Omega Lance
Tw; mentions of rape, forceful self-harm, abuse, and Stockholm syndrome.
Lances pov
"Lance get in here my lovely omega!" I heard my alpha yell and command me as he walked in the door. I felt my heart speed up as i moved towards the door on my own. I come around the corner and there is my alpha and i chirp and run to him. I sit on the floor and look up at him and rub my cheek on his thigh. He looks down and smiles, running his fingers through my hair.
"Look at you, such a good boy. coming to your alpha and submitting like a good slut." He purred and finished hanging up his jacket. He looked at me then around, i heard his stomach growl and my ears perked up.
"May i please speak sir?" I asked quietly with my head down and sitting pretty. I heard him grunt in a yes manner.
"Can i go make dinner for you alpha?" I looked up at him hopeful. He looked down at me and his eyebrows furrowed.
"I told you stop saying can its only may. Couch now. you get 20 spanks and 5 whippings." He growled.
"But-" I started going to say sorry
"NOW!" He commanded. I quickly got up and was next to the couch and he came over and sat down. I slowly let myself go over his lap and i felt him grope my ass and i felt uncomfortable. Hes my mate he owns me, bad omega! My thoughts scolded me.
"I want you to be counting them. Got it?" I nodded quickly.
"Yes what. say it." He grabbed my collar back and and pulled.
"Yes Kuron!" I strangled out. The leather digging into my neck and cutting off my breathing. My throat started to burn and I was fighting against the urge to pull it. He let go and his left hand went into the air and came down on my ass.
"O-one alpha!" I moaned out. i felt myself slowly slip into omega space. My responses being forced out and almost automatic. My head felt foggy and i began to feel pleasure. He wants me to become better and I do to. We want the same thing. He pushed me off his lap and i landed on the floor on my stomach and heard him get the whip. I wanted to whine but, i didn't let it out. I felt the fog leave my mind as the first crack of the whip was heard. I whined loudly. The next ones where just as hard and slow. I felt my body ache and the blood on my back slowly drip down my cold sweaty back. He loves me, otherwise he wouldn't do this.
"You know why i punish you darling?" His voice free from anger and smooth and soft.
"Because i want to be better and you are the only one to help me achieve that, Alpha" I purred and he turned me over and smiled.
"Thats my good boy. Now, go ahead and make dinner ok? Afterwards i want to have some fun." His hand grabbed my throat and he smirked. I didn't like it but, i'm his to touch, fuck, and hes making me better. His hand let go and he sat on the couch. I crawled over to sit on his lap real quick and he raised an eyebrow at me.
"May I please have a kiss Kuron?" I whined out. His eyes softened and his hands grabbed my ass as he kissed me harshly. I moaned slightly and wiggled as i kissed back. He pulled away and he spanked me lightly.
"Now go make your alpha dinner" His alpha voice came out and i shivered, a slight feeling of illness washed over me. I ignored it, and felt myself get up and walk to the kitchen. I put on my apron and started to make dinner.
I watched as Kuron ate and he looked up at me when he took his last bite.
"Good boy. This was delicious now im gonna get in the shower you eat then clean up-" His voice was smooth.
"-when you are done i want you to be ready on the bed. Ass up. Got it?" His alpha commanded me. I nodded and submitted myself onto the floor my head bowed. I quickly got up and grabbed myself a plate as I heard Kuron get up and start to the bedroom. I quickly ate and started to clean up. The shower stopped and I felt my heart race. I dropped the plates and quickly ran and stripped. As i took off my shirt i looked at my cage and shivered, i want to please my alpha. I had a few more minutes but, just to be safe. I let my boxers fall and i felt like curling into myself. I positioned myself on the bed. As soon as I started to relax the door opened and i looked back and saw Kuron come out in all of his muscly glory. He stepped towards me and grabbed my hips.
