Yep I can't talk
Hey guys! What's up? Don't be mad at me! I know it's been forever! So I won't waste anymore time! Here's the update!!
The day went on, classes, and more classes.It seemed like forever before lunch had come around. Which I was glad for, I was starving!
I slowly made my way to the cafeteria, to get into the lunch line. I filled my tray with pizza, salad, and a lemonade a to drink. The food wasn't the greatest, but it definitely didn't make you want to puke.
Once I had my tray filled, made my way to Jackie's table. I took my usual spot, the one in front of Jackie and Colten. Jennifer and Kelly sat on the left side of Jackie, they we gossiping as usual. It was then I noticed something different. Someone new was sitting at our table.
I instantly blushed, when I discovered who was sitting next to me. It was Adien!I didn't dare to look at his hair, or his amazing green eyes, or his body. I knew if I even looked at him, I would be staring.
I tried to focus on the conversations that were going on around me. Jackie was all over Colten, and whispering in his ear. Colten was smirking, at what ever Jackie was telling him. I definitely didn't want to hear that conversation. The Barbie-Wana-Bees were grinning, and batting their fake eyelashes at Adien, I think they were trying to flirt. You could see all the glue they used to put on the lashes, ewwww that's just plain nasty! Is anything real about those girls?
When I finally gained the courage to look at Adien. He was staring at me! My eyes went wide and my face flaming in embarrassment. We continued to stare at each other.
I heard a growl and realized it had come from the two sisters at then table. I could feel the hate radiating off of Jennifer and Kelly. I looked at them and they were glaring at me. If looks could kill.... I would be six feet under.... or would it be twelve feet since there is two of them? Mmmm....
I was interrupted from my mind wandering when I herd Jackie's voice," So Adien have you met Chole?"
" Yes actually, I had her falling for me, in a minor of seconds," Adien replied before sending me a wink.
I rolled my eyes at him," He wishes I would fall for him. No what happened was, I wasn't paying attention, and I bumped into him making us both fall."
"So you admit that you fell for me?" Adien asked with a twinkle in his eye.
"No, and besides I said we both fell. So that means you fell for me too," I could tell I was smiling big now.
"So what, as along as you fell I'm fine with it, " he stated not batting an eyelash.
"Well, I guess you two are really getting along," I was surprised to hear Jackie's voice. I had completely forgotten everyone else at the table, was there," You guys should totally go on a date!"
I blushed at Jackie's forwardness. How could she just come out and say something like that? She knows I get embarrassed easily! Plus I haven't even known Adien for a day.
It was then I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I grabbed my phone curious to see who was texting me? I quickly swiped the screen, and went to my messages.
Your bestie: Remember the plan!
I had completely forgotten the deal I had made. Jackie wanted me to date Adien for awhile, to see if he was boyfriend material. Uggghh why did I agree to this? It sounded even more stupid now, then it had earlier.
I quickly looked up from my phone, and turned my gaze to Adien. He was giving me his perfect smile. He was looking straight at me, and then he winked. I could feel myself melting in my seat.
"Chole do you want to go on a date with me?" He asked the question so casually.
So I found myself answering it back, in the same casual voice," Yes."
That's when Jackie started squealing," This is great!!! What day are you guys, going out? Oh, how about Friday?! Chole I could help you with your outfit,and do your hair and makeup!!"
I felt Jennifer and Kelly looking at me in envy. They even replied in unison," Adien why don't you go on a date with me?"
It was then the whole table went into chaos. Jackie was making plans for the date. Which included making squeals of excitement. Colten was trying to calm his girlfriend down, but was failing horribly. Jennifer and Kelly we yelling at each other, and started to hit one another. I couldn't even hear myself think. They we so loud.
It was then I felt someone grab my hand. It was Adien! He grabbed my hand and pulled me up. I felt tingles shot up my arm, and go to my spine. I looked into those evergreen eyes. I felt like the world had stopped.
Adien picked up his bag, and put it on one strap, so he didn't have to let go of my hand. He handed me my bag, so I could do the same. Once my bag was on, he lead me out of the cafeteria.
I followed him without a second thought. I could still hear the shouting, and shrieks, it was obvious they didn't notice us leaving. As we made our decent, I couldn't help but think how well our hands fit together. It just felt so right....
(Was going to end it there, but I figured I'd write more. Since I haven't updated in a while.)
We walked in the empty hallway in silence. Not a word came out of our mouths. It was as if we had forgotten how to speak. We both we waiting for the other one to break the silence.
"So are you free this Friday? Or should we go out on a different day?" Adien asked.
"No, Friday works fine. I mean as long as it works for you! I wouldn't want you to cancel any plans... Did you have plans? Because if you did I would totally understand if you would want to cancel. I mean it's totally alright if......"
Before I could continue Adien pushed me up against a wall. His right arm rested above my head. His left hand brushed my cheek were a blush appeared. His face was so close, I could feel his breath on my face. I studied his face for the second time today. I couldn't get over how handsome he was.
"You are by far the most talkative, rambling, adorable girl I have ever met," he said playing with my hair.
My breath caught in my throat as his face grew closer. I knew my face beyond red. I grew sweaty as he grew closer. Was he going to kiss me?
I moved my gaze to his lips. They were only centimeters away from mine. All I had to do was move my head the tinniest bit forward, and they would be connected to his. I could feel my heart beating out of my chest.
Still his head moved closer, closer, until changed directions. I felt his breath on my ear. Then he spoke," See you on Friday Chole."
Just like that he backed away from me. I was shocked by what just happened. My knees we weak. I didn't know how I was still standing.
The bell rang. Adien smiled devilishly at me, and winked. He started to walk away, but then turned around," Oh, and Chole I'll give you a ride home after school," then he went on walking, as if nothing happened.
I felt myself sink to the ground. Leaning against the wall I gazed up at the ceiling with a stupid grin on my face. I kept replaying, the exchange between me, Adien.
The tardy bell rang. I was still on the ground not bothering to get up. Advanced math could wait, I wasn't going any where any time soon.
My tummy the growled. Now I remember taking two bites of my salad, before he pulled me away. He so owes me food! He better buy me some, before he drives me home!
Wait I'm going to be alone with him, in his car. What am I going to say! What if I say something stupid! What if I say something about his eyes again. What if I don't say anything at all. What if I make him uncomfortable?! So now all I could think about was my ride home, and how I might mess it up.Welcome to my complicated life!
Well here you go guys. I finally updated! This update was 1,433 words!!! The longest ever!! Well I love you guys. Oh and since its summer I'll be updating more often! Vote, Comment, and Add to library.
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