Dog love
Alex POV (A/N Alex is Alexa from about so....)
I soared in. A black dog was there, waiting. I let my talons reach out and the dog grabbed on.
Sirius. My Sirius, the first to escape Azkaban.
I took him on a walk, away from people. Then I, along with him, changed back and kissed. I showed him the invitation, and we exchanged notes, his becoming Potter's godfather, me with, well not much. We had a plan.
OK again........ I can delete any hate though so thee who thinks thou can get away with it, I SEE YOU THERE MR! AND YOU, HIS WIFE! So yeah..... Have fun!
I'm intending to be annoying.
Art thee annoyed?
Just keep scrolling
Just keep scrolling
Just keep scrolling
Am I succeeding?
OK, done!
I reached into my pocket and out of it came a leash. It was beautiful, black and silver. We flew back to dad.
"You succeeded!" He smiled. "Sugar quills!" I burst out. "Yes! Sugar quills!" He agreed with my password.
"That's it! I'm going to the ministry now." I said. I proceeded to the fireplace. "Ministry!" I said clearly. There I was.
I strolled right in. "Minister!" I greeted. He smiled. "Did they tell you Black was innocent? Or Pettigrew was an illegal animagaus? I'll prove it to you. SCABBERS!" The old rat scampered in. "Hespensanta allimicia!" I charmed the rat. He grew, I immediately caged him. Peter stood there. "My my! Peter!" The minister said. "Without him, Lilly and James wouldn't be dead" I sniffed. "Pettigrew! Azkaban!" The minister flicked his wand. "Sirius can come out."" I'll retrieve him." I said. He nodded, fortunately, and I used the floo out. Near it, I used the floo back home.
"Sirius your innocent!" I said. He smiled.
I don't fancy doing that again, I don't own HP, all that goes to the wonderful goddess; JK ROWLING!!!!!!
OK, @HunteratHogwarts OUT!!!
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