I know we just meet but..
Here we are! Hope you like the chapter. Read away! I so happy that I updated!!
It was then I realized who was above me. It was Adien. Adien Matthews, and he was staring right back at me.
Chole prov.
I looked at him. My face went red instantly. He was... He was... Well he was was probably the hottest guy I had ever seen. His dark brown thick hair that looked super soft, his hair ended just above his eyes, his beautiful green eyes weren't just one color they had many different shades in them, he had a hard jawline, and I couldn't help but be memorized. It didn't help that this was the closest I had ever been to a guy.
It was then I noticed his lips moving, his lips were a soft pink color. Not to pink to be girly, but they rather complimented his pale complexion. I couldn't look away from his lips. What is happening to me?
It was then he snapped his fingers in front of my face. Then just like that I was out of my trance. He then started to talk.
"Are you okay?" His voice was deep. My legs went to jelly for a second. It was official I loved everything about this guy.
"Oh yeah I'm totally fine. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. It's totally my fault. Has anyone ever told you have amazing eyes. I totally zoned out, I couldn't stop looking at them. Did I really just say that. Why am I still talking? Yeah your probably going to run for the hills now. I'm just going to stop before I embarrass myself further," well that went great. See this is why I have never had a boyfriend. I'm so awkward, not to mention weird.
It was then he started laughing. I blushed even more. Even his laugh was amazing. Not that it mattered he was never going to talk to me again. He got off the ground helping me up. He even picked upped my books. Could he get anymore perfect?
"I like you. Your different. My names Adien. What's yours?"
Did he really just ask for my name?! Hello he just said he liked you a voice in my head reminded me. My heart started to pound in my chest. Okay Chole get it together. Who am I kidding I feel like I'm going to pass out.
"My name is Chole it rhymes with glow. People also call me Choley," what the heck am I doing. I'm digging myself a deeper ditch by the second.
He laughed again at my awkwardness," You crack me up," he then flashed my a smile. I'm going to die.
"I would love to stay and chat, but I don't want to be late for...." Before I could even finish my sentence the late bell rang. I looked up at the bell on the wall,"Really you couldn't wait five minutes!" If looks could kill, that clock would have exploded.
"Well looks like were both late to class. I'll walk you to your first class."
"Oh you don't have to do that! It'll make you even more late," I really felt bad about making him late.
He just shrugged at my comment," So what class do you have first?"
I sighed realizing I wasn't going to get rid of him, but it's not like I really wanted to," I have chemistry with Mrs. Callinger."
A big smile appeared on Adien's face," I just got switched to that class this morning." Wow! Could this day get any better!
We walked side by side. The conversation between us flowed freely. He was a easy person to talk to. I also learned he was very funny. He had me laughing .... and unfortunately for me snorting. Although he did say he liked my laugh snort and all.
We were still laughing as we reached Mrs. Callinger's door. As quickly as we could, we stopped laughing. On the count of three we opened the door.
Mrs. Callinger glared at us. She never liked late students. Her glare was mostly at Adien.
Adien gave a look of confusion. I shrugged my shoulders. Mrs. Callinger was a really nice teacher, she was just strict. So I don't know why she was glaring at him.
"So why are you to late? Do you have a note from the office?" Her tone of voice made it clear that she wasn't happy, and was extremely agitated.
Before I could answer Adien took a hold of the situation," Well you see Mrs. Callinger I just got moved to this class, and I was having trouble finding it. So I was going to ask Chole for directions, but I ran into her, and by the time I had helped her pick everything up and apologized the bell rang. So it was my fault she was late," his explanation made perfect sense.
"Is that true Miss. James?" The look she gave me made me want to shrink in my boots.
"Yes....." Crap did I sound believable? I suck at lying. Please believe it!! Please! Please!
"Alright. You to go take the last to seats in the back."
Adien and I both went to our seats. We talked for the whole class period. He was a great guy....so I knew eventually have to give him to Jackie. Something inside me wasn't very happy about that.
Okay so what to you guys think? Vote,comment, add to library! See you guys next time.
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