I woke up knowing that tomorrow was the first day of school but, that was the farthest thing from my mind at this point. "Hannah wake up! It's 12:00 and we have to be at The Max at 12:30!!" A.C. yelled from downstairs. I sprang out of my bed and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I picked out my outfit which consisted of: blue acid wash jean capris, a pink t-shirt, my black and white polka dotted vest, and last white high top converse. I brushed my teeth and my hair and left it down and headed down the stairs. "Good morning mom! Morning A.C.!" I said happily. "Hello Hannah." Mom replied. "Morning miss perky." A.C. scoffed. I laughed and went to get a granola bar from the cupboard so I wouldn't completely starve before eating. I returned and sat down at the table to eat. "So, you excited to finally come to the party?" I asked A.C. "Yeah, I mean you always talk about it every freaking year and how fun it is." He responded. "It's always a blast." I said. By now, the granola bar was long gone so, I got up from the table and threw the wrapper in the trash. I walked into the living room and sat down to retie my shoes with A.C. in tow. "I'm going to be out for the day you guys, so try not to trash the house!" Mom warned. "We won't!" A.C. and I said simultaneously. "Bye mom!" I yelled as she stepped out the door. I checked the time on my watch which read 12:20. "Hey, we need to get going!" I told A.C. "Yeah let's go." He agreed. I opened up the front door to reveal a bright blue sky and a nice summer breeze. A.C. locked the door behind us and we started down the sidewalk at a fast pace. "Hannah, do you think Jessie likes me?" A.C. asked. "That was random but, I'm not sure if I'm being honest. She hasn't really told me anything like that." I said. "Weird, he definitely has something for her." I thought to myself, and I decided to ask. "Do you like her?" I asked my brother. "I'm not telling!" A.C. said with a smirk. I laughed. "Yeah he definitely has something for her." I thought. We reached The Max and entered together in a laughing fit. I stopped laughing and looked around to see if anyone was there yet. Before I even had the chance, I heard "Hannah! Slater!!" Come from a voice that sounded like Lisa. Sure enough it was her. "Hey Lis!" I greeted. "Hi Lisa!" A.C. added. "Anyone else here yet?" I asked. "Only Screech, because he followed me the whole way here." She sighed. We all started laughing knowing that Screech had likened Lisa for ages. "Let's go sit down, don't wanna keep Screech away from his lover." A.C. teased. "Not so fast!" I heard someone say. We turned around to see Jessie, Kelly, and Zack. "Hey!!" I said. "What's up guys?" A.C. greeted. "Hola!' Lisa added. We started to walk over to the table Screech was saving, when a hand grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back. "What the he- oh, Zack it's only you!" I said relieved. "Yeah, it's me!" Zack smiled. "Good to see you." I said while giving him a hug which he tightly embraced. We reached the table to see Screech playing with his utensils. "Um, Screech?" Kelly said. "Oh, hey guys! What's up?!" Screech said with a red face while we laughed. I took a seat with Lisa on my left and Jessie on my right. "Hey Jess, do ya mind moving?" I heard Zack say. "Um, sure?" Jessie replied almost as a question. She got up and whispered something in Zack's ear. I'm not sure what she said, but God did it make Zack blush! His checks were the color of a tomato for crying out loud! We all got settled and ordered our food. "To all our summer memories!" Zack said while raising his glass of root beer. "To summer memories!" Everyone said in unison. We clinked each other's glasses. "Hey, remember when Jessie's mom drove us to the beach and we got locked out of the beach house?" I said. There were laughs and "yeah's" among us. "Remember when Screech lost his favorite shoes for a whole week?" Kelly said. "And when Zack bought retro glasses downtown?" Lisa said. "Or when Lisa spent $100 on a new bikini?" A.C. asked. "Ahhh good times." Jessie reminisced. The waitress came by the table with our food, which were all burgers...what's new? "I swear these burgers get better every time I eat them!" Zack