The Failed Plan
WARNING: MAKEOUT SESSION IS IN THIS FIC! I haven't done any real kissing scenes so I felt obligated to finally do some. I'm not good at that kind of writing so give me feedback pls! And if you don't want to read it, I'm imputing a little sign as to where it starts so you can skip it if you want. Its not smutty or anything, but idk if you're weirded out by it or think its gross don't harass me about it pls. Its really short too and not detail because I've never even had my first kiss this is all based off of fanfiction, plus I dont want it to seem slightly smutty or anything. Thank you. As you can probably tell, I'm worried people *cough*myfriendsIRL*cough* will judge me or something. Btw that was a deep insecurity right there I just admitted to so yay me. Wow this A/N is waaay to long. Yeah I'm just rambling now because I'm too nervous for you to read the story. Agh! Whatever, I'll survive. Signing off.
Will was going to do it.
Today was the day.
He was going to tell Nico di Angelo, his crush, exactly how he felt.
Will walked into the Infirmary and headed diagonally (A/N: 'cause he can't go straight) to the hospital bed where Nico laid, bored out of his skull.
"Hey, Deathboy," Will greeted cheerfully.
Nico rolled his eyes. "How many times do I have to tell you, Solace? Don--"
"Don't call me Deathboy," Will mimicked him in a squeaky voice. "I know, I know."
Nico flushed, glaring at his lap.
"Anyways," Will said, starting to get nervous. "I-I wanted to talk to you about--"
"Nico!" called a male voice from somewhere down the hall.
Nico's eyes lit up at the sound of the voice. "Aleister!" he exclaimed.
Will frowned slightly, turning to match a name to the face. A boy--Aleister, apparently--their age with flawless olive skin, brown bangs, and matching brown eyes hurried down the hall.
"Hey, Spooks," Aleister greeted Nico, sitting down on the end of Nico's Infirmary bed. "Jason told me that you were in here."
Nico nodded. "Solace is keeping me in here for using my 'Underworld-y' powers," he said, smiling slightly. Aleister laughed. Then, Nico remembered Will. "Ah, right. Aleister, this is Will, my doctor. Will, this is Aleister, son of Athena."
"Hey," Aleister greeted cheerfully.
"Pleasure," said Will, frowning slightly.
"What were you wanting to talk to me about?" Nico asked.
Will opened his mouth to respond when Aleister cut in. "Oh, well I was going to ask about the Hades cabin. You said you wanted to remodel it? I could help," Aleister offered.
"I-I'll talk to you later, Neeks," Will mutter, walking to the cabinet across the room to get bandages.
"Sure," replied Nico, practically ignoring Will.
Will sighed and opened the cabinet, grabbing a vial of ointment and searching for a fresh roll of bandages, eavesdropping on Nico and Aleister while he did this.
"So there was something else I wanted to ask," Aleister said from behind Will.
"Okay, what?" Nico replied.
Aleister took a deep breath. "I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me."
Will dropped the vial and it smashed on the floor, ointment exploding everywhere.
"Will!" exclaimed Kayla, rushing in. "Be careful!" She quickly cleaned it up and hurried off, while Will stood quietly, waiting for Nico's answer.
"Sure," Nico replied finally. "I'd love to."
Will felt like someone had punched him in the heart. He swallowed, blinking away tears. Will turned around and walked over to the bed, not looking at Nico or Aleister. "I need to finish wrapping Nico's arms," Will said stiffly.
"Great!" said Aleister, voice relieved and yet again, completely ignoring Will. "I'll pick you up later." With that, the son of Athena walked out of the Infirmary, a bounce in his step.
Will grabbed Nico's arms and began to wrap them, not meeting his eyes. "Done," he said coldly when he finished.
"Can I leave?" Nico asked hopefully.
Will nodded, still avoiding Nico's eyes. "You're fine. Completely healed," he said bitterly.
"Great!" exclaimed Nico, hopping out of bed and walking out of the Infirmary.
Will cleaned up quickly and left the Infirmary as well. He needed to take a break.
"Will!" exclaimed Jason, running over. "So, how'd it go?"
Will looked up at him, confused. "What do you mean?" he asked, forcing himself to sound happy.
Jason noticed immediately. "What?! What happened? Did Aleister do something wrong?" he asked.
At the sound of Aleister's name, Will stiffened.
Jason looked extremely confused. "Did Aleister forget? What happened to the plan?" he asked.
"What plan?" Will asked.
"The plan to get you and Nico together that Percy, Piper, and I made up!" Jason exclaimed.
Will laughed bitterly. "Well its too late," he practically spat.
"What do you mean?" Jason asked.
"How'd it go?" Piper asked, approaching the two with Percy.
"Something didn't go right," Jason replied. "Will's upset."
Percy and Piper thought for a moment before Piper gasped. "Oh no," she said worriedly. "Did Nico say yes?"
The three looked at Will, who nodded stiffly.
"Oh gods," Jason complained. "He was supposed to say no, and then you were supposed to get over protective and ask him out yourself!"
Will bit his lip. "Well he said yes," he muttered. "Thanks a--how did you know that Aleister was going to ask him out?"
Jason fidgeted. "Well, you see, Aleister doesn't actually like Nico that way. He agreed to be part of the plan, but nobody expected Nico to say yes..."
Will curled his hands into fists. "You mean Nico thinks that Aleister likes him but really this is just for a stupid scheme?" he demanded.
