Will watched his crush, Nico di Angelo, from the Infirmary window. He wasn't stalking Nico, he assured himself. Just...observing.
"Hey, Jason," said Nico, smiling slightly at the blonde boy.
"Hey, Neeks!" Jason exclaimed, wrapping the small son of Hades in a hug. Surprisingly, Nico hugged him back. "How've you been?"
Nico smiled at him. "Good, how're you?" he asked.
Jason ruffled Nico's dark hair. "Pretty good! Let's go to your cabin--I have something to talk to you about something," Jason said, leading Nico off towards the Hades cabin.
Will felt a rush of anger through his chest and he clenched his hands into fists, slamming them on the windowsill. Practically growling, Will turned away from the windowsill and sat on the Infirmary bed that USED to be Nico's. Pausing to make sure nobody was in the Infirmary, Will leaned down and inhaled the scent of his major crush: pomegranates and burning wood. Blushing, Will straightened and leaned against the wall. There was a giddy smile on his face. Then, he remembered Jason, and he scowled again. What was Jason telling Nico? What were they talking about? Will thought for a moment, and then felt a twist in his stomach. What if they were kissing?! Will knew Nico was gay, but he never thought that Nico could possibly like anyone besides Will. Now that he thought about it, Will realized that the chances of Nico liking him back were almost nonexistent. Why had he been stupid enough to believe that Nico could have liked him back? He was just a healer; Nico used to like Percy, and it was clear that he was more interested in the hero types. Definitely not Will. And besides, Nico was so...regal. He was so handsome, rebellious, dark, princely. There was no way the Ghost King would ever consider useless healer Will Solace as anything else but a doctor. Will sighed dejectedly, walking out of the Infirmary with his head down and a sad frown on his face.
"Stupid, stupid," Will muttered, kicking a rock as he walked. "He doesn't like you." Suddenly, he bumped into someone. Will looked up, and he felt a rush of anger and hatred. It was Jason.
Jason smiled cheerfully, but Will's scowl deepened. "Hey, Will! How are you doing?" Jason asked.
"I'm fine," Will replied shortly.
"Nico was telling me that you had asked him to help out in the Infirmary," Jason remarked.
At the mention of Nico's name--and the way Jason's face lit up when he said it--Will curled his hands into fists by his side. "Yeah, well let him know I've changed my mind," Will said stiffly.
Jason's smile slipped off his face. "What? Why?" he asked concerned.
Will forced a fake smile onto his face, when really he was about to cry. "He'd rather spend time with you, and I don't want to force myself into his life when clearly he doesn't want me," snapped Will, a lump growing in his throat.
"Oh," Jason said. "Is this about me and Nico?"
The way he said 'me and Nico' made it obvious that they were a thing. Will felt tears well up in his eyes, and he glared at the ground. "Just...leave me alone," he mumbled, turning and storming to the Apollo cabin, tears dripping from his eyes.
When he reached the bright cabin, he slammed the door and closed all of the blinds, sitting on his bed. He really thought that maybe he and Nico had a chance to be something more than friends. Just maybe he'd find someone. Just maybe. For once. But Jason had to step in with his perfect personality and perfect fighting skills and be the perfect boyfriend for Nico. Perfect, perfect, perfect. Nothing was ever perfect for Will. Where was his perfect life, his perfect boyfriend? No where, because Will wasn't allowed to have a perfect life. He was the doctor; he healed people. That's why people talked to him. They'd talk to him and be friendly at the Infirmary, but when Will lets them out, they just...leave. Including Nico.
"Perfect," spat Will, eyes burning with tears. "Another perfect mistake. Another perfect boy. Another perfect heartbreak."
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. "Will?" asked a small voice that borne butterflies in Will's stomach. Nico.
"What?" croaked Will.
The door opened slowly, and Nico di Angelo walked in. At the sight of the gods dam perfect young man, Will broke inside. He wanted--no, he needed to let him go.
Leave my heart, Nico di Angelo.
"Will, are you okay?" Nico asked, sitting down on the bed next to Will.
Will refused to look up, furiously trying to banish all affection for the raven haired son of Hades. "Why wouldn't I be okay?" he asked, his voice cracking.
Nico hesitated for a moment. "Well, Jason said--"
Will stood up so violently that Nico fell off the bed. "Jason. Of course it was Jason," he spat, anger flowing through his system. "What else did Jason tell you, di Angelo? I bet I can guess. Mr. Perfect. Of course. What else. Why did I think I could even stand a chance?!"
Nico looked up at him, brown eyes full of confusion--and fear. "What are you talking about, Will?" he asked.
"Don't. Don't do that. Don't call me Will like I'm your friend, like I'm anything more to you than a stupid, useless doctor who acts like you're some precious gem that needs to be protected. Just don't. Why are you even here? Shouldn't you be with Jason? I bet he's your friend--more, actually. Oh, he probably told you to come here and talk to me. Perfect. When I think maybe you cared. Nope, it was your boyfriend. I don't understand you, Nico. And I want to--no. No, I don't. I can't. I can't just stand here and watch this--this perfect life of yours. With your perfect friends and your perfect boyfriend. I don't have to worry about that, though. I'll just wait in the Infirmary, secretly hoping you'll get hurt just so I can see your face--have you talk to me and treat me like maybe I'm something special. Just maybe I'm more than just a doctor--maybe more than a friend! But then you leave and its like I never existed, just sitting in my bed at 3 a.m. when everyone's asleep and hoping and praying to every god I know that you'll get hurt again--just one more time--so I can see you again. And then you get hurt because you do something stupid and I exist again. But every time--every dam time--you leave me crying in my room because I got left. Over. And over. Every time. I get my hopes up, and then you leave me. Just don't! Don't do this. Make your choice, Nico, because I cant take this. Either I'm your friend or I'm not--its not hard. Just choose. If you don't want to be friends, I can leave you alone. I will. I'll stop secretly begging, pleading, hoping, that you feel something. Something more. I can stop desperately holding on. And I will. Just tell me what you want because gods dam it, I CAN'T KEEP DOING THIS!" shouted Will, tears flowing freely from his heartbroken eyes.
Nico sat on the floor, face slack in shock. "Will...I don't..."
And then Will kissed him.
Nico stiffened, unsure of what to do.
Will pulled back, and stormed out of his cabin.
"Will--wait!" Nico yelped, scrambling up and following him.
"What do you want?" yelled Will, stopping and glaring at Nico.
By now, a bunch of people--including Jason--were watching.
"Will, I want to be your friend," Nico said.
Will's mouth twisted into a sarcastic smile. "Oh goody. That's exactly what I've been dreaming to hear you say since I met you when we were ten. Friends. Nothing more--but that doesn't matter, because we're friends," Will replied sarcastically, but there was hurt in his voice.
"Ugh, you dummy," said Nico, rolling his eyes. "I love you."
Will's jaw dropped. He had expected many things. Not once did he expect those words to be falling out of Nico di Angelo's mouth. It was...perfect.
Then Nico grabbed his shirt collar, stood on his tip toes, and smashed his lips against Will's.
The End
A/N: How'd you like that? It was originally going to be just a little funny Jealous!Will fic, but it turned really angst-y. Like wow. I'm crying writing this. That's slightly concerning. Feedback in the comments please!!!!!
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