ha ha Grampa has no women
Cozmo: Welcome back! Surprised you're still reading this book after how much of a mess it is.
Crunky: Book? What?
Cozmo: Shush
Cozmo: Anyways, this one's for Grampa. Remember the ask you were told last time?
Grampa: Yea?
Cozmo: Well this is Auburn's reaction to what you said after it:
Grampa: It's a little creepy that you know where I live.. but other than that, it just things that make no sence and some rude stuff?
Yolay: What, you mean the no women part? Well, you gave that up, hun.
Bub: Oh yea, didn't your dad leave your mom, Petey?
Petey: Yeah.
Crunky: And then your mom died?
Petey: Yea..
Bub: And then you had to learn to defend for yourself at a young age all by yourself?
Petey: Can we just stop talking about it???
Crunky: Ok :)
Cozmo: Here's another ask from Auburn_Cat043:
Grampa: Do you mean by being evil/mean? Or..
Cozmo: okAY nEXT ASK
Petey: Oh, well, you're welcome, I guess? Also cool. Also, Mothering Heights? Oh, wait, that must be the newest book. (They are aware that they're in a book series, remember? They just don't know that this is one.. idk it's confusing.)
Cozmo: Next oneee. The next few couple ones will be from Aextriot :)
Grampa: That darn orange-fruit!
Cozmo: shut up, here's the commission:
Grampa: That's kinda creepy how much you're obsessed with me, you might want to go get that checked out..
Grampa: Well, thanks for the compliments, I guess.
Petey: *angry because he didn't get any compliments and his really mean dad got some*
Cozmo: Oh, suck it up Petey. Next one:
Cozmo: Piggy, why are you evil?
Piggy: Does i' ma'er?
Cozmo: You don't have to be so rude, ya Peppa Pig wannabe. Just answer the question.
Piggy: no
Cozmo: Rude. Next one: (I didn't really want to interfere with the cannon books, even thoughth I've probably done that lots of times already.)
Cozmo: Petey, why does Li'l Petey not go to school?
Petey: Well, when the state government realized how smart he was, since he can build robots and mechanics, they realized that going to a school for his age-level may be boring and he won't learn anything. (Head cannon)
Cozmo: Cool. Next one:
Cozmo: Petey, do you ever spank your c h i l d when he does something bad?
Petey: No, I never do, that's abuse to a child and he would never learn. Also.. memories.. *shivers*
Cozmo: Cool. Next onee again:
Cozmo: I don't really think a kid his age should watch something like that..
LP: Awe, I wanna watch it!
Petey: What's "Stranger Things"?
Cozmo: *looks at LP's cute-ness* Doesn't matter, he's gonna watch it.
LP: Yayyy!!!!
Petey: Well, I can't have you have my kid watch something that might not be ok for him!
Cozmo: *snaps fingers and LP disappears* Too late.
Petey: Where did you take him!?
Cozmo: Don't worry, relax, he's in a movie room with lots of comfy blankets to watch the show.
Sarah: Well, when will he be back?
Cozmo: *checks her non-existent watch on his wist* In about... 20-24 hours. No wait, if season 1 has 8 episodes, and they're each an hour long..
Petey: 24 hours!??!???
Cozmo: No, I was wrong, 31 hours.
Petey: 31 HOURS!?!?!????
Cozmo: I guess thats why it took 8 months to watch it with my mom who I only saw on the weekends.. don't worry, I gave him about 29 5-hour energy drinks!
LP, who was now on a comfy couch with some blankets: Huh, what's this? *turns to read a note*
LP: "please drink at least a quarter of these.. love, Cozmo"? *looks to see about 29 5-hour energy drinks* ????
Cozmo: Don't worry, he'll be fine! Anyways, next commission!
Cozmo: Nurse Lady, the next patient you get will die.
NL: well, that's a bit harsh.
Cozmo: Next thingyyyyy idk it's 2:32 in the morning rn
Grampa: Me, of course.
Yolay: *rolls her eyes* Well, to be completely honest, I think Petey. Or Piggy, but when you see how easy he lost in LOTF, then it's Petey. Or Dog Man, hard choice.
Sarah: Yea, I kinda agree with Yolay. But, I also think that she'll also might win, she's pretty good at fighting.
NL: And Chief.
Chief: Guys, let's narrow it down to 3.
NL, Sarah, and Yolay: Petey, Dog Man, and Yolay [it was "and me" for Yolay.]
Chief: Ok, so now-
Chief: What, no! Have them play rock paper scissors.
*They played rock paper scissors. First it was Dog Man vrs Yolay, and Yolay won. Then Yolay vrs Petey, and Yolay won again.*
Dog Man: Woof! -"GG guys!"- [yes he now barks again sue me]
Grampa: I always had a loser for a son..
Petey: I heard that.
Cozmo: Next oneeeeee hdbjdhdhd
Cozmo: Everyone tell Aextriot a secret
Piggy: Wha's da poin' of i' if i's a secre'?
Cozmo: Hmm.. good point.. I'll just have it so that no one else can hear what you say, sounds good?
Crunky: Ok :)
Cozmo: ok, everyone tell a secret. [They won't be able to hear each other. Yes I surprisingly didn't lie wowo ejwhdwjje. Also most of these are headcannonssssss also they're very cringey help what am I doing with my life]
Sarah: I sometimes feel, out of place, yknow? Like sometimes my only friend is Zu Zu.. and sometimes Yolay :)
Yolay: I'm.. lesbian... 💅💅
Chief: I choose to be bald.
Dog Man: woof ruff bark -"Sometimes I miss knight.. :("-
Nurse Lady: Once I threw in a red sock in the washer when I was cleaning my white nurse uniform and it got stained pink. I've been too ashamed of it to tell anyone and it's been in my closet ever since.
Petey: I placed the bomb that killed Knight and Greg..
Piggy: I'm asexual. Haven't told anyone this and never plan to.
Crunky: I once found out that Piggy was asexual. I haven't told anyone. Nope. None.
Bub: Crunky once told me that Piggy's asexual and told me to never tell anyone, so is that a secret?
Grampa: I don't exactly know why I left that day, probably because we had a fight and that was the last straw, but I don't regret it.
Cozmo: Everyone.. be who you areee.. for your prideee.. donT HIDEEEEE-
Grampa: Shut up, gosh your signing sucks.
Cozmo: ok, mister I-never-should-have-left-that-day-we-had-a-fight -
Cozmo: No, actually, that's the end of this chapter. Byeee everyoneee!
Cozmo: it's 2:51 am for me rn-
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