stated. "Agreed." I replied. Zack flashed me his famous, beautiful smile which caused me to blush. "How's that even possible?" Screech asked him. "Oh, Screech." Zack and I said. I began to actually eat as I looked around at my friends. "Man am I lucky to have these people in my life." I though to myself. I noticed Screech staring at Lisa: typical. And my brother stealing glances at Jessie. I turned to Zack who was already looking my way. "What?" I laughed, as u swallowed my food. "Y-you look cute." Zack answered red faced. "Uh, thanks." I said blushing. "Is he in the right mind?? I can't believe he just said that, oh my god!" I thought. "You don't look too bad yourself!" I said while laughing and motioning to the ketchup on his upper lip. Zack laughed and wiped it off and we continued to eat. "Hannah, Kelly, Jessie? You wanna come over later to see my outfit preview for the first day of school?" Lisa asked. "YES!" We all replied. "Great!" She said. By this time, we had finished our burgers and the waitress came back with the ice cream menu. "Everyone getting their usual?" I asked. "Would you expect any less?" A.C. replied. "Smart ass." I scoffed. Zack and Lisa giggled. The waiter came back and we put in our orders. Lisa got her hot fudge sundae, Kelly got the vanilla milkshake, Jessie and A.C. always share the banana split because neither of them could finish it on their own, Screech gets plain old strawberry ice cream, and Zack and I get the root beer float. "I GOTTA GO TO THE BATHROOM!" Screech suddenly yelled. He got up, almost knocking over the table and sprinting to the back near the kitchen. "Classic Screech." Zack commented. "Isn't it the truth." Lisa said while laughing. Our desserts arrived and a root beer float was placed in front of Zack and I by the waitress. "You two are such a cute couple!" The waitress said. "Oh, um we're not..." Zack and I said trailing off. "Oh, I'm sorry! You would make a good though!" She winked. We both turned around to see everyone starring at us. "What?" I asked. "Nothing." Lisa said, winking at me. I rolled my eyes, like I said half of the workers at The Max do that all the time, it sorta makes me happy too I'm not sure why but whatever. Zack and I finished sipping on the root beer and finished of the ice cream on top. Everyone else was finished, so I started to get up along with Kelly. "Don't you guys dance?" She asked me. "Hell yeah!" I said while laughing. "C'mon guys, let's dance!!" Screech said. We all made our way into the little opening in the middle of the restaurant and began to dance. We danced to every song that played and did dances from conga lines to just jumping around. At last "I don't wanna miss a thing" by Aerosmith came on. Screech turned to Lisa and asked her to dance. Lisa looked at me and rolled her eyes, but I just nodded to her meaning to just dance with him. "Hannah, you wanna dance?" Zack asked me. "Oh Jesus, we never slow danced at our parties before. I'll probably step on his foot!" "Hannah?" Zack asked again. "Oh! I would love to!" I smiled at him. Zack placed his arms around my torso and mine were around his neck. "Is it step up, then back?" I asked him. "I think so, just follow me." Zack laughed. After about 5 minutes I had it down even though I almost tripped. I looked at my wrist watch that read 3:30. "Oh Zack, I think it's time to leave." I said. "Yeah you're right, come on." He said while taking my hand and leading me back to where every one had gathered "His hands are always so soft jeez." I thought. "It's about time you joined us." A.C. laughed looking at Zack. "Zack, Screech, you coming back to the house?" A.C. asked. "Sure!" Screech said. "Definitely." Zack said grinning. "Okay, well we'll see you guys later!" Lisa said pulling me, Jessie, and Kelly out of The Max. "Bye!" I said waving. "See ya Hannah!" Zack and Screech said at the same time. Zack looked over at Screech and nudged him while I was laughing. "So, did you guys have fun?" Lisa asked Jessie and Kelly. "Yes, it was really fun!" Jessie said. "I agree, I'm really glad I was able to go." Kelly added. "So Lisa what do you have in store for us?" I asked. "You'll see!" She grinned.
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