"I was wondering if we could erase the part I sort of assaulted you?"
Leonardo stared at Seth. "You thought I was a married man sleeping around behind my wife's back. Just how horrible do you think I am?"
Seth winced, he wasn't prepared to contemplate such a tremendous turn of events. "I jumped into conclusions, didn't I? If I had known about your brother..."
"I see how that might've caused a bit of confusion." Leonardo nodded in agreement. "But, I'd be committing a lie of omission if I don't tell you how hot it was, seeing you all riled up and feisty like that."
"Leo..." Seth's eyes widened at the man's blatant lack of filter. His twin brother was standing right there for goodness sake.
Leonardo started towards Seth, invading his personal space and tossing all the unsaid rules of leaving decent spacing between living bodies. Seth felt himself swallowing hard when Leonardo moved even closer. He was so close that he could feel his imperturbable warm breath hovering on his face.
"I want to kiss you." His thumb brushed on Seth's lips, reluctantly parting them.
We can't continue doing this. Seth wanted to say out loud but he couldn't. He stood there motionless as Leonardo guided his cold fingers behind his neck eliciting a riotous string of involuntary shivers inside of him. Leonardo slightly tilted Seth's head whilst keeping his dark gaze locked onto his. Seth couldn't snatch his own intent look away, at least not now when the man who drove him close to the brink of insanity looked as if he was about to devour him.
"I don't know..."
"You can tell me no, Seth."
Seth had plenty of time to say no. His lips trembled, he wanted to say something, anything but he failed miserably. Instead, his eyes fluttered shut betraying him, waiting for Leonardo to just go for it already and that he did.
Leonardo swore to himself he'd not rush through, he had Seth exactly where he wanted him to be. How could he ever think of rushing when Seth reminded him exactly what it is like to live? He completely savored him, unleashing the familiar taste of darkness, recklessness, intoxication and wildness as their kiss created a fragile electric field.
Still lost in the electrical reels of current which had scattered throughout his core, Seth refused to open his heavy eye lids. Leonardo pressed another barely touching kiss on his temple whispering, "I like how your lips feel on mine. So soft."
A shaky wheeze of breath left Seth's mouth "You do realize we have an audience?"
Leonardo didn't seem to care about that. Hell, he'd fuck him right now if Seth gave him the word. However, the compelling sexual tension was gradually tapered down by Giovanni who unnecessarily cleared his throat.
"Save that for the honeymoon boys, we can't miss the match build up!"
"We're watching football come on," Leonardo said, bringing Seth inside the den "I can't miss this game."
Seth followed Leonardo's lead wondering what exactly had just happened.
. . .
"I can't believe they benched Dybala."
Both Leonardo and Seth turned to see Giovanni gritting his teeth in uttermost fury.
"You need to learn to relax." Leonardo said to Giovanni.
"Don't tell me to relax. It was going to be better if City's ban from the Champion's league wasn't cancelled. Pep is dying for this title, it's the only one he hasn't lifted with City."
"I'm sure there's a solid reason why Dybala is on the bench." Leonardo said. "Besides, Juventus has a better chance in this group and City's not in the same group so we're good, for now."
"Yeah, yeah whatever you say." Giovanni sighed exasperatedly.
For a while they all watched the game between Juventus and Atlético de Madrid round 16 of the Champions league exchanging their thoughts and striking light conversations. The mood was casual and comfortable for everyone. Seth tensed as he felt Leonardo's shoulder grazing his, the guy was practically leaning on to him.
"What are you thinking about? You've gone quiet all of a sudden."
Seth's eyes flickered, slightly dazed from his thoughts. You. "I can't tell you apart from your brother."
Leonardo didn't respond as he stared at Seth searching for slight traces that he was bluffing. He wasn't. Then he laughed. "So you're actually that blind?" He was obviously teasing.
Seth scoffed. "No, my eyes function perfectly well thank you very much."
"Why do you wear them then? Your glasses, they look ridiculous on you."
"You're joking right?"
Leonardo narrowed his eyes in all seriousness. "I wish I was."
Seth arched Leonardo a brow making him smile sheepishly as if he was all that innocent.
"They are prescribed for migraines." Seth told him. It wasn't in his nature to explain his personal issues but somehow with Leonardo he didn't seem to care.
"It doesn't change the fact that they make you look ridiculous. It's a good thing that you don't wear them as often." Leonardo pushed Seth's buttons yet again. He was enjoying this way too much.
"Stop disturbing me Leonardo Bravucci." Seth let out a half hearted grumble.
"Okay, sorry. My bad."
Giovanni was blissfully oblivious to them as he was completely engrossed in nothing else but the game. A couple minutes later it was now half time and both teams still hadn't scored yet.
"Seth, tell me about yourself."
Seth raised his eyes to meet up with Giovanni's inquisitive gaze as he was passing him countable strips of biltong.
"There's nothing much to tell." Seth said, chewing on the offered spicy dried meat. "This is different from beef jerky."