"If your good you can sleep in the bed tonight." His voice was soft and rough. I nodded and he leaned over me and bit my ear. i felt myself zone out and all I saw was the first time he took me. I was begging him not to touch me. His hands felt like acid and the pace was brutal and I found myself sobbing. The touches then were unwanted and his strength was too much. I heard moans and begging to stop in my head but now, I was his to own though, and i love him. When i finally came out of my head he was done and cleaning up. I just laid there staring at the wall.
"Go clean yourself out. Then come to bed, you took me so well baby." He ran his hand down my back and I shivered. all i wanted to do was lay there. I slowly picked myself up against my own wishes and almost automatically cleaned myself. I limped back to the bed and climbed in. I felt Kuron sit up and stare at me. I realized what i did.
"Im sorry-"
"Cage." Thats all he said and i nodded and went in and curled up. He came over and closed and locked it.
"Only good boys who ask get to sleep in the bed." He grunted and went back to bed. I laid awake and hurting. A part of me was convinced something wasn't right. I didn't know why, Kuron did everything to help and protect me. The one time cops came around they suggested i talked to them alone, as if i was in danger! I've come to resent them, my alpha is caring. I felt myself start to zone out again and breathe heavily. Fuck im gonna drop. I didn't get cuddles after Kuron took me. I passed out after that thought.
I startled awake when Kuron kicked the cage. The cage made a ringing noise that echoed in my ears.
"We are going to my brothers house. Make sure to wear your jacket or ill make you do ten more cuts on them." He stared down at me and I nodded. He smiled and unlocked the door and walked away. I rushed out and changed. I looked for my alpha and i sat down by him and nuzzled his thigh.
"What is it baby?" His voice was rough as he growled it out. I shrunk back a little. He noticed and slapped my cheek. The smack was loud and my cheek stung. When i shrank back this was always my punishment but he wants me to get better.
"May I go to the bathroom alpha? I didn't go last night." I asked quietly as i submitted. I heard him sigh and lean back.
"Yes but, hurry up. Or you won't be able to use the bathroom for two days." He grabbed my chin and made me look at him. I nodded and his eyebrow went up
"yes alpha" I replied quickly. He smiled and let me go. I got up and ran to the bathroom. I sighed as i finally got to relive myself. I washed my hands and quickly put on my shoes. I walked next to my alpha and he put his hand on my lower back and guided me out the door. The door locked behind us as we walked to the elevator. The way to his car was silent as he kept his arm around me. He opened my door and I kissed him as thanks and he smiled. I giggled and got in.
"it'll be an hour drive so go ahead and get some sleep. It would be very rude to fall asleep there. You would embarrass your alpha. You wouldn't want that would you?"
"No alpha" I replied sadly. He smiled and pet my leg.
"Also a lot of people don't like it when an omega calls their alpha alpha so you can use my name sweetheart." He informed me. I nodded and got myself comfortable and slowly fell asleep. This was so much better than my cage.
I was shaken awake by Kuron and he helped me out and walked to the door. As we walked he told me a bit about his brother.
"So Shiro and I are identical twins. He has a scar on his nose and lost his right arm in an army accident. So don't stare. His mate and omega Adam is a school teacher. They have a son, his name is Keith. He is six and very shy so don't force yourself on him" He went through and I nodded. The last sentence made my heart a bit heavy but shrugged it off. As we got closer to the door I felt my heart start to race and my feet felt like lead. Kuron knocked and i heard a dog barking. I felt myself relax a bit, through the window I saw a big dog. The door opened and the dog bounded out the door and pounced on me. I laughed as I was almost knocked over, the huge husky had a lot of wolf features. I bent down after he got down and let him sniff my hand. He gently nuzzled my hand and licked it. I pet him and i look up and see who I assume is Adam.
"Hey you must be Lance. Im Adam, im sure Kuron told you im an omega." He beamed and I smiled and nodded looking as Kuron a bit as if asking for permission to speak. He nodded and I smiled more. Adam's eyebrow went up almost questioningly. He had probably already asked for permission to speak.
