The hated past (Shance)
@Picklegirlygirl Thank you for the submission! This plot interested me! I hope i did your idea justice!TW: stabbing, blood, cussing, forgetful syrum, needles,ptsd attacks
Lance pov at age 8
I was outside playing with my best friend and neighbor Takashi, He was two years older that me. It was getting dark and my mom hadn't called me in yet which made me worried.
"Hey Tashi its getting late i should probably go home." I wriggled my hands on my shirt.
"Yeah i agree! My parents will be wondering when i'm coming home. It was fun! Lets play again tomorrow!" Tashi smiled. I smiled back and turn and left I looked back and waved. I ran back home and i looked up at my house. It seemed quiet, too quiet. I then heard a faint ear peircing scream. I took off and into my house. I opened the door roughly and i felt my breath leave me. There was my mom on the floor a bullet through her head. Blood poured out of her wound. I couldn't look away until i heard another scream. I ran upstairs and i heard the screaming coming from Veronica's room. I ran toward the door but stopped short. The door was wide open. No broken in....There was my own father stabbing my older sister. The knife was in her ribs and she screamed. The scream pierced my heart and i couldn't breath.
"VERONICA!!!" I screamed my voice cracking and booming. Her head sharply turned and her gaze pierced through my soul. It felt like i was being swallowed up in the depths.
"LEANDRO RUN!!!" It was the last thing she begged and screamed before my father stabbed her in the heart. Her eyes grew dim and i felt myself lose all feeling. My fathers head slowly turned to me. His eyes wide with excitement, his face was wide with a murderous grin.
"Hola mi hijo how was playing with that little boyfriend of yours?" His eyes were twitching and his smile widened. I just stood there frozen and scared. I finally snapped out of it and turned and ran. I heard his footsteps behind me, I quickly ran into my room and lock it. He pounded on the door and i pushed my desk in front of the door. I quickly opened my window and jumped out not taking any time to think. I hit the ground and pain shot through my ankle, I groaned and sat there. Then everything came back and i got up and ran into the woods behind my house and farm. I quickly climbed up a tree. I went to the top and sat there. I watched through the window as my father broke through my door and searched until his eyes fell unto the window. My breathing hitched, he stalked over and looked down and around. I quickly ducked into cover. My breathing was rigid and fast. The back of my throat burned and my chest ached. I shut my eyes tight and just wished for all of this to end. The events of what happened flashed through my head. I wanted to scream in agony. I felt my stomach tighten as it tried to expel everything from it. I took deep breathes and calmed down my stomach. I opened my eyes and looked around I saw my fathers car driving away. I quickly scrambled down from the tree and ran to the house. I went through the back door and I saw Luis with stab wounds to his body. Blood pooled under him, the metallic smell burned my nose and eyes.
I slowly waled over to him and his face was filled with fear. I started to sob and closed his eyes. I walked away and saw my mother and just lost it. Behind her was Marco as she was protecting him he had a bullet through the head and to the heart. I just collapsed and cried, i felt empty and numb at what i saw. My legs became weak and i crawled over to the phone and dialed 911. I told them everything. I felt myself being choked up as i explained. I gave them the address and i felt myself pass out.
I felt myself starting to wake up and i quickly sat up and looked around alarmed. A nurse came in and tried to calm me down i wasn't listening to anything she said.
"Where is my family? What happened to the body's? What about the killer? Did you arrest my father?!?!" She looked at me startled.
"Lance" I cut her off
"Lance.....We need you to go to the police then we will be getting in contact with cps. They are gonna find you a home." She explained. I shook my head frantically.
"No, No, NO!" I yelled. I started to struggle and found i was strapped to the bed. I started to sob. They overtook my body and i stopped struggling.
"I just want my family.....please..." I whispered, i sounded broken. She came over and placed her hand on my arm. She looked down and shook her head.
"I'm so sorry Lance but, they aren't alive..." She sounded hurt.
"I know....I wanted it to be a bad dream." I answered.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~10 yrs later~~~~~~~~~~~
Shiro's pov
before i was to leave for Kerberos as the youngest pilot ever at 20 i thought about my childhood crush and best friend Leandro Mclain. His eyes were so blue and his skin the most beautiful. I said goodbye to him that day and he never came back. I even went to his house when i did no one was there, it was like no one had been there in years. It scared me, it still does. I just hope Leandro is ok.
Lances pov
It had been now 11 years since the day that my family was murdered. one year from the day they announced that my childhood best friend had 'died' in space. I felt so much pain, my chest felt tight and heavy. I cried for four days and I looked like a mess, Hunk my new best friend knew that he was my childhood friend. He consoled me and comforted me. I'm grateful to him but when I saw the pod fall and crash and Keith run and crash everything. He was up to something. I ran after him and who i saw made me catch my breathe. Shiro. It was Shiro well him with a bionic arm and scars but damn he was still muy guapo! I stopped for a second and well you all know the rest. Now when we got to Keiths when he woke up I didn't let him see me at first. It seemed like Keith and him were close, just not in the way i thought i hoped. I felt jealous but everyone here knew me as Lance. I introduced myself as 'Lance' his face flinched when he saw me. When we got to the ship I was keeping my eye on Keith and Shiro. For weeks i didn't talk to Shiro face to face.I was too scared that he would hate me. We were in the dining room and everyone else had left yet.
"Hey Tashi wanna train?" I smiled at him widely. His face paled.
