Natasha wandered down the apartment building's hallway. Still keeping her head down as a precaution. The red haired woman was in fact still a wanted person, everyone is looking for her.
She counted the apartment doors under her breath, until she finally came to the door that she was 90% positive would lead her to Elena Reyes.
A girl she once knew, a girl who once was her baby sister.
Natasha knocked on the door quietly, tugging down her hood.
A blonde woman answered the door, a soft smile on her face, "Hello?"
"Hi. Um, does Elena Reyes live here?" Natasha asked nervously.
"Mia? Who's at the door?" A brunette walked beside the blonde pressing a kiss on her cheek.
"She's looking for you?" The blonde woman, Amy spoke.
"Oh? Hi? Do I know you?" Elena asked, looking at the familiar red haired woman.
"Um, I'm Natasha, your sister...kind of anyway. Can we talk?"
Elena stared at her for a few moments before opening the door further. Letting the woman in, "So, wanna explain how you're kind of my sister?"
Upon walking further into the apartment Natasha saw picture frames covering the walls, images of Elena laughing with her friends or kissing Mia's cheek.
"I..." Natasha hesitated realizing this was probably a horrible idea, Elena is happy and safe here.
"I need your help." Natasha finished laying the photo strip on to the table.
"Oh my god," Elena whispered softly, "I I almost thought my brain had made you guys up."
"We're very real," Natasha smiled, "So you do remember?"
"Yeah..." Elena trailed off, "Why now? Why reach out now? And you said you need my help, with what?"
"Yelena. She'll listen to you, however, she will not listen to me." Natasha explained.
"I've seen you on the news, but never connected that you were...well my Nat. You're some fancy superhero."
"I wouldn't say superhero but I guess."
"Yelena won't listen to you, so you want me to talk to her?" Elena asked after a moment.
"What makes you think she'll listen to me, it's been like twenty years."
"Are you kidding? She adored you." Natasha stated.
Natasha explained everything that this would entail, "Have I ever told you how much I dislike adventure.
The red haired woman smiled sadly, "Yes actually, you have."
"So, are you in?"
Elena smacked her lips together, "Yeah, I'll help."
"Thank you," Natasha breathed, a smile on her face.
"So when do we leave?" Elena smirked, "Time for a bit of a reunion."
"How's now?"
"So how much training do you have with guns? Or hand to hand? Either, really."
"I can hold my own, if that's what you're worried about." Elena stated, braiding her hair back out of her face.
"Don't 'Ellie' me. I'm a big girl Natasha, I can take care of myself."
"Ok, I'm just worried. This is going to be a lot on all of us, and I just want to make sure you understand that."
"I understand, Nat." Elena whispered, "I understand."
"When we get there I'm going to give you a gun, you're not going to use it unless absolutely necessary. Do you understand?"
"Uh yeah, but why do I need a gun?" Elena asked quietly, "I thought we were going to see Yelena first?"
"I'm not sure we can trust her, not yet at least."
"Yelena wouldn't hurt me." Ellie spoke, "She would never."
"She's changed, we both have." Natasha informed the brunette.
"Well, would you hurt me?" Elena arched an eyebrow at the woman.
"Never. You're my baby sister, or you were."
"We're here," Natasha stated, "Keep your head down until we're away, you don't wanna be associated with me these days."
Elena raised her eyebrows looking at Natasha, "Ok?"
Elena walked alongside Natasha making her way through the crowded sidewalk.
"Are you ok?"
"Yeah," Natasha nodded, "I'm ok."
"You look like one of my first graders that bumped their elbow on the desk. Are you sure you're ok?"
"One of your first graders?" Natasha raised an eyebrow.
"I'm a teacher," Elena shrugged.
"Cool, you seem like you'd be a good teacher."
"Yeah," Elena smiled, "I really love it you know, I'm able to help these young kids, to actually make a difference with them."
"I really shouldn't have brought you into this...mess." Natasha sighed, "You have a life and you're happy. And I could be screwing it all up."
"You're not screwing anything up, Natasha. I get to see you and Yelena again. That is far from screwing my life up. Besides, this was my choice. Don't feel bad for my choices, especially when nothing has happened yet." Elena stated, "Let's do this, ok?"
Soon they came to the building where they would find Yelena. Ellie looked around at the building and people, subconsciously checking her surroundings.
They entered the rickety elevator, Natasha looking upward blinking away tears and anxiety, Elena stared straight ahead completely unmoving until the elevator came to a holt.
Natasha exited the elevator, Elena following close behind her. The redhead knelt down by a cabinet handing Elena a gun and then checking her own.
"I really don't think I need this-" Elena whispered and Natasha cut her off with the shake of her head.
Natasha began picking the lock, when a muffled voice spoke from inside, "I know you're out there."
"I know you know I'm out here." Natasha turned back toward Elena, "Stay behind me please." She whispered.
Natasha pushed the door opened her gun raised defensively, "Then why are you skulking about like it's a minefield?"
"Cause I don't know if I can trust you." The two sisters continued through the room eventually turning a corner, coming face to face with Yelena.
"Funny," Yelena chuckled dryly, "I was going to say the same thing."
The blonde woman's eyes fluttered from Natasha to the taller brunette beside her, recognition flickering on her face briefly.
"So are we going to talk like grown-ups?" Natasha asked, "Is that what we are?"
"I don't think now is the time but it'd be great if we didn't kill each other. You know I'd like to avoid that if we could."
The edges of Yelena's lip twitched up slightly, before falling back "Put it down before I make you."
"You put yours down," Natasha countered, Yelena continued backing up, tripping over the threshold.
"Watch your step," Natasha stated dryly.
Elena kind of stood back a bit as only a few inches stood between Natasha's gun and Yelena's.
They stared at each-other and Ellie stared at them staring at each other.
That was until a full on fight broke out between the two of them, Ellie wincing as the sight.
Natasha slammed Yelena against the cabinet, and then onto the counter. And Ellie gasped quietly, "Do not get involved Ellie." Natasha stated.
"Stay down. Stay. Down."
Yelena smashed a plate over Natasha's head with a scream, "Ok nope." Elena stated.
"BOTH OF YOU NEED TO STOP. RIGHT NOW." Elena shouted, and they both froze guilt written all over their expressions.
"We are all grown ass adults here, and there is absolutely no point in psychically fighting. So stop."
Elena sat down in a chair with a sigh, "God you two are children...children with violent tendencies that you use on each other."
"Sorry," Natasha mumbled, crossing the room quietly.
Yelena walked towards Ellie, "I...I'm glad you're alive, El."
Elena gently brushed her hand against Yelena's shoulder, "Yeah, I'm glad you're alive too."
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