"Yes! Its been a while since I've met another male omega." I smile at him and I heard two sets of footsteps and saw a small child hide behind Adam I looked up and saw someone almost identical to Kuron which was weird but he had the arm and scars. I smiled and looked back to the boy peering slightly at me almost scared. I went onto my knees and smiled kindly.
"Hey buddy, Im Lance. You must be Keith i've heard so much about you." I let myself speak softly and calmly letting him have his space. He slowly peered out more and I saw he had a hippo in his hands. He shyly smiled and me and stepped out a bit. Slowly walking to me he put his plush hippo out.
"This is Kipo! He's very shy." He mumbled out and looked at me just a little bit mostly keeping his head down. I smiled,
"Well hello Kipo I hope to enter your domain and wish to humble myself upon your presence!" I set a hand on my heart and let one outstretch. In the corner of my eye I saw Kuron frown a bit. Shit i probably scared him. I heard a giggle and looked at him. He was giggling and clutching the hippo closer.
"He says you may enter!" He giggled and ran up to me closer and grabbed my hand.
"I wanna show you all my toys!" He stopped for a second looking at his mom.
"Mum may I show Lancey my toys?!?!?!" Keith jumped up and down in front of Adam. He chuckled and nodded. He giggled and pulled me inside and up the stairs. For the next half hour we played and talked. Eventually I was chasing him around the house and got him and started tickling him. His shrieks of laughter and joy went through my ears and it somehow seemed familiar. Shiro walked in and smiled.
"Ok you two dinner time" I got up and Keith made grabby hands and pouted. I sighed and gave in. He giggled as I set him on my hip and followed Shiro into the dinning room. He still had a high chair so I set him down and he giggled. I went and sat by Kuron and he gave me a kiss on the lips.
"Heyyyy! Thats my Lancey uncle!" Keith whined and i couldn't help but snicker. Kuron smiled and shook his head I felt his hand on my thigh and squeezed. I wanted to wince but, this was a warning, to stay in line. I went through the rest of dinner with short answers and Kuron bruising my leg if he didn't like my answer. After dinner I asked Kuron if I could help Adam in the kitchen cleaning up. He nodded and I helped clean up.
As Adam and I were washing them Adam turned to me and asked something that made my blood run cold.
"Does Kuron hit you?" His voice was deadly serious and i started to shake a bit.
"What? no. What makes you think that?" I laughed very nervously. I felt my hands get clammy and my back start to sweat.
"What do you guys do together than?" He asked.
"Well he'll punish me if im bad. Last night I spent the night in my cage. Is yours in your room?" I asked trying to get the subject off of that. I heard Adam drop his plate.
"No! No omega is suppose to sleep in a cage! Please tell me he doesn't command you." Adams voice wavered. I swallowed slowly and heavily.
"Umm yeah he does. Is that not normal?" I asked very concerned. He shook his head.
"Until we can get youout we are gonna have you here as much as possible. No one should scar you Lance. They choukdn't command you. Alpha provide and protect, omegas give and nuture but, they love each other the same. Its a partnership. Not one sub one dom. " Adam wrapped his arms around me and whispered something and i fell apart.
"He broke you to be his slave." All of the red flags now very evident and i started to sob and lean into Adam. He shushed me and I looked at him.
"I don't wanna go back with him." Adams face fell and he started crying. My heart felt heavy and open. I realized that i almost fell in love with my abuser. All the times he made me cut myself, touched me when i didn't want it, Alpha commanding me, and even whipping me stared at me in the face. It was ugly and horrid. I felt myself get sick and quickly vomited into the sink. The bile burned my throat and the noise making me gag after. My eyes watered more as I just looked down and sobbed. I felt so helpless and alone. Adam rubbed my back and stroked my head.
"I'll get you out of there, and him arrested." Adam sounded determined. All I could do is trust him. I have no where else to go.
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