"what did you call me?" His voice sounded strained. My smile was wiped from my face.
"I called you Tashi-" I got intrupted.
"DON'T CALL ME THAT. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT!" He yelled. I flinched and fell backwards and fell into the chair and curled into myself. I started to breathe heavily, i saw my foster father hitting me and kicking across my vision. It was there and not. I felt two strong around my body and I looked up and saw Shiro holding me.
"I'm so sorry Lance my childhood friend use to call me that his name was-"
"Leandro" I looked away.
"Yeah....How do you know?" He adjusted me so i was facing him.
"Hey Tashi hows it been?" I looked up at him like i use to when we were young. His breathe hitched and i saw him start to tear up.
"Leandro, why didn't you tell me? I thought it was you but I wasn't sure......What happened?" Shiro pulled me in so close than i already was and I just broke. I wrapped my arms around his neck and just sobbed.
"I....I had to leave. I spent the rest of my life in foster care and moving around cause of it. I saw things no 8 year old should have Tashi!" The emotion behind my words just choked me up and I looked up at him
"I don't have a family....They were murdered. I saw it, i ran. I ran like a fucking pathetic piece of shit!" I pulled away and got up. I turned my back to him. I scowled as a hole burned into my chest.
"Leandro you can't blame yourself you were 8" Shiro tried to reason. I pulled myself away.
"NO! You don't understand.....I couldn't do anything!" I turned and punched the wall and felt my knuckle split open. i leaned against my forehead against the wall and cried. I slide down it and just curled up. I saw Veronica's face and i couldn't breathe.
"Hey Leandro you need to breathe. Its not real its in the past. You are safe. come back to me, its Tashi" His voice was distant as I just saw my fathers face i scrambled back and covered my face. I hit my head.
"STOP IT NO DON'T HURT HER SHES THE ONLY ONE LEFT! I'M SORRY I LEFT PLEASE FORGIVE ME SIS!" I kept hitting my head against my palm. I knew it was a flashback but i had hope it wasn't. I felt hands touch my wrists and I stopped. My vision began to clear and my head felt less foggy. I saw my Tashi and he was crying.
"Tashi are you ok?" I asked nervously. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Shadow. His grin wide in the darkness and eyes red and white. I shivered. He never lets me forget what happened. I quickly looked back at him. His eyes went to glance where i saw shadow. I quickly grabbed his face and kept it looking at me. His eyes widened and his cheeks flushed. His eyes darted down to my lips and quickly back up. i felt my mouth go dry and i swallowed thickly. I never noticed just how handsome Shiro was up close. I mean he was still beautiful just like when we were kids but i felt myself lean in slightly. We got closer until i felt his breath on my lips. I had one last thought, Keith. I quickly pulled away, i'm not a homewrecker.
"I should go take a shower! you know after that.." I let his face go. His gaze seemed to get a little sad.
"right of course Leandro." His smile was neutral with a slight frown to it. I stood up and started on my way out.
"Talk to you later Tashi!" I ran out. I saw Keith coming our way and i stiffed up. He raised his eyebrow at me and i quickly smiled and rubbed the back of my neck and waved him off.
"Shiro you good?" I heard as i quickly broke out of my trance. I ran back to my room not wanting to ruin their moment.
Shiro's POV
I heard Keith's voice but i only saw the spot Lance was in a mere few seconds ago.
"It's him." I whispered. I heard Keith gasp and i turned to look at him.
"Who? Shiro your worrying me" I just stood there.
"Lance is Leandro and he was here the whole time." I looked at Keith.
"That's great Shiro!" I saw Keith's face smile warmly.
"I almost kissed him and then he just whispered something then drew back. Did i pressure him? Iv'e been in love with him since we were kids." I looked at Keith. He smirked a bit.
"My brothers got game." But then he frowned as a thought came to him "What did he whisper?" He asked confused.
"It sounded like your name. Either he likes you or thinks we are dating." I looked at Keith. We made eye contact then started gagging.
"No offense Shiro but i'm gay, yes, but not for you" He giggled slightly. I cracked up laughing.
"I agree." I laughed.
Lance's POV
I went to my room and just stared at the wall. My head felt so loud with all the thoughts and memories. I pulled out my computer that Pidge gave me and i started typing away on it.
After a few hours of searching everywhere there was a planet that had a procedure that allowed memories to be wiped and stored. I looked into it more and it was very risky. The side effects could be complete memory loss, blacking out, hallucination, and dizziness. My eyebrows knit together to find the location, a planet called asmarzion. I looked at the price and it was free as it was still in the early stages. I hacked into the castles location and saw we were stations just a few light years away. In Red i would be there in only a few days. I quickly got up and threw on a cloak. I stepped outside my room and pulled the hood over my eyes and i ran to the hangers. I heard my friends talking in the distance and i stopped for a second. Should i really do this? Yes. I have to. I have to forget, i can't live like this anymore. As i ran to the lions I felt someone was there, I quickly turned around and no one. I huffed and kept going. I got into the hangers and looked up at Red.
"You ready to do something dangerous?" I smirked at her as she bowed and opened her mouth. I felt her purr. I smiled slightly as i felt my excitement build up as well as pain. Soon it will all end.
Hey kids!
Sorry i've been gone so long. Yes there will be a part two to come! If any of you have any ideas for a story drop a comment in the submission chapter! or message me directly! Thank you all so much!
- Mama C
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