hey we're back in business.
Cozmo: Hey everyone!
Petey: Hey
Dog Man: hello!
80HD cuz I've decided to add him in here now: ^^
LP: Oh, Hey 80HD!
*80HD waves*
Cozmo: We have lots of dare this time!
NL: sweet
Cozmo: Here
Cozmo: Hey Li'l Petey, this one's for you!
LP: sweeeet
Cozmo: You need to tell your dad that you don't forgive him for abandoning you.
LP: But I do forgive him :(
Cozmo: Yeah, sorry kid. But ya gotta do it. That's the rules.
LP: rats!
*LP walks over to his dad*
LP: Hey papa..
Petey: Yeah kid?
LP: ...
Petey: Kid???
LP: okay :(
LP: Papa, I don't forgive you for abandoning me.
Petey: Fair enough. Also I can see it's a dare so it doesn't affect me much. Don't worry about it, kid.
LP: :')
Cozmo: Next one!
Cozmo: dang this has drama
Sarah: What? What is it?
Cozmo: Grampa has to hug Petey :00
Yolay: :000
Petey: Same here >:(
Cozmo: aw come ONNN
Cozmo: if you don't I'll sacrifice the child *holds on LP*
Grampa: ok, do it
Cozmo: Dang doesn't work on him.
Cozmo: *thinking* do it or I'll force you to read this Grampa x Reader fanfic.
Grampa: What does that even mean?????
Yolay: *snorts* "X" means when like, you put 2 or more people or things in a relationship.. *laughs*
Grampa: WHAT!? Who would write something like that?????????
Cozmo: ..uhhhhh...
Cozmo: ..um....Aextriot.... yeah, Aextriot..
Grampa: Frick them! Fine, I'll... hug my son... *shivers*
Petey: No way you're coming near me.
Sarah: *sighs* there's so much drama. Hey Yolay, wanna go get some Boba tea? (Let's say they live in a house and they have a kitchen)
Yolay: Do I!?
*The two girlfriends go*
Cheif: can I leave :(
Cozmo: no
Chief: Why? I can get you arrested, yknow.
Cozmo: Cuz I said so.
Chief: >:(
Cozmo anyway
Grampa: I'm not hugging him.
Cozmo: You just said you would-
Grampa: I've changed my mind.
Cozmo: Fine. I'll read you a Grampa x Reader fanfic.
Grampa: uh-
Cozmo: "You walked down your town happily, it was such a nice day! You felt your [color] fur gainst your skin. You stared at the clouds, in awe at the beutiful shapes."
Petey: what-
Cozmo: "Since you weren't paying attention, you bumped into another cat."
Grampa: that guy sounds like an idiot.
Cozmo: " "Oh, I'm so sorry, let me help you!" You say as you try to help the stranger."
NL: this is kinda good so far!
Cozmo: :0 ty!
Cozmo: " "Watch where you're going!" A sort-of raspy voice shouted. You looked over to see Petey's dad! You've heard of and seen Petey before on TV and when he was evil, and you even met him in jail once. But meeting his dad? Huh."
Grampa: wtf-
Cozmo: " "Uh, sorry!" You manage to say. You then here shouts behind Grampa, he must've escaped jail. "Quick, I need to hide!" He whisper-shouts."
Chief: always trying to escape >:(
NL: For real. Like, get a better hobby.
Grampa: I'm right here, you know that, right???
Cozmo: " "Over here!" You say as you run off somewhere. Grampa follows. You run off to an abandoned alley, police quickly after you. You usher Grampa to go up a latter with you, and he agrees, desperate to get away from the cops."
Grampa: Oh my god shut up already, this is getting annoying.
Cozmo: "You quickly jump into a window with Grampa behind you and the cops lose you two. Grampa looks around to see where he is. "
Grampa: FINE I'll.. hug him.. *shivers even more*
NL: you're acting like it's the worst thing in the world.
Grampa: It IS the worst thing it the world!
Cozmo: Shut up and hug your son!
Grampa: *gets up and shivers* I can't do this...
Petey: *stands up* I want to reject this
Grampa: so, like, *he walks over to Petey* ..how do you hug someone again..?
Chief: Oh my freaking god-
Grampa: *gets like 1 1/2 feet away from petey and pats his back* ..like that..?
Petey: *shivers* I didn't like that..
Cozmo: Good enough. Next one!
Cozmo: no
Grampa: wHAT!? No, NO! Kids are really weird these days!
Cozmo: I know, right?
NL: but, you're a kid?
Cozmo: I don't count.
Chief: Anyways, you gotta do what the dare says.
Cozmo: says who?
Chief: you
Cozmo: fine, you've won this battle..
Grampa's Senpai: ..happy now..?
Grampa's Senpai: Next dare.. :') Oh, also this isn't from Aextriot this time! It's from Auburn :D
Grampa: Auburn? Well, it's better than Aextriot.
Grampa: I spoke too soon
Grampa's Senpai: *snaps fingers and Grampa where's the dunce/stupid hat*
Grampa: Rude
Petey: Ha
Grampa: shut up
Grampa's Senpai: Next one :)
Li'l Petey: Yeah, somehow. I don't know, but its like.. a phyconetic connection...
Yolay: totally not creepy at all.
Grampa's Senpai: Huh. Well thats.. fun.. anyways, that's it for today :) byeeeeeeeee
Help I need sleep I'm too lazy to look this over to see if there are any mistakes-
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