"Sorta?" asked Percy.
Piper gasped. "Nico thinks that he and Aleister are going on a date tonight!" she groaned.
"Can't you just tell Aleister to tell Nico that he changed his mind?" Percy asked.
"That would be cruel," Piper commented.
Jason nodded excitedly. "And Will could be there to make him feel better! Perfect! Perce, you're a genius!"
Percy smiled lopsidedly. "Would you tell Annabeth that?"
"Okay, hold on, ALEISTER!" Jason hollered.
Aleister hurried over, an anxious look on his face. "What's the plan?" he asked.
"Tell Nico you changed your mind," Piper instructed him.
Aleister looked shocked. "Won't that break his heart?" he asked.
Will gritted his teeth. "Trust me, Princess, I think he'll manage," he grumbled.
Percy choked.
"Will will be there to make him feel better," Jason explained. Then he cracked a smile. "Will will. Heh."
Will rolled his eyes.
"Okay," Aleister said, walking off towards the Hades cabin.
Ten minutes later, he came back with a guilty look on his face. "He's upset. I feel so bad," said Aleister, biting his lip and fidgeting with his hands.
"Okay, cue the Will," Piper said, shoving Will in the direction of the Hades cabin.
Will rolled his eyes, but walked towards the dark cabin. When he reached it, he rapped gently on the door. "Nico?" he asked softly. "You there?"
He heard sniffling. "G-Go away, Solace," Nico snapped.
Will sighed and pushed the door open. "I heard what happened," he admitted.
Nico looked up at him, tears filling his brown eyes. "I-I thought...Maybe someone w-wanted me. T-That I could find s-somebody," he stammered.
Will felt like his heart was breaking into shards. "Nico," he started, fear bubbling up in his stomach. Nico didn't like him--he was going to get rejected--he was going to be humiliated. "I-I'm sure you'll find someone," he stuttered.
"I liked Aleister," Nico sniffed. "He was brave, smart, good at sword fighting, funny, kind."
Will felt like a knife had been planted in his gut. Will wasn't brave, or smart. He sucked at any type of fighting, and Nico had made it extremely clear that he wasn't funny or remotely nice. Will turned away. "I-I see," he said, hurt.
Nico laughed thickly. "He reminded me of you," he said quietly.
Will froze.
"You're fearless and so good at healing," Nico said, sounding like he was talking to himself, but he said 'you'. "You're the nicest person I've ever met."
Will felt over a hundred butterflies in his stomach.
"But you probably hate me now," said Nico with an emotionless laugh. "After all, I'm just a messed up fag."
Will's heart plummeted. "Nico, I don't--"
"Will, just please, leave me alone," Nico whispered, turning away.
Will grabbed the smaller boy's shoulders. "Nico, you aren't a fag and I don't hate you," he said, mustering his courage. "I-I'm in love with you."
*Cue le Makeout scene here*
Nico looked up, surprised. He opened his mouth to talk, but the words never left his lips. Instead, Will's touched his. At first, Nico was to shocked to do anything, but then he quickly realized what was happening at started to move his lips with Will's, which felt very nice if you asked Will. And by very nice, Will felt like his chest was about to explode with butterflies. He placed his hands on Nico's waist and hesitantly asked for entrance in Nico's mouth. After a few moments, Nico allowed Will to deepen the kiss, wrapping his arms around Will's neck and standing on his tiptoes as Will explored his mouth. A small gasp escaped Nico's lips, and he dug his hands in Will's hair hungrily.
*le Makeout scene has ended*
Suddenly, the door to the Hades cabin swung open, and a group of people filed in noisily. Their talking halted when they saw Nico and Will. The two jumped apart, blushing furiously as someone wolf-whistled.
"Finally," Jason said exasperated.
"Jason!" exclaimed Nico, flushed.
"Sorry for interrupting your makeout sesh," Percy said. "But we just wanted to see how things were going along."
"No hard feelings, I assume," Aleister asked, a twinkle in his eyes.
Nico turned red, but nodded.
"Anyways, everything is clearly running smoothly," Piper announced. "You can continue sucking each other's faces off."
Will and Nico turned redder than before, sputtering excuses as the group left.
Finally, it was just them.
And then Will noticed Nico's arms. "What happened?! They were fine when you left the Infirmary like ten minutes ago!" he exclaimed, touching the shredded bandages.
Nico rolled his eyes. "Nothing happened," he said.
Will smiled mischievously. "I guess you'll have to stay in the Infirmary some more," he said innocently. "What a shame."
Nico scoffed, but was smiling. "Fine," he gave in.
Will grinned, and kissed Nico on the cheek. "Let's go, Deathboy," he said, taking Nico's hand and leading him to the Infirmary.
A/N: Aww. Cute. Anyways, back to my major insecurity. If you read the *hushed voice* makeout sesh, how was it? I just realized that the author's note in the beginning of the chap was longer than the actual scene XD. Oh well. Anyways. Should I write more kisses and stuffy like that (if that was any good, idk)? I've never even held hands with a guy, so I'm a little inexperienced. Like I'd want to. Middle school guys are literally the worst. Except for like three, but I do NOT like them. One of them is dating my friend, and the other two are my friends. And yes, since Kiwi's probably reading this, I DO NOT LIKE YOU KNOW WHO AND WE CLARIFIED THIS! Remember, we've got a pact. Lets keep it.
Signing off, Razzy
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