Chat 4
11 has logged on.
2 has logged on.
11: Hello, me! :)
2: Yes, I should say so. Hello.
11: Nice, bowtie.
2: Why thank you. It's nice to find another version of myself with good fashion sense.
AR has logged on
11: Alphie! You're on! Hello!
2: Hello, Alphie!
AR: No. You two need to stay as far away from each other as physically possible. -_-
11: Wouldn't you mean Cyberly possible?
AR: That isn't a word, Nine.
2: Cybernetically possible, my dear fellow. But I do have a point, Alpha.
AR: I'm here to talk about your problems, not mine.
11: You admit it! You do have problems!
AR: -_- Why am I stuck with the nine-year-old and the clown? Where are the more mature ones?
2: I am mature!
11: Why am I the Nine-year-old?
AR: Trust me, Nine. You act more like a child than any of them.
2: So I am mature!
AR: Him being less mature doesn't make you mature.
2: -_-
11: XD
AR: Nope. I can't handle it any longer. I need a mature person.
12 has logged on
12: Hello- Oh, it's these two. I'm going to go...
AR: No, Wait! I beg of You! Don't leave me with these two!
11: Wait. How is he the mature one?!
AR: Your pouting has just proved my point.
12: Being you was such an embarrassment! With your weird faces and your stupid bow- ties!
11: Oi! What's wrong with bowties?!
AR: The problem is that they look absolutely ridiculous!
2: They do not! I for one think that it is exquisite compared to that gaudy outfit that the Dandy wears!
AR: You aren't really helping your argument, you know. You think anything is better than 3's outfit.
2: It's that red cape. It just makes it so much worse for me.
12: I don't think I heard you right. Do you have a problem with red-line jackets?
2: As a matter of fact, my dear fellow, I do.
12: Oh, shut up, will you?
9 has turned off invisibility
9: *Begins laughing* Alright, girls. I think you two just need to calm down before you claw each other's eyes out.
AR: Oh, please. Your fight with six was so much worse.
9: What fight?
AR: The one over rainbows versus black. Don't play dumb with me, I saw the whole thing.
9: How did you know?
AR: I asked to borrow your computer, and that was up, so I read it.
9: *Sweatdrop* Oops...
AR: By the way, none of your outfits are any good.
2: That's not very nice.
9: What's wrong with leather?
12: Rude.
AR: Ha! I knew I could get you guys to agree on something! Stopping fights, solving conflicts. All in a day's work for the Avatar- I mean Timelady. Oops. Wrong show...
AR has logged off
2: That was... odd.
12: You get used to it around her.
2: I suppose.
AR has shut down the chat
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