Am I useless? (Klance)
Lance's POV
I sat in my room huddled up in the corner. It was at least 2am so no one would hear my sobbing. Thoughts ran through my head.
Screw up
You don't deserve to be a paladin
You deserve to die.
Kill yourself
My sobs increased in volume as I buried myself in my blankets. I just want to go home. I want to see mi familia. My siblings Rosie, Joseph, Kim, Taylor, and Lily. My mother, nephews and nieces. I heard a knock on the door and a soft voice.
"Lance? What's wrong? Can I come in?" It was Keith. I whimpered and tried to back up more, I just wanted to disappear.
"Lance if you don't let me in I'm come in myself." Keith commanded. I heard a sigh and I heard the door open.
(My phone glitched out so it going to be bold the rest of the story sorry)
"Lance please where are you?" Keith asked. I let my sobs out that I was holding in. I heard footsteps getting closer and felt my blankets get lifted off of me. I looked up and saw Keith. His face softened and he kneeled in front of me, "Lance why are you crying?" He cupped my face. I started bawling and lunged into his arms and cried into his chest. He hesitantly wrapped his arms around my lanky figure.
Keith's POV
I held Lance in my arms as he cried out. I felt him nuzzle into my neck, I felt my face heat up a bit.
"I just miss mi familia. ¿Soy realmente inútil? Siento que no me merezco a nadie." He cried into my neck.
"Lance I can't understand you when you speak Spanish..." I trailed off.
"I said I miss my family. am i really useless? i feel like I don't deserve anyone." He said sadly.
I gasped, "why would you think that?!?" I pushed him so I could see his red puffy face. I gazed into his eyes and I felt tears threatening to spill. Lance looked down at his lap sadly.
"It's what my dead beat father always told me. I start to believe it's true.." he leaned into me.
"Wait are you telling me your father use to beat you?" I asked slowly. I felt him nod, my grasped on him tightened. I felt his breathing slow and looked at him. He was finally asleep and resting. I smiled and laid him down and covered him in his blankets. I turned to leave but, Lance grabbed my wrist and pulled me. I fell into the bed next to him as he snuggled into my neck. I chuckled and pulled the sheets over us and wrapped my arms around his small waist. My brows furrowed as I felt his bones through his jacket. Has he not been eating? I gazed down at Lance who looked to peaceful and cute while he slept. I leaned down and kissed his head and slowly drifting off into a dreamless sleep.
I slowly opened my eyes and saw Lance in my arms. I smiled as he stirred and opened his beautiful blue ocean eyes. He saw me and smiled.
"What are you doing here still? I thought you already left" Lance rubbed his tired eyes sleepily. I looked at my boyfriend and smiled more.
"You looked lonely and cold so I thought I'd warm you up" I pulled Lance closer to me by his waist.
Lance's POV
Keith's arms wrapped around my small waist and pulled me closer.
"Lance, have you been eating? I better get the truth! If I don't no kisses for a week." He threatens me. I look away nervously. I shake my head no. He looked at me and his face fell.
"Lance, babe......I need you to eat. I know you are depressed but, we will get through this. Please? For me?" He begged me. He put his face in the crook of my neck and I felt him shaking. He was crying.
"Kitten....I'm sorry. I will eat but can I have it in here? I'm not ready to face the others about this yet..." I trailed off sadly. I felt him nod. He pulled away and cupped my face and pulled me forward. His soft lips captured mine and I closed my eyes. It wasn't lust or passionate like sometime it was. It was full of care and worry and love. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he smiled into the kiss. Our lips moved in synch and fit together like two puzzle pieces. He parted and we were panting, darn air.
"I'll go get you your food. I'll be back in a few babe." He pecked my lips and got up and went out the door.
Keith opened the door and came and sat on the bed in front of me. He picked up the spoon, "say ahhh" he giggled. He giggled. I sat in shock. He looked confused.
"You freaking giggled and I died oh my Irene how are you so hot but cute and just ahhh!" I fumbled over my words. My face was red hot. I felt something shoved in my mouth. It was food goo. My face crumpled up in disgust. Keith shook his head and pulled out the spoon. I swallowed the bland goo. He picked up another spoon and put it to my mouth. I reluctantly opened my mouth and he fed me.
We spent the rest of the day Kieth feeding me, cuddling, and kissing. Kieth showered my in affection and showed me I was important to him.
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