehyung frowned. He looked back into the room the party was happening in- and then looked at Jungkook.
"I saw him using his phone a few minutes ago.." Taehyung said in confusion, and then Jungkook froze.
Jungkook blinked for a few seconds- and then sucked in his bottom lip, looking down. "H-he probably meant his-his wallet, o-or-" Jungkook started, but then looked up at Taehyung, and felt tears in his eyes.
"Hey hey- woah, Kook- don't cry," Taehyung let out, and Jungkook sniffled, wiping his tears quickly. "S-sorry-"
"No, don't apologise to me just-" Taehyung started, and then grabbed Jungkook's hand. "Come on. Let's get out of here. Party's boring anyway.
"W-where?" Jungkook asked. "The roof. It's really nice there." Taehyung said, and Jungkook looked at the party, and then at Taehyung, and smiled. "O-okay."
so i went on wattpad and it logged me out and i had a heart attack.. i thought my acc got deleted again.. just saying if that shit happens again then im fr leaving w#tty and heading to ao3/twitter/anything else
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