Giovanni grinned. "I'm glad you noticed. It's called Biltong, originates from Southern African countries typically softer and more flavorful. You like?"
Of course he did. Seth nodded ardently. "This tastes really good, may I have some more?"
"Sure," Giovanni passed him more strips. "Careful, those ones are spicier."
"Thanks," Seth took another bite. "So I'm a resident at Sullivan Hospital, I really suck at this."
"Family? Siblings? You know, just the basics." Giovanni pressed once more.
"My dad died when I was fourteen, my mom lives in a group home in Moneda and I'm an only child, well I do have cousins but I'm very close to only one, Charlie."
"I'm sorry about your dad." Giovanni said in all sincerity but Seth only shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal.
"Don't be." He baffled everyone by letting out a humorless dry laugh. Leonardo squeezed Seth's thigh as a form of low-key support which he appreciated even if he didn't say anything.
As Leonardo was about to comment something, Mia burst into the den bubbling with pure excitement, "Daddy, daddy look what I painted!"
She literally flew into Leonardo's lap drawing a loud groan out of him. "Hmm let's see what you've got." Leonardo glanced down at the picture painted in watercolors.
"A dog?" Seth noted and Mia nodded beaming up at him. "That's a really pretty dog." He said sweetly to her.
"Grazie." She replied shyly before focusing back on her painting. "I want a big dog daddy, like this one." She pointed at the painting which surprisingly emulated a dog. Stick figure and all, it was still recognizable as a dog.
It wasn't the first time having this kind of conversation. "Topolina, we can't have a dog." Leonardo sighed, hoping he wasn't coming too harsh on her. "I won't be here to feed the dog and you'll be in kindergarten so it won't be nice for the dog to be lonely all day. Do you like being lonely?"
Mia considered. "No," she sadly shook her head. "That's okay, I still have Marlin, Nemo and Dory!"
"Speaking of which, did you remember to feed them?" Leonardo remembered he had forgotten to feed the three clown fish himself.
"I did, aunty Cassy helped me." Mia gave a satisfied toothy grin.
"You make your daddy so proud." Leonardo kissed her cheek as she smiled up at him. "Can I stick this picture on the fridge?"
"Sure, why not?"
"Yaaay!" Mia screeched as she dashed towards the kitchen direction.
"No running inside the house!" Leonardo called after her but she was too excited to hear him.
. . .
For some weird reason Leonardo seemed uneasy as the night progressed. Seth made it a point to ask him as soon as they got some time alone. Giovanni and Cassandra were now on their way to Los Angeles where they both lived and it was bed time for Mia.
"Are you all right?" Seth was completely unaware of his hand stroking the rough stubble on Leonardo's jaw. He was getting more than just comfortable as he rested his head on Seth's lap.
"Does any of this make a difference?" Leonardo replied with a twisted question, looking deep into Seth's green eyes as if he could see through his soul.
"I honestly don't understand your question."
"If I had told you sooner that I have a daughter. Would you still have found me attractive?"
Seth blinked. He didn't know what to say since he was literally drowning in a puddle of mixed emotions. He wasn't sure of his feelings anymore. The plan was to use the man as a distraction and nothing serious was supposed to come out of it. But now...
"She's adorable..."
Leonardo studied Seth's face, he was clearly dodging his question by taking a cheap trail. In this case complimenting his daughter.
"Just tell me how you feel about it."
"Does my opinion even matter, really?"
"Yes, it does matter to me."
"I just..." Leonardo was failing to word his thoughts correctly. He hated English in times like these. "I have to know if we would work out in the long run because I'm not planning on playing games. I really like you Seth and I'd love to get to know you more."
Seth didn't hide the fact that Leonardo's statement had perplexed him. The priceless expression on his face said it all. "Okay..."
"Am I being too much?"
Seth ran his fingers through his hair. "Just a little." He admitted. "Where is her mother, if you don't mind me asking?"
This is the part you tell me you like me too, Seth!
"They both died in a plane crash, it was quite tragic."
Seth looked at Leonardo's face as if he had grown an extra eye or something peculiar like that. "Wait, I think you lost me right there. What do you mean by both?"
Leonardo sighed. "During my fellowship program, a lesbian couple approached me to be their sperm donor. I didn't mind so I agreed. They made me the child's proxy without me knowing. Mia was only six months when the plane crash happened and that's when she was brought to me."
"Do you regret doing it?" Seth mentally grimaced at his palpable curiosity.
"At first I did," Leonardo confessed. "I wasn't ready for such a huge responsibility. The pressure of fellowship and suddenly becoming a single dad?" He chuckled to himself, remembering how mad he'd get whenever he had to wake up to a wailing baby in the middle of the night.
Those nights were his worst nightmares.
"But as time went by I got the hang of it. She became my world you know?"
"She adores you. You're obviously a great dad to her."
"I wouldn't say great, but I try to be what she needs. You still haven't answered my question, Seth."
Seth took in a deep breath, he was clouded with heavy guilt. "I was using you as a distraction Leo."
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