Entry 5
Dear diary,
Once again I had another crazy day, so let's start from the beginning...
Last night, I was deep asleep until I heard a noise that awoke both me and Sprigatito with fear.
I got out of bed and hurried out to find Captain Pikachu. It turned out that he had shocked Roy who was for some reason on the air ship!
Friede congratulated his partner pokémon but then realised who Cap had knocked out.
"Hey there Mr. Friede!" Roy said, "Good to see you, and you too Liko!"
Orla asked if we knew him and Friede then explained to her how we had met him earlier that day and how he helped us out. I added that his name is Roy.
"But what are you doing here?" I asked.
"Liko, I'm here for one reason!" Roy said, beaming at me.
I freaked out over what I thought was a romantic plot twist, but it turned out he was just here for Fuecoco, luckily.
Friede then told him off for boarding our ship in the night without permission, Murdock added that she ship belongs to the Rising Voltacklers and Mollie added that the ship is our home. Roy felt very guilty and apologised.
The white haired man then asked why the boy wanted to see Fuecoco, and Roy responded by saying how he still wanted to do so many things with the Fire Croc Pokémon.
That really confused me, but he then clarified of how he still wanted eat berries and sing more with the pokémon. This then led to me concluding that he wanted Fuecoco to be his partner pokémon, which he agreed to.
Friede quickly stopped us and told Roy how the conversation we had was missing something. Roy asked what it was, and Friede explained that it is how the pokémon feels about the decision.
He explained how the boy has said about everything he wants without the consideration of how Fuecoco feels, which led Roy to asking if what he should do next.
The man suggested that my friend could stay here for the night, which shocked everyone. Roy was so excited about thus, which made me smile.
"Hey Liko, do you know where Fuecoco is now?" He asked.
"I might!" I responded.
I led him into the kitchen and told him how the pokémon really likes to eat, but it wasn't there. Roy suggested that it might just be hiding and started searching around while singing a familar tune.
I recognised it and asked if it was Fuecoco's song, which he nodded to. He explained how if he sang its song, it might come out and sing back.
We then decided to go in the lift and search up higher, but when we did all we could find was Noctowl.
After that, by the time we got to the battlefield, Roy was very exhausted and lied on the floor. I suggested we could look tomorrow, which he agreed to in a sigh and stared up at the moon.
"I wonder... what if Fuecoco doesn't like me?" He suggested.
"I don't think you have to worry," I replied, and then explained, "I was really unsure at the beginning too, I had no idea what Sprigatito was thinking, and we just weren't connecting at all! But then I realised how much me and Sprigatito have in common and, well, after that, we both just focused on learning how to communicate, and now we're partners!"
"That's so awesome!" Roy commented, "I think I get it!"
He then continued singing, which really made me question if he had no understood what I had been saying...
The next day, I woke up and found Roy and Friede waiting for me. Friede asked how Roy slept, and he explained that he slept like a log.
I then looked over and found that Orla had eyebags and was complaining about how little sleep she got. She explained that trying to repair the ship was the nightmare and so she couldn't sleep.
Friede explained that we'll have to try and think of something else to do. Roy asked if there were holes, and Orla explained that they were in the internal gas bags and that we don't have enough materials to patch up the holes, and that until we do something we won't be able to get off the ground.
The boy suggested that maybe wild pokémon could help, and Friede felt that maybe that could work. I asked if there were any pokémon in specific he had in mind, and Roy suggested maybe his grandad might know.
The man decided that we would try and find his grandad after breakfast and Orla added that meanwhile we could try and move the ship to a sandy beach area.
After all of that, I then sat on the stairs and decided to watch Nidothing's latest video which was about poké balls and how to catch a pokémon. But then I heard Friede say nearby for Captain Pikachu and Charizard to keep a look out for trouble, which they agreed to.
Then after, me, Roy and Friede went onto the island and arrived outside of my friend's house. The man was suprised he lived here, which suggested to me that him and Roy's grandad know each other, which turned out to be true.
The grandad was so angry when he heard Roy boarded the ship without permission in the night, and Friede had to try and calm him down.
The old man the walked off, which confused me until he walked back with a plate of food and some cups of tea. I thanked him for the delicious food.
Friede explained to me how Roy's grandad may seem grumpy, but is actually really soft.
The old man then asked Friede if he had found a way to fix the airship, which he then got nervous about.
I then noticed how the food we had looked like Caterpie and Weedle and suggested if their String shot could maybe patch up the holes, which Friede and Roy agreed to.
We quickly came to the decision to ask the forest pokémon for help, but then suddenly two people arrived outside of the house. Friede asked what it was all about, but I was more focused on how cute their pokémon were.
The people brought their food with them and then Roy's grandad asked if we would stay to eat with them. The white haired man was hesitant at first, but then when he saw me asking about the pokémon around me, he agreed to stay.
I then sat on the bench and watched while Sprigatito played with a female Nidoran, and Friede commented how it seemed much calmer around here and same with all of the other pokémon. Roy's grandad explained how the pokémon of the island are like family to them, and I found it all so cool.
I then watched as a Psyduck started cuddling Roy and how cute it was. He noticed how the tufts on the pokémon's head were moving a lot and if something cool had happened to it today.
I then commented on how the friendship that Roy has will all of the pokémon is amazing, which he agreed to and hopes for the same with Fuecoco.
I giggled, but then realised that once the airship is running again, we'll take off and then Roy and Fuecoco won't be able to spend time together anymore. I was then left wondering of what I can do to keep him from being dissapointed.
Suddenly, we heard a noise and turned around to find Fuecoco screaming. It ran over to him and was trying to explain something to him, but he couldn't understand.
It then pointed towards the sea, and that there must be a problem nearby the airship, which worried all of us. Friede then explained to us that he'll head back and check it out and that we would have to stay here.
Roy got a piece of wet cloth and then washed off the mud that had previously been on the Fire Croc Pokémon's face and then asked where it had been. It didn't answer but instead ran up and hugged him, which suggested to me that it was just happy to see him.
Suddenly, Roy's grandad pointed up at the sky and then I spotted a Corviknight, coming to a conclusion that the Explorers were here.
I then explained to Roy and his grandad who the Explorers are and how they are after my pendant. I then became worried that they would end up in danger because of me and tried to walk off, but then Roy spotted smoke nearby.
We then went into the forest and asked if the pokémon could help us. Roy seemed really shaky when he asked, and he explained how he is really worried for me, Fuecoco and the airship that is my home, and that we have to protect it.
We were both really worried, but then I realised that with our pokémon, we could do it. Fuecoco agreed, and with that Roy was determined too.
All of the pokémon then decided they were ready to help out, so we then tried to run out if the forest and help. But we ended up being quickly stopped by the lady who kidnapped my Sprigatito earlier. She still seemed upset over losing it, which I found pathetic.
I told Roy that he could run off with the other pokémon to go to the ship while I battled, so that's what they all did.
The woman then explained to me that we are now enemies and that she will get my pendant, but I explained to her that she never will have it.
Soon after, I managed to defeat her an ran off. I then looked over a cliff and called Roy's name. When he looked up he seemed relieved to see me.
I ran down an encouraged him to keep on fighting with Fuecoco and that it just needed him to show his true feelings. So with that, he started singing again.
With enough encouraging, Fuecoco was then able to perfect a powerful Ember which took out Rhydon immediately. I was so shocked, but smiled regardless that the two had found a way to connect.
Suddenly, I turned around and found Amethio flying towards me on their Corviknight. The pokémon made a powerful Hurricane so I couldn't see what was going on, but then I looked up at screamed...
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