-Chapter One-
A/N: I was gonna make this an AU but I really wanna make a book 11 fanfiction ok 🥲
Also, TWs:
Slight Mentions Abuse, Swears, and Flashbacks (idk if that's a trigger warning but just in case!).
Also, if you're a long-time fan of my other books, you would know that I named Petey's mom Sydney.
I also changed Petey's dad's name. (Sorry, Aextriot! Lol..)
"Get back here asshole!"
"Peter, get away from him! You can't hurt him like that, he's your son!"
"Son? SON!? The last time I checked, I had a daughter. I can't have fucking society changing our kid like this, I gotta knock some sence into her!"
"Peter, please-!"
"Get the fuck out of my way, Sydney."
Petey woke up, covered in sweat. He's been having nightmares. Again.
It was bad when he was at his lab, nightmares with slight snippets of memories from his childhood. But now that he's at Dog Man's house, it's been worse. Far worse.
They've been full memories, abusive ones. Like that one with.. with the glass bottle. And now.. this one. God, why could he trust his father?
(Couldn't miss an opportunity to add in the one one-shot where I tried to write angst from my other book)
"Make me proud, son." Was the only good thing to come out of his father's mouth. And yet, it was all a lie, a trick to get Petey and his son out of the house for his father to steal all of his stuff.
Why was it so special, you ask? Well, you might be thinking, "Well, because Petey's dad never said he was proud of his son." Well, you're half right.
The thing is, Petey's dad never called him "son", so that's why it was so special. Why had he never called him son? Well, it's a long story...
"Papa?" Petey heard from beside him. He looked down to see his son, Li'l Petey (LP for short). "Yeah?" Petey asked as he looked down at his son. "Come on, Dog Man's making pancakes for breakfast! :)" Li'l Petey said as he pulled his dad out of bed.
Downstairs, Dog Man was by the kitchen, trying his hardest to make pan cakes from a recipe on the pancake-mix box. He can read, yknow.
80HD was just standing behind Dog Man in case he needed any help with anything.
LP ran downstairs with his dad behind him. "Hi Dog Man! Papa's awake now :)" LP said and sat down in his seat at the table. Petey sat down next to him.
Dog Man was done making the pan cakes (which were surprisingly unburnt), and sat down at the table too.
After eating, Petey went into his room to work on something. What was it? Who knows. Dog Man had to get ready for his work, since he didn't want to be late again. Li'l Petey and 80HD were both coloring in the living room on the ground.
Dog Man walked down the stairs. LP saw him and said, "Oh, have fun at work Dog Man!" Dog Man barked in reply and was out of the house. "80HD, stay here, I wanna see what Papa's working on :)"
LP ran up the stairs into his and Petey's room. "Hi Papa, watcha working on?" He asked.
"Oh, well it's a collar for Dog Man, since he has a hard time communicating with others." Petey replied to his son. "Woah, cool :0" Li'l Petey responded as he watched his dad work on the project.
After a short while, the two heard some knocking on the door. The cats went downstairs to see who it was while 80HD waited for them to open the door.
When the robot opened the door, Li'l Petey saw that it was Molly :0. "Oh, Hi Molly!" He said. "Hi! I was coming over to see if you would like to play :D"
(I don't freaking know it's for plot)
"Sure!" The kitten was halfway out the door when he turned around. "Oh, Papa, can I go to Molly's house today?"
Petey chuckled. "Sure kid, but here," Petey handed him a backpack full of art supplies. "Take this with you, you might need it."
"Thanks Papa!" Li'l Petey took the backpack as he raced out of the door. "Bye Papa!"
"Bye, kid!"
Petey then went upstairs to work on his project.
//At Flippy's Trailer...//
Li'l Petey, Molly, and some of the frogs were coloring/painting. El (I think that's their name) was painting some stripes on a piece of paper when Li'l Petey looked over to see what they were doing.
"Hey, what's that?" The clone asked as he looked over at the frog. "Oh, it's the non-binary flag :)" the tadpole responded.
"What's nonbinary mean? Like binary code?" LP asked. El laughed. "To be honest,, some people think that a first. It means that I prefer to not have a gender."
"Is that why you like to be called they/them? I thought that every said that because you were two people in one."
El laughed some more. "Yeah. I want to hang this in my window for pride month."
"What's pride month?" LP asked.
"It's a month for lgbtq+!" Molly replied. "It's every June."
"Woah, so tomorrow?"
"So, what exactly is the lgbtq+?" The clone asked. "Well, it stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer," Wendy interjected. "Then there's more, which is in the plus."
"That's so many words," LP stated.
The tadpole and frogs proceeded to state (most of) the sexualities and identities.
I didn't really want to have to explain it all, idk why lmao.
"That's what they all mean? Coooool." the kitty clone said. "Yep!" was Wendy's response. They then kept drawing.
Petey was working on the collar for Dog Man (very cliché for a Dog Man fic I know). It was starting to get late and he'd only really eaten since breakfast, so he decided to go downstairs to get some food.
As Petey was taking his sandwich to the dining room to eat it, he walked by the calendar. Petey looked at it and realized it was the last day of the month.
He flipped over the calendar, saw where it said "June" at the top, and just stared. It had lots of rainbows and flags for pride month.
"It's June already???" He said, as he didn't like the month. He liked the community, just he felt so over whelmed at this time because.. well, there was a reason, but for the plot if this book I won't tell you.
"I..." He just looked at it blankly. He debated on whether he should tell the others his secret or not, but decided not to for the best.
He decided he wasn't hungry and wrapped his sandwich in a plastic bag and put it in the fridge. He went upstairs and worked on the collar until he fell asleep on his desk.
And that was chapter one! I hope you enjoyed. It really sucks so far but I figured this would be easier instead of the au.
If I did the au, it would be really hard and I would have to copy the chapters each by the book.
Basically, I would be making a whole book with each chapter a Dog Man book but with my au.
It would be really hard and I didn't really want to explain it all.
BUT, right after I post this I'll work on explaining my au in my Dog Man Randomness book! So stay tuned.
Anyway, I really wanna get this book done in time for Pride Month, June! So this month! Yeah..!
Anyway, hope you liked it so far!
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