"So, Nico," Jason asked. "Truth or dare?"
Nico fidgeted, all eyes awaiting his answer eagerly. "Dare," he decided finally.
Jason grinned and leaned over towards Piper, whispering something in her ear. She nodded, and then Jason looked back at Nico, a mischievous look on his face. "I dare you to ask out Will Solace and stay with him until he says 'I love you'. Then, you have to break his heart."
Nico blinked. "What?" he asked, flustered. "I'm not doing that."
"You have to! Its the rules!" Jason exclaimed, shoving Nico out of the Hades cabin where the group had been playing truth or dare. When Nico exited the cabin reluctantly, Annabeth pounced.
"What's your plan now?" she asked.
Jason grinned. "Nico will feel to bad to dump him and then they'll be an official couple," he announced.
Annabeth exchanged looks with Percy. "Okay..." she replied hesitantly. Then, the gang returned to their game of Truth or Dare.
Nico walked over to the Infirmary, dread in his system. Why was Jason making him do this? It's not like the son of Hades actually had a crush on the handsome blonde healer. Okay, maybe a little. But this was definitely going to ruin their friendship.
"Nico!" exclaimed Will once he entered the Infirmary, rushing over.
"Hey, Will," Nico replied nervously. He took a deep breath, and asked, "D'you want to go out with me?"
Will froze, blush creeping up on his face.
Oh gods, Nico thought panicky. What have I done?
"S-Sure," Will replied finally, a huge smile growing on his face.
"Wait--really?" Nico asked, bewildered.
Will nodded, and before Nico knew it, he had kissed his cheek. Nico smiled and pretended nothing was wrong, but inside, he felt so much guilt.
It had been about two years since the night of the dare, and Nico was finally happy. Will was so perfect that sometimes, he forgot that everything started off as a dare. Luckily, Will would never say he loved him, right?
Nico and Will were in the Hades cabin, laughing about something Nico had done. Well, Nico was laughing because Will was, and the son of Apollo's laugh made him want to dance. But he didn't do that, so he settled for laughing along.
"Gods, I love you," Will laughed, happiness in his eyes.
Nico froze.
"And thats why I wanted to ask you," Will said, seriousness overcoming him. "Will you stay with me forever?"
And everything starting moving fast - too fast - Will was suddenly on one knee and he had a box and he was opening it and holy mother of Hera there was a ring and Nico didn't know what was going on except that his heart was racing super fast and he didn't know what to do.
"Nico di Angelo, will you marry me?" asked Will breathlessly, looking up at him with his adoring blue eyes.
"...stay with him until he says 'I love you'. Then, you have to break his heart..." Jason's voice echoed in Nico's head as he stood frozen in shock. Will had said 'I love you', and now Nico had to break up with him, only he couldn't because he loved him.
And suddenly everything is moving fast again and the words are spilling out of Nico's mouth - the wrong words, not the ones he wanted to say.
Will blinked, unsure if he heard him right. "No?" he asked quietly - almost as if he was begging Nico to change his mind.
"No," ensured Nico, desperately trying to hold in his raging emotions.
"No," repeated Will, staring determinedly at the box in his hands. Nico knew him well enough that he was about to cry. "O-Oh." There was a long silence in which Will was collecting himself. "I-I understand. You're not ready - I get it." Will looked up at Nico with his heartbroken blue eyes and forced a smile. "I-I'm going to go now," Will said quietly, standing up. "Bye, Nico." With that, he shuffled towards the door and left Nico alone.
Nico burst into tears, throwing himself on his bunk and crying his eyes out. The love of his life had just proposed to him. And he said no. No. Why did he say no? It was just a dare - a dare from two years ago. He shouldn't have done that - he had to go apologize and tell Will yes. Wiping his eyes, Nico walked into a shadow, directing his shadow travel location to the Apollo cabin. He appeared inside of the bright cabin from a shadow in the corner and immediately noticed Will sitting on his bunk with his head in his hands and the box on the floor. Just as Nico was about to step out, a rush of Apollo campers came in, talking happily. When they saw Will, they stopped.
"How'd the proposal go?" asked Austin cheerfully, not realizing what had happened.
Will lifted his head to reveal his blood shot eyes from crying. "He said no," he replied, his voice scratchy and hoarse and full of pain.
Every single Apollo camper's jaws dropped.
"What?!" exclaimed Kayla, her eyes wide in disbelief.
"He said no," repeated Will. "I did everything I practiced, and he said no."
"No?!" asked one of his sisters, outraged.
