Entry 3
Dear Diary,
Yesterday was really eventful, and today was too! So let's go from the start...
The first thing I remember from that day was a memory from a while ago. It was where my grandma first showed me her pendant!
She explained that if I wore it, I would one day find myself on an adventure, which was quite hard to believe at the time. After I had said that adventures are scary, she had replied saying that only the first step was...
I woke up and realised it was all just a dream. Sitting up straight, I saw a window of the airship and remembered how Sprigatito was still gone.
My memory then replayed through everything that happened yesterday, and how I had just let my poor pokémon get swiped by The Explorers. But it gave me a sense of confidence, and I was determined to find my friend.
I got dressed into my Indigo Academy uniform and then exited the room to find Orla and her Matagross. She asked me if I slept well, but before I could answer she just assumed I hadn't.
I thanked her for everything I had been provided to sleep with, but she told me it was fine and not to worry.
Then I turned around to see Murdock had poked his head through the door to tell us breakfast was ready. Orla reassured me his cooking is really good, and then Mollie arrived with Fuecoco running in front.
I was about to ask something but Orla was somehow able to read my mind and knew I was worried about Sprigatito. So she and Mollie reassured me my pokémon would be fine.
Then Murdock stepped in and told me that things take time, but my partner pokémon would be back soon, which made me smile. And because of all this reassance, I could tell these people weren't bad after all.
As they continued talking, we suddenly saw a Charizard fly over the ship and could immediately tell it was Friede. They landed down and I asked if he had found Sprigatito yet, but he hadn't.
I looked down at the floor in dissapointment, I just missed my partner so much.
I asked if he could take me to The Explorers and that I could look for my pokémon myself, but Friede told me I just needed a little patience and that he would find it.
Orla stepped in to tell me that I could trust him, and then he admitted that my mother had asked them to be bodyguards, which I had no idea about.
He thought he had and then everyone began shouting at him that he had forgotten once again to tell me something so important. Friede said we would talk about this later, which annoyed me because adults always tell me that, and then moved the conversation to be about breakfast.
The rest then walked away to do their own things, and I smiled knowing that these people are so nice.
Later on, we arrived down by the docks and Murdock let out his Rockruff and began cuddling it.
"Rockruff, the Puppy Pokémon, a rock type! It has an extremely powerful sense of smell!" My Rotom Phone explained.
Murdock then held out his fist and asked his Rockruff if it remembered Sprigatito's scent, which it barked to and fist-bumped him.
Friede then explained that him, Murdock and his Rockruff would track The Explorers while Orla said she would start on repairing the ship's engines. Then I felt Mollie tap me on the back and ask me if I could help her with some errands, and so I agreed.
I then thanked everyone for helping to look for Sprigatito, but Friede told me it was fine. Then the four of them got together and did a very weird handshake and I stood there in confusion.
After saying goodbye, me and Mollie wandering off together until we found the Pokémon Center, the place where I needed to do errands. She then handed me a piece of paper and told me to go inside and pick up the orders by myself.
"Wait, aren't you coming with me?" I asked after jogging down the stairs.
She just chuckled and waved which scared me but I knew I had no choice so I went by myself.
I entered the building and was almost immediately greeted by Nurse Joy. I then handed her the piece of paper and informed her I was here to pick up an order, which she smiled at and told me to sit down and wait for her to get the potions.
So I sat down and watched the latest Nidothing video about what a Pokémon Center is like, only to be interrupted half way through by a screaming girl carrying her injured Vulpix.
She handed it over to Nurse Joy and she then told me that I would have to standby because this might be urgent, which I nodded to.
The girl then sat down beside me and explained how Vulpix was the first pokémon she had ever caught but she was too slow commanding moves and then it got hurt. This reminded me too much of my lost Sprigatito, and I felt sad again and I started to think of all the worst possible scenarios.
After a while of waiting, Vulpix had fully recovered and was handed back to the girl. She seemed so pleased and it made me smile.
Then Nurse Joy thanked me for my patience and revealed to me four big boxes of health supplies. I managed to pick it up though but as I made my way out of the building, I began to stumbled and almost fell but Chansey managed to stop me and Mollie appeared shortly after.
But suddenly, I heard Rockruff barking nearby and handed the heavy boxes to Chansey before running off to look for it.
I caught up to see Friede, Murdock and Rockruff in front of a woman who looked kind of familiar. But she threw the bag she had been carrying down as a distraction and began running away, so I chased after her.
I accidentally bumped into some people along the way, but I apologised and continued running because obviously this woman had to do with Sprigatito.
As I was running, Friede kept on telling me it would be better if I headed back to the airship, but I was too determined to get my friend back that I didn't listen and continued.
