We arrived at Lisa's house and we were greeted by here father. We walked up the stairs and went into her room, which is ginormous! "Okay girls turn around and close you're eyes!" Lisa instructed us. I heard the clinking of hangers and a lot of shuffling coming from Lisa's closet. "Okay open up!" Lisa exclaimed. "Oh, Lisa it's great!" I said. "No joke!" Jessie said. "Wow Lis!" Kelly replied. Lisa was holding up and light pink dress that appeared to flare at the bottom. Around the waist there was a sash with a satin bow. "You're going to look great!" Kelly said. "Thanks guys, I actually saved up for it too!" Lisa said. "No you didn't Lisa!" Jessie said. "Yeah you're right I didn't but I'll save up for something someday." She said while laughing. "Come over here." Lisa said pointing to her bed. "Im going to wear these white tights with my flats." She stated. "That will look good Lis." I said. "I know." She sighed imagining the perfect outfit. "Screech is gonna go crazy!" Jessie said. "You got that right." I said. "Whatever, I've got my eye on another guy anyway." Lisa smiled. "Ooooohhh who is it?!" Kelly asked. "Yeah you can tell us!" Jessie said. "C'mon Lis!" I said. "Fine, okay his name is Max." She said. "Sorry, but who's Max?" I asked. "He came to JFK the last week of school, so you may not have noticed him." Lisa explained. "Well obviously you did!" Kelly said smiling. "Oh yes." Lisa said. "Point him out to us in school." I said. "Okay, I just can't believe summer is over." Lisa said sadly. "Same with me." I said. "I'm gonna miss hanging out all the time and no homework!" Jessie said. "Me too." Kelly added. "You two taking the bus tomorrow?" I asked Jessie and Kelly. "Yeah, I have to my mom won't drive me." Kelly said harshly. "I have to too." Jessie said. "What a drag." I said. "It is." They responded. "Jess, do you like Slater?" Lisa asked. Jessie immediately looked at me. "I won't judge!" I said smiling. "Maybe a little..." Jessie said trailing off. "Oo cute!" Kelly said. "Totally!" Lisa said. "All I know is that A.C. would be very happy if he found out. Don't worry I would never dream of telling him but, he would be." I said smiling at Jessie. "Hannah I saw you having a bit of fun with Zack!" Jessie said. "What? We were just dancing! And that's how we always act!" I said defending myself. "Mhm okay." Jessie said sarcastically. "Well he did say I looked cute." I said. "REALLY?" Everyone said at once. "Yeah." I said while blushing. "Look you're blushing!! Hannah when a girl blushes like that over a boy..." Kelly trailed off. "He even asked me to get up and move because he wanted to sit next to you at The Max!!" Jessie added. "Should we tell them?" Lisa asked me. "Yes." I replied. "Okay well Hannah here has liked Zack Morris since elementary school!" Lisa said excitedly. "Awe Hannah!" Kelly said. "Cute!!" Jessie said. "And I think Mr. Morris has something for her too!" Lisa said in an official voice. "Lisa! You don't know that!" I said. "Oh yes I do! I'll make a list of things that he's done and give it to you, it may take a while because he's done so much! But, I mean you definitely have too." Lisa said. "Okay." I said giving up. "What if Zack really does like me? Wow, I wonder! Oh he's so cute!" I thought. "Well ladies it's getting on 5:00 and I really need to eat dinner." Kelly said. "Me too." Jessie said. "So do I." I added. "Well goodbye! Great to see you guys and I'll see you tomorrow! Can't wait to see you're outfits!" Lisa said. We all walked downstairs and Lisa walked us out. "Bye Lis, bye Mr. Turtle!" I said before leaving. "Goodbye!" They both replied. Jessie and Kelly did the same before meeting me outside. "Let's go to Hannah's first because she lives the closest." Jessie said. "True." I said. After about 5 minutes we reached my house. "Bye girls!! I'll see you tomorrow!" I yelled to Kelly and Jessie. "Bye!" They said before continuing down the sidewalk. I walked up the steps and opened up the front door. I walked into the kitchen to see a note from mom saying that she would be home at 7:00. "Great, here alone with A.C." I thought. I heard voices coming from upstairs. "Zack and Screech must still be here." I walked up the stairs and made my way to my room. I passed by A.C.'s room, and the door was closed. I took off my shoes and my vest and put on a grey shirt and leggings. I walked out of my room and went down the hall to A.C.'s. I knocked on the door and the boys all stopped talking. "Who is it?" I heard A.C. ask. "Hannah!" I said. I heard shuffling around and suddenly the door opened. "Come in." A.C. said. "Did you see mom's note?" I asked. "Yeah." A.C. replied. I checked my watch: 5:30. I sat down on the bed next to Zack and made myself comfortable. About 30 minutes of talking about school and classes had passed, when Screech had to leave. "See ya Screech!" I said. "Bye bud." Zack said. "Peace Screech." A.C. added. "So Hannah do you know what Jessie is wearing tomorrow?" A.C. asked. "No! I went to Lisa's!" I said. "I know but, did Jessie tell you anything?" He asked. "No! But does this mean you like her?" I asked while Zack was laughing at us. "Still not telling." He responded. "Whatever." I said. "What are you wearing, Hannah?" Zack asked. "You'll see tomorrow!" I said while laughing. "Ugh fine!" Zack said. "I should probably get going. Hell, my mom probably called the cops to look for me!" Zack exclaimed. We started to crack up. "But seriously I gotta go." He said. "Okay, see you tomorrow then man!" A.C. got up and they did their handshake. "Bye Zack, I'll see you tomorrow!" I said. "I'll walk you out." I added. We walked downstairs and out the door. "Hey Zack I'm sorta nervous about tomorrow." I said. "Don't worry Hannah we'll be fine and I'm sure you'll look great in you're outfit." Zack smiled. "Thanks that meant a lot." I said. Zack was about to walk away when I blurted out, "Zack, I'm sure you'll look handsome in you're outfit too!" I smiled nervously. Zack looked back flashed a smile and gave me a wink. "Bye Han!" He yelled. "Bye Zack!" I replied.
That night I went to sleep feeling more than excited for the next day to come.
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