"No," repeated Will, staring at the ring box on the floor. "No. No. No. No." He looked up at his siblings. "Why did he say no?"
"Maybe he wasn't ready?" suggested a brother.
"I-I thought he was," said Will, staring at the box again. "But I guess he isn't."
"He actually said no," confirmed a sister.
Will snapped. "Yes, Laurel. He said no. The love of my life said no. I asked him to be with me forever and he. Said. No. I don't know what to do anymore - are we still together? Did he mean 'no, I don't love you anymore' or 'no, maybe later'? I don't know!" he yelled, tears falling again.
"You need to go talk to him," Austin decided.
"Are you kidding me?" asked Will in disbelief. "I can't just - just go up and talk to him! What if he decides I'm no longer what he wants - What if I'm not good enough?! I'm not a hero - I'm no Percy Jackson! I just - I shouldn't have done that. I knew I wasn't good enough. Why did I ever think I had a chance?" Will finished bitterly.
"Will, go talk to him," Kayla said softly.
Will sighed. "I can't handle the rejection, Kayla. He's going to leave me and I'm going to be standing there like an idiot because I just freakin' proposed to someone who doesn't love me - who probably never loved me but I was too much in love with him to see that!"
Nico shadow traveled outside of Will's cabin, not wanting to hear any more of that. He pushed the door open and shoved through the campers to where his boyfriend sat on the bed. Will's eyes widened and filled with fear.
"Nico," he breathed, blue eyes pleading.
Nico opened his mouth, but no words came out. He didn't know what to say. What could he say to make this better?
"I know. You don't need to say it," mumbled Will, not meeting his eyes. "We're done."
"No," interrupted Nico, finding his voice. "We are not."
Will looked up at him, surprised. "Y-You still want me?" he asked in disbelief.
"Of course," Nico said, walking up and wrapping his arms around him. Will flinched and didn't hug him back. "Will?" he stepped back and looked at the son of Apollo worriedly, because Will's eyes were wide with terror and his breathing was ragged.
"He's having a panic attack," explained Laurel, looking worriedly at Will. "He lost his confidence. He's doubting everything - he might get depression."
Nico's jaw dropped in horror. "No, Will," he breathed, running up and kissing his boyfriend lightly.
Will pushed him away, putting his hands on his knees. "Stop pretending you want me! I-I know how you really feel."
"Oh yeah?" asked Nico. "How do I feel then?"
Will looked up at him with his pain filled, shattered blue eyes. "No," he replied. "No. You said no. You don't feel anything."
Nico felt like he was going to burst into tears in front of everyone. This hurt - hurt so bad - knowing that he broke Will. He broke him. The happy, arrogant, annoying, cheerful, loving boy he fell in love with was broken. And he broke him. "Will - I love you so much - this hurts me, seeing you like this."
"Then why, Nico? Why did you say no?" asked Will. "Am I no longer good enough? Was I ever? Do you want a hero now? Someone who can protect you? That isn't me, I can't do anything. I can't even get the love of my life since I was ten years old to love me back."
"Will, please," pleaded Nico.
Neither of the boys noticed as Will's siblings slipped out of the Apollo cabin, leaving them alone.
"If you love me so much, why did you say no?" demanded Will.
ALTERNATIVE ENDINGS (because I couldn't decide on one)!!!! If you want the happy ending, read past this! If you want the sad ending, scroll down to the next bolded 'ALTERNATIVE ENDINGS' thing!
Nico felt the words bubbling up inside him and spilling out before he could stop them. "It was a dare," he blurted, almost sighing in relief at the weight his words had lifted off his chest.
Will stared at him blankly. "A dare," he said, his voice low. "It was all a dare."
Nico nodded, glad he understood.
Will laughed bitterly. "That makes sense," he said, more to himself than Nico. "Of course. He never loved you- it was just a dare. He was just playing with you for two years, Will."
"Wait - what?" asked Nico, getting confused. "The dare was to break your heart, Will. I didn't mean to actually hurt you."
Will looked up at him uncertainly. "You do love me?" he asked, his voice so small and innocent that it hurt Nico's heart.
"Of course, moron," Nico said, smiling at Will who returned it uneasily. Then, he reached down and scooped up the box. "Will you marry me, Solace?"
Will smiled and stood up, wrapping his arms around Nico's waist and kissing him. "Of course," he replied.
Nico beamed.
And they all lived happily ever after because they can.
The End!
Nico felt the words bubbling up inside him and spilling out before he could stop them. "It was a dare," he blurted, almost sighing in relief at the weight his words had lifted off his chest.
