Jurassic Park: the Ride
A/N: this is a preslash not AU fic that I had the idea for at Universal studios Hollywood on tuesday when i went with strawberryeclipse
"Nope," said Nico stubbornly, crossing his arms.
"Nico, please?" asked Will desperately. "The Jurassic Park ride isn't scary!"
"I never said it was," Nico replied, biting his lip. "I just don't want to get wet." It was clear that Nico was lying--biting his lip was his tell.
"Why not?" Will asked.
Nico grimaced. "I-I don't like water," he said stiffly. Will had many questions about that, but at the moment, he had to convince his crush to go on the Jurassic Park ride at Universal Studios Hollywood. Chiron had sent about forty campers to Universal Studios for a field trip, and Will was lucky enough to go. Unfortunately, Nico was too afraid to go on Jurassic Park, which was one of Will's favorite rides.
"Please, Neeks?" pleaded Will, making huge puppy dog eyes.
Nico flushed--or maybe that was Will's imagination--and scowled at the floor. "Fine, but you owe me big time," he gave in, giving the thirty minute wait line a glare.
"Yes!" exclaimed Will, grabbing Nico's hand and dragging him into the line. Immediately, Nico yanked his hand away, scowling. Will frowned slightly, turning away so Nico wouldn't see the disappointment in his face.
"I don't know why I'm doing this," grumbled Nico as the line inched forwards like a snail.
Will grinned. "It's fun. Trust me!" he exclaimed.
Thirty minutes later, it was Will and Nico's turn to go. They were in the very front row. Nico stopped, shaking his head when he saw the water. "No," he said, starting to back away.
"Aw, is the goth boy scared of a little water?" called a boy their age from the line, laughing with his friends.
Nico clenched his teeth and sat down, eyes stony. Will sat down next to him, setting his hand lightly on his shoulder.
"Nico--" Will started.
"Let's just get this over with, Solace," Nico said harshly, eyes facing forward. "It's bad enough I have to go on this stupid ride, but now I have to deal with you talking."
Will nodded, a lump in his throat. "R-Right," he stuttered, moving his hand. "Sorry."
Nico scowled.
Suddenly, the ride started moving, climbing up the first teeny hill. When it slid down a slope, water splashed up, causing Nico to flinch. The announcer started talking, talking about the dinosaurs grazing peacefully in the marsh. When the fog started growing, Will could hear Nico's breaths increasing in panic and volume. Soon, it was so clouded that Will could barely see Nico beside him.
"W-Will?" stammered Nico's voice.
Will stayed silent. Nico didn't want to talk to him.
"Will," repeated Nico, panic in his voice.
Will stared straight forwards, struggling not to reply. Suddenly, a pair of hands grabbed his arm.
"Will," whimpered Nico. "I-I'm scared."
Will's resolve melted. "It's not scary, Nico," he said quietly.
"But--" Nico protested. Then, the fog cleared up, showing more dinosaurs. Nico seemed to relax when suddenly a dinosaur popped out of the water and sprayed the liquid everywhere. Nico shrieked, holding Will's arm tighter.
Will couldn't resist a small laugh. "Nico, it's just a ride," he told him.
"What's that?" Nico asked, pointing at a ruined boat, set there for foreshadowing and aesthetics.
"It's part of the ride," Will replied.
"What's going on?" Nico asked panicky as the boat started its climb.
"Shh," Will snapped, irritated.
Nico fell silent, biting his lip and staring at the ground, hurt in his eyes. "Sorry," he replied quietly.
The boat traveled through the building for a few more moments before starting up another hill and Nico stayed silent, although he was shaking in fear. Will felt bad; Nico was never quiet like this.
"Nico, I didn't mean to yell at you," Will said softly.
Nico sniffled. "It's fine," he replied, but it was clear in his voice that he took it personally. Then, in a voice so quiet Will could barely hear him, Nico added, "I knew this would happen."
Will stared at him, bewildered, when the Tyrannosaurus rex lunged at them with a roar, and the boat plunged down the 84 foot drop.
"Oh my gods!" screamed Nico.
Will, on the other hand, felt wild exhilaration as he whooped.
When the boat finished the drop, water splashed everywhere, drenching all of the passengers and causing Nico to make a strangled sound of horror. Will turned towards Nico to see his entire pale face covered in wetness. Without thinking, he leaned over and cupped Nico's face with one hand, wiping the water away with the other hand. That's when he realized how close their faces were. The boys' noses were practically touching, and Nico was blushing bright red. Recklessly, Will leaned forwards, tilting his head and closing his eyes. Nico's soft lips met his own, and fireworks went off in his stomach. After a moment's hesitation, Nico began kissing Will back. Neither of them cared that eighteen other passengers were staring at them, some in surprise and some in horror. They were just in their own world, kissing gently as the boat slid smoothly into the unloading zone. When they pulled away, both boys were breathless, flushed pink.
"I'm still mad at you about the water," Nico said.
Will laughed and the two walked off the boat, ignoring the stares of people around them. Right now it was just them.
A/N: the End! How was it? I went on this ride for the first time on Tuesday and I was like 'what the heck, I'll write a fanfic about this' because it was the fun-est ride ever!
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