"And I'm telling you that he was not the one for me," Louis said as he was on the phone with Niall. It was the day after yet another blind date that was set for Louis from his best friend, Niall. Niall was praising his date for a couple of weeks before the date officially happened. To which Louis will not lie, the guy had a few good features on his that would make him seem like a good match. However, Louis was not pleased with how the date responded when he asked if he was into poly or if he was just monogamous.
And the date just admitted to him that he doesn't see himself with just one person. He is okay with sharing and he hopes that Louis was okay with that too.
That's when the date came to an end and Louis just wished the guy a nice future.
"Like, why did you set me up with him when you know that he was polyamorous? I don't do well with sharing," Louis said as he was pulling up to some hair salon. He was with Lottie and she was already looking for Louis's next date. Her and Niall are the highest participants when it comes to finding Louis his next boyfriend. They just want to make Louis happy and that is something that Louis is looking for. Sure he's happy with his friends and family, but he's ready to start dating and it seems to be hard for him to find the right guy for that role. Sure he doesn't have to be the one that he someday marries, but that isn't so bad either.
"I'm sorry man. I didn't really ask him that, so I just assumed that he's more into just being with one person. I'll keep on looking though!" "Alright, well while you do that, I have to step inside a salon for Lottie's appointment. I'll talk to you later, yeah?" "For sure. See you later mate." "Bye," Louis said before he hung up first. He then looked at Lottie and she was already getting out of the car. He was quick to follow her and he followed her lead into the shop.
"Harry!" "Lottie!" Louis watched as his sister quickly approached some man and hugged him as a greeting. "How are you darling?" He asked as they were hugging and Lottie was the first to let go before she replied to his question. "I'm doing good! How are you? Heard about your new hire. You aren't leaving me, are you?" She asked with a joking pout.
Meanwhile, Louis was just staring at his sisters stylist. If he knew that her stylist was this attractive, then he would have accompanied her from the very start.
"No sweetie. Just have 3 jobs. My rent went up recently, so I need to make sure that I'm as covered as possible. My landlord isn't exactly lenient...." "Okay. Just don't overwork yourself, okay? I don't need you to pass out randomly." "I won't. My days off are still the weekends, but I'm able to mix the three together." "Okay, but let me know if you need anything to relax you. I'll gladly give you that." "I'll keep that in mind. Thank you. Now, what are we getting done today?" Harry then asked and looked at Lottie's hair. He glanced over and Louis didn't know, but Harry was looking at him.
"I'm thinking of going red, but I still want to make it look soft and cute. Is that possible?" She asked and Harry looked at her. "Aren't I Harry Styles? You don't need to worry. Just let me know what shade you'd prefer for me to use. Okay?" Lottie smiled and nodded her head.
Louis watched in, but he was looking at the man that was taking care of his sister mostly.
"Okay. You have to tell me something..." Harry said as he was washing Lottie's hair. "What's up?" "Who is he?" He asked and glanced at Louis again. "Oh, that's my brother Louis. The guy that I would talk about for the most part. Why?" She asked as she was texting one of her good friends. She was thinking of setting him up with her brother until she heard Harry say...
"You never told me that he was so attractive..."
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