She lead us to some shipping containers I had seen before when we first arrived at the docks. We hid behind the gate and I was about to run and continue to follow her but Friede caught me and explained that the situation was going to be risky, but I argued that i knew that and just wanted to get Sprigatito back.
He groaned because he just didn't want me getting hurt but then decided to whisper a plan he had, which I agreed to.
So, we followed Rockruff into one of the shipping containers and had a look around. At the very end, Amethio was waiting for us and suddenly the lights flickered on.
They asked if I had the pendant, and I replied saying that I'll give it if they let Sprigatito go. Amethio didn't reply so Friede suggested a pokémon battle, which they agreed to.
I was told to stand back so that's what I did and watched as Pikachu got ready to battle. Amethio sent out their Ceruledge, and the battle began.
Pikachu started it off with Double Team, but Amethio had seen this coming and told Ceruledge to use Night slash and began slicing through the illusions. The Electric Mouse Pokémon jumped behind and was about to use Thunder punch, but then Ceruledge used Phantom force and disappeared.
As Pikachu began falling, the Fire Blades Pokémon reappeared from behind and sliced it, causing it to fall back to Friede.
Friede began taunting him which annoyed Amethio, but luckily that was distracting enough for me and Rockruff to seek away.
We ran down a few corridors until finding a door with a window glowing with light. The Puppy Pokémon continued following down that way so I knew for a fact Sprigatito would be in there!
Rockruff started barking and I looked through the window to find Sprigatito looking... happy? I tried to open the door but it was locked so I started to bash into it to get it to open.
Nearby, I heard a lot of explosions but I still continued until I finally got the door to open but then fell on the floor in the process.
"Sprigatito, are you alright?" I asked as I got up to quickly.
It seemed really happy and began nuzzling into my uniform, which was so overwhelmingly cute! Rockruff began barking and I remembered it was time to go so we left.
As we were running, we turned the corner to find the woman from before, now back in her uniform.
"Wittle Sprigatito, come to me! Come on!" She cried, "I've got some yummy snacks just for you!"
Sprigatito meowed in confusion, but then turned its head away to show that wasn't what it wanted. The lady was devastated and then recited all of the good times they had, which was confusing because they were only together since yesterday evening.
She then called out her Skarmory, and challenged us to a battle, which I accepted.
"Sprigatito, use Leafage!" I called.
Thousands of leaves began hurrying towards the woman and her pokémon, but they somehow managed to stay standing. She was talking a lot but I didn't hear a lot because by that point, I was gone.
I then ran out of gate, back to the airship and shortly after Friede joined us back there too.
Later on as the sky began turning a bright shade of pink, I found myself sat by the highest point of the airship, staring out towards the view.
"Sprigatito, what do you think of the others on the ship?" I asked to Sprigatito, "I'm feeling like it's okay to trust them all!"
I took put my pendant and dangled it out and explained how they only really care about us and not so much the pendant. And that now I had it back by my side, I'm now a pokémon trainer.
After remembering everything that happened today and saying that I had finally taken my first big step, we headed back down. When I saw the other crew members again, I then decided to tell them I know they are good people now.
Friede asked if I had ever thought they were the bad guys, and I countered that with the fact he never explains anything and everything that has happened so far.
I asked if I could stay with everyone longer, and Captain Pikachu seemed to agree so I was allowed. Friede welcomed me to the team, which honestly suprised me but he explained that he is curious about my pendant too, and that The Rising Voltacklers mission is to discover the mysteries of pokémon.
"Rising Voltacklers, so wait is that you guys?" I asked.
"Wait what? Didn't I tell you that?" Friede responded.
"Nope," I answered.
Everyone got annoyed at him again and he then said once again that we'll talk about it later, which annoyed me again.
"But one thing's for certain," Friede said, "We're glad that you're on the team!"
I raised out my fist just like all of them and they then taught me the handshake from earlier, and I was instantly an expert!
Friede then ran and sat beside the balluster of the airship, telling us we were heading straight for my house in the Paldea region. He then said that while we're there he can collect the money for being a bodyguard for me, which I felt was being a little too honest...
Later on, I called up Ann and we began chatting on the Rotom Phone. I had explained to her everything that had happened today and that she thinks what I'm doing is really cool.
I explained to her that I would be taking classes remotely, but that meant I wouldn't get to see her for a while.
"I'll miss you, but at least we van talk this way!" Ann said, "I hope you find what you are looking out there for Liko!"
For sure... 'cos Sprigatito's with me!
Fun fact: Another way me and Liko are so similar is that we both have a cat. And back when I first started playing Pokémon Violet, I picked Sprigatito and named it after my cat, Mittens!
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