Hi guys,
Thank u all for ur votes and comments.
One important thing guys, I am not from any science background so please ignore the medical things mentioned in this story.
Lets start.
After having a fight between his heart and mind, Abhishek finally called up Pragya for his mom's recovery party.
"I've have kept a small party for mom's recovery on this weekend and u can't deny it. U have to come"
"But how can I...what will I do there..." she replied worriedly.
"It's a party Pragya. Mom and Alia are insisting u to come. "
"Alright then I'll come but only for an hour. Wait... Who's Alia?" she asked forgetting that Alia used to come with their mom to the hospital.
Bulbul, who was listening this conversation because the call was on speaker, immediately said, "Arrey Alia Mehra, she is his sister, a fashion stylist. u don't know anything"
Abhi smiled hearing this and said, "And yes don't forget to bring my fan. I will like to meet her ...and Ur entire family as well."
Pragya replied instantly, "Dadi sleeps early, she won't be able to come...so I and bulbul will come there."
"What about ur parents, aren't they coming?"
"I am an orphan, I live with my sister and Dadi."
"Oh I am sorry...u never told me this. Anyway, let's meet at the party."
Pragya deliberately choses a pink sari to wear for the party because she knows that Abhishek loves it.
He complimented her a number of times for this color specially. So, how could she not chose this color? For Pragya, he will always remain a close friend not only because he is King's best friend but also because he helped her choosing the gift for king and also he offered her a lift while exiting the party. He is kind enough to invite her in his mom's recovery party as showing gratitude towards her.
Bulbul opted to wear a gown and groomed herself well as she is going to meet the man of her dreams-Rock star Abhi.
"Pragya, why did u wear a sari, we are going to a party and not to a temple." Said Bulbul in anger
"This is called sanskar." Said Dadi to bulbul "u should learn from her. My Pragya always looks best in whatever she wears."
"Thanks Dadi. We should leave." Said Pragya
"I know Pragya is your favorite. Nobody cares for me" said bulbul with a pout.
"I care for you na ... now why are u crying, don't u want yourself to look the best in from of ur star?" consoled Pragya with a side-hug
"How will u both go?"
"Dadi, no need to worry. Dr. King will pick us up in few minutes. U take Ur medicines on time and sleep early. Don't worry about us." replied Pragya.
Dadi smiled and blessed both of them. She always wanted to have a daughter but God gave her a son. She was sad but then God gifted her with 2 grand-daughters, who resemble both, her son and daughter-in-law. What more could she ask for?
King's car arrived. He came inside the house and touched Dadi's feet. Pragya was overwhelmed with his humble attitude.
After sometime, they left for the party.
King, Pragya and bulbul arrived and were greeted by Alia, who was standing at the door. She welcomed them.
Bulbul started her talking session, "hello Alia ma'am, I'm such a great fan of yours...last week's fashion show was really good. I was speechless watching your creativity."
Alia thanked her but in order to know whether the compliment was true or not, she asked, "So which dress u liked the most?"
Bulbul immediately replied, "The green one, but sadly that one was chosen as the 2nd best."
Alia got her answer. She was delighted that it wasn't a fake compliment.
Meanwhile, Pragya met Mrs. Ishwari and she announced to everyone that Pragya is the doctor who cured her.
Pragya was joyful, she received much love from her. She asked about Pragya's family members. So she introduced bulbul to them.
Ishwari asked, "Who is the elder of you too?"
Bulbul gave the answer, "Pragya is elder by 2 mins, but behaves as if she is 2 yrs elder to me...she thinks I'm a small baby, who needs attention" saying this with a pout.
Everyone laughed and Pragya scolded her for silly behavior.
After a long time, Pragya's eyes wondered Abhishek whom she hadn't seen. She spots him in a lonely room and goes to meet him inside.
"Hello Mr. Abhishek."