Will stared at him blankly. "A dare," he said, his voice low. "It was all a dare."
Nico nodded, glad he understood.
Will laughed bitterly. "That makes sense," he said, more to himself than Nico. "Of course. He never loved you- it was just a dare. He was just playing with you for two years, Will."
"Will, I didn't mean to - " Nico started.
"Just leave me alone, di Angelo!" Will shouted, anguish in his voice. "W-We're done!"
Nico stumbled backwards in shock, his eyes wide and filling with tears. "Wait - no! But Will -"
"Get out of here, di Angelo," hissed Will, scooping up the ring box and hurtling it into the trash bin. "I can't believe I fell for your act."
Nico turned and ran, tears falling from his eyes. He headed for the first place he could think of - Jason's cabin - where the son of Jupiter was. Where his friend was.
"C'mon, Neeks!" said Jason teasingly. "Piper and Reyna are meeting us there! Hurry up!"
Nico yanked on his sweater and laced his boots before standing and smiling at his husband. "Let's go."
Jason took Nico's hand and the two of them walked to the coffee shop a few blocks away, talking casually as the New York snow fell lightly on their heads.
"We're here!" Jason said finally, opening the door and ushering the son of Hades in.
Nico smiled gratefully at him and looked around. It was small and cozy, but Reyna and Piper weren't there. They must be late. Nico and Jason walked towards the counter to order, and while they did, Nico bumped into a man sitting at one of the tables. "I'm so sorry," he apologized, looking down at the man.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to get in your wa - " The man looked up at him and Nico's heart stopped. "Nico?" asked Will Solace, voice uncertain.
"Will," breathed Nico, glancing up at Jason, who was smiling down at Will friendly. "Uh, hey?"
Will just stared at him, mixed emotions in his dull blue eyes.
"Hi, Will," Jason said cheerfully. "Have you seen Piper and Reyna?"
Will's eyes flickered up at him. "No, why would I? Piper's your girlfriend."
Jason laughed. "Actually, Piper and Reyna are dating. I'm married to Nico."
Will's head snapped to their hands and saw the rings. "Oh."
Jason laughed awkwardly.
"Glad to see you've moved on, Nico," Will said, struggling to get the words out. "And you and Jason? T-That's nice."
Nico looked down at what Will had been working on, and a glossy picture of him and Will laughing and holding hands stained with tears stared back at him. Will saw what he was looking at and moved a paper to conceal it.
Jason seemed to realize what was going on, and said, "Um, I'll get us drinks. Nico - regular?"
Nico smiled up at his husband and nodded. "Thanks, babe."
Will stared at his hands, not speaking.
"How have you been?" Nico asked awkwardly.
Will looked up at him. "Fine."
"Did you end up going to med school?" asked Nico.
Will shook his head.
"Why not?" Nico asked, bewildered.
Will looked at his hands again. "I-I couldn't trust myself not to mess up," he admitted.
"What?" exclaimed Nico. "But you're the most confident person I know." Knew, his mind corrected him. Shut up, he snapped at himself.
"Not anymore," Will mumbled.
Nico straightened, remembering what Laurel had said. "He's having a panic attack. He lost his confidence. He's doubting everything - he might get depression."
"Oh my gods," Nico whispered. "This is all my fault."
Will avoided his gaze. "It's not. It's my own stupid fault."
"You're such an idiot, you know that?" said Nico.
Will's face hardened. "I-I know." Will looked down at the picture of the two of them and bit his lip. "You've gotten over it - over me - but I haven't. I don't think I ever will. I-I loved you too much."
"I really did love you, Will," Nico said softly. "So, so much."
Will looked up. "Your husband's coming," he said, spitting the word husband like it was poison.
Nico looked up and smiled at Jason. "Hi, Jace."
Will stared at the photo determinedly. "He never smiled at you like that," he whispered to himself so quietly Nico almost couldn't hear him. "You meant nothing."
Nico looked down at Will. "Will - " he started, but Will stood up, gathering his papers and shoving them in his bag.
"I'm leaving," Will said. "It was nice running into you two." He smiled but it came out like a grimace. Then, he turned towards Nico and his eyes softened. "Bye, Nico." With that, he turned and walked out of the coffee shop. Nico's eyes trailed him as he left, pretending to listen to whatever Jason was rambling about. When the figure of his old love disappeared, Nico smiled up at his husband.
That was the last time Nico di Angelo ever saw William Solace.
The End.
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