Cozmo: Hello everyone and welcome back to this book!
Lil Petey: Hey, your nametag changed!
Cozmo: Yep! You can call me Coz if you'd like :)
Grampa: What kind of name is "cOzMo"???? It sounds like a name for a person a 2nd grader came up with.
Pete(y) The Cat (now smol size): Just leave them alone, please dad.
Grampa: You don't tell me what to do >:(
Cozmo: Okay guys calm down. Anyway, we have a lot of asks and dares for today! First one is to meet 27oooo9's Oc!
//(In case the image isn't loading:
Name: Galen
Age: around Petey and Dog Man's age
Anthro Husky
Gender: Nonbinary, they were born a male
- Always has a crossbow on their back
- Has a large scar over their left eye which makes them not able to open it
- Communicates through a whiteboard that they bring around with them everywhere
- Will grab their crossbow if they feel threatened
- Polite most of the time and is never overly aggressive
Okay back to the story)//
Lil Petey: Oh, a new friend I can play with! How old are they?
Cozmo: They're actually around Dog Man and Petey's age, but I still think that they would like to be friends with everyone! Well, not everyone, probably all but one person.
Pete(y) The Cat, chuckling: I think we can all figure out who that person may be.
Grampa: Yeah, it's you!
Cozmo: Yeah, right... anyway, here's a little background before you meet them! Their name is Galen and they are Nonbinary, which means they have no gender. They-
Grampa: You can't have no gender! That's stupid! He/She is probably just confused. Or it's just a phase.
Cozmo: Can. You. PLEASE shut up for once in your life??????
Pete(y) The Cat: Ha. You knew that was coming.
NL: Only if they respect us!
Cozmo: Okay, break it up! Can I PLEASE continue??????
Chief: Yes, please-
Cozmo: Okay, as I was saying, they have no gender and communicates through a whiteboard. We good?
Dog Man: yeah :)
Yolay: They seem really cool :D
Sarah: Yeah, I'm excited to meet them :)
Grampa: *groans* Can you just knock it off!?!???????
Sarah and Yolay: *high five*
Cozmo: okay here
Galen: *pops into existence*
LP: Hello!
Galen: (They're writing on the whiteboard) Hello!
Cozmo: Okay everyone do introductions!
Dog Man: Hi I'm Dog Man and I'm a dog... man.
Pete(y) The Cat: I'm Petey and this is not my normal height by the way.(they're still tiny) Same with Dog Man.
Lil Petey: I'm Lil Petey and I want to be everyone's friend :D
(I got lazy with the intros just pretend everyone did theirs)
Galen: Nice to meet you all!
Grampa: Also, you can't have no gender! That makes no sense!
*he starts walking over to Galen*
Galen: *pulls out his bow and arrow*
Cozmo: You know what, you're leaving!
Grampa: *poofs away*
Cozmo: I'm sorry about that Galen. None of us like him.
Galen: It's okay! I'm used to it now.
Yolay: I'm sorry. Just know that you'll always be valid :)
Galen: Thank you :)
Cozmo: okay, everyone say goodbye to Galen!
LP: byeee!!!
Pete(y) The Cat: bye
Dog Man: bye :)
Everyone else ig: *variest "goodbyes" to Galen*
Galen: Bye everyone! Nice meeting you!
Galen: *poofs out of existence*
Cozmo: anyway
(I'm finally getting back to this book the last I've updated this chapter was 2 weeks ago. Everything from this part and on is from May 2nd and on or something.
I need help-)
Cozmo: Where was I..... oh yeah.
Cozmo: Chief ya gotta burn your hat
Chief: Why????????
Cozmo: Because you didn't take Grampa to jail for chiLD ABUSE.
Chief: He already went to jail for it though, right?
Cozmo: nope.
Chief: oh. WaiT YOU'RE GOING TO JAIL- oh yeah he's gone. :').
Cozmo: now burn your hat
Chief: fine
Chief: ...
Chief: I need a lighter
Cozmo: oh yeah
*a lighter, some matches, and some gasoline pops out of no where*
Lil Petey: that's fun :D
Chief: goodbye, my old hat...
Chief: *throws his hat into a pile of fire and then pours gasoline on it*
Pete(y) The Cat: was having a fire in doors a good idea
Cozmo: Yes. Yes it was.
Yolay: Wise words.
Cozmo: Next one!
Cozmo: Hey Dog Man, Aextriot wants to know if you miss Knight and who is controlling you; Knight, Greg, or if you're just a new being now.
Dog Man: Well, that's just a theory really, about who I actually am. I sont really know how to explain it, it's like I'm Knight but I'm also Greg, like I'm combined. I also am my own person- well, being. And do I miss Knight? Yeah, I kinda do :( But great questions, Aex- Ex- what was their name again?
Cozmo: Aextriot
Dog Man: Great question, Aextriot!
Cozmo: Next one :)
Cozmo: Oh yeah, how about we skip this one...
Pete(y) The Cat: What/who's it about?
Cozmo: oh, nothing...
Cozmo: Aextriot what the fu-
Dog Man: *covers Lil Petey's ears angrily*
Cozmo: What? I was about to say fudge!
Sarah: okay. What's the next question?
Cozmo: Here it is
*Aextriot poofs into existence*
Aextriot: *takes Lil Petey*
Aextriot: bye lol
*Aextriot poofs out of existence*
Pete(y) The Cat: Well that happened
Sarah: What just happened
Cozmo: something. Next ask/dare. Should I just say commission? That makes me sound like a fancy Tumblr user. Well, I do have Tumblr, the link's in my Wattpad feed. Anyway-
Cozmo: >:)
Dog Man: what is it?
Cozmo: something... something evil indeed....
Pete(y) The Cat: I don't like the sound of that...
Cozmo: and it may or may not be putting Grampa and Gramma into a room together for the next chapter >:)
Pete(y) The Cat: Oh no- please, please, please don't I am begging you with my soul.
Cozmo: too late
Cozmo: Next question!
Cozmo: Here I need Grampa back for this one
*he poofs*
Cozmo: Hey grampa we have something for you
Grampa: >:(
*Cozmo reads him the commission of what Aextriot says (sorry if you can't see the image, I'm not writing the whole commission)*
Grampa: ...
Dog Man: ..what?
Grampa: that's fake!
Cozmo: okay, believe what you want.
Grampa: Whoever wrote that is just trying to trick us!
Pete(y) The Cat: ok
Cozmo: also, I have some screen shots of some Discord things I want you to see. My discord is [insert cool and creative name] #6216, dm me-
(Lol it's may 8th now-)
Yolay: can you just show us the screen shots? :')
Cozmo: Yeah :')
Grampa: um, WHAT!?!???????
Lil Petey: Who's "hhjkahop" and "Elliott?"
Cozmo: ...
Cozmo: ..I'm Elliott and hhjkahop and Aextriot or the orange fruit :')
Pete(y) The Cat: Oh I'm so sorry Aextriot
Cozmo: it gets worse
Dog Man: poor Aextriot :(
Grampa, fusing around and getting flustered: WHY???? JUST WHY?????
Sarah: Oh no
Cozmo: this one's gonna be a long one
Pete(y) The Cat: ..um.... what?
Nurse Lady: At least it says "not a chance" at the end
Lil Petey: I don't know why people think Papa is evil :(
Cozmo: ok, I think that's enough for today. Bye i guess-
//word count: 1238 words. What the fu-//
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