He turned and said, "hey Dr. Pragya. Good to see u and u...look great...esp. in pink sari" he replied being mesmerized in her beauty.
She blushed.
Just then, something fell off his hand and he bent to pick it up.
But his back muscle got sprain and he yelled in pain. The pain was severe and he couldnt egt up back to normal. She saw that and advised him to lay on the stomach on the nearby bed. Unable to argue due to pain, he obeyed her. She gently massaged his back to relieve the nerves that were causing him pains.
Pragya had to lift his shirt up a bit to get better access to the muscles and nerves. He felt embarrassed in front of her but understood what she was doing. He felt relieved and after 10 minutes of the massage, the entire pain was gone. He got up from the bed and saw that the entire pain vanished away. He kissed her hands in return and thanked her.
This was witnessed by someone standing at the door.
Abhishek saw her and told her, "hey Tanu, meet Dr. Pragya, she is the one who cured mom. I told u about her....and she is Tanya, my childhood friend and my colleague, Rockstar Tanu"
Tanu and Pragya shook hands and she explained the situation to Tanu to avoid any misunderstandings. Tanu brushed it off and smiled.
Abhi came downstairs and Bulbul was shocked seeing him. He shook her up from the dream...she was so happy to see him in front of her eyes. She thanked her stars to let her meet him.
Soon, the cake arrived and Ishwari cut it and first feed it to Abhi and Alia. And then to everyone's surprise, she fed it to Pragya and once again thanked her.
Both Pragya and bulbul felt happy as Ishwari praised both of them in front of everyone. They hugged Ishwari as if she was their mother. Ishwari too realized their yearning for their mother whom they haven't seen and reciprocated in the hug.
The party went on smoothly. Dinner was served. Bulbul took the plate but was snatched by someone else.
She saw the person and scolded him, "hello Mr. Purab it's my plate...why did u snatch it?"
"The same way as u snatched my client yesterday." Said Purab in attitude.
"I was offering him less fees, so he hired me. What's my fault in it? BTW what are you doing here? Are u following me?"
"I should ask u the same question"
"I was personally invited by Rock star Abhi" bulbul replies proudly.
"Really!! For ur kind information, I'm Purab Mehra, Abhi's cousin." Purab revealed
"Oh... I am Dr. Pragya's sister." She said. They said sorry to each other.
Soon, the party was over. Pragya and Bulbul were about to leave. They informed Ishwari about their departure and were planning to leave. But ishwari stopped them and told her to wait for an announcement.
She announced everyone that next month, engagement of Abhishek and Tanu will take place.
Abhi remembered the promise made to tanu's parents a year ago that he will marry Tanu. At that time, his kundali had some problems, so their marriage had been postponed to this year.
Everyone was excited and congratulated the couple.
But surprisingly, King's face falls, he beacame angry. he argues with his parents and then he leaves for home without minding about Pragya and bulbul, whom he had promised to leave them home.
On the other hand, Abhishek had already arranged his personal driver to drop them home. Ishwari invited both of them along with their Dadi for the engagement ceremony. Unable to deny, they promised to come. They sat in the car .
But, Pragya got out of the car and said to him, "thank you so much Mr. Abhishek for inviting me in this party. I met all your relatives and I felt as if I know them very well. Your mom treated me so well... I felt as if she is my own. It's been 2 years of my practice but no patient has given me so much love. I still remember when I first met Mrs. Ishwari, I could see the pain in her smile, but now she is smiling happily. Anyway, congratulations for your engagement. "
"Thank you and now onwards call me Abhi. "
"same applies to u. now we don't share any Dr-patient relationship. So call me as Pragya"
"U must leave now, your Dadi must be worried for u. See u at the next party." he said
Pragya sat in the car and Abhi waived them goodbye.
Hope, the shot was interesting...I tried my best to make the love story of both Doctors and both Rockstars, willing to marry each other.
Felt weird in King's behavior? Wait for the suspense then...
Take care,
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