wanting u !!
girl's p.o.v.
2 years had flew away i dont know where are u bas hope hai and pray god please keep him safe and happy i will be there with u hamesha !! a
aP>O>V Ends
<p.s. imagine nandini room in background>
she picked up the photograph placed nearby and hold her near her heart a lone teras escape but she wipe it off and plaster a smile and says I LOVE U MANIK HAMESHA !!!!!
ya she is our nandini moorthy our nandu manik's nandu
harshad : alya my sweet lil sister where are you
alya; bhai know what you want itna sabkuch kar ke bhi chain nhi mila apko kya !!!
u know what bhai its useless to talk to you just leave it straight to the point kya chahiye apko
harshad: tum mujhe unn stupids ki vajah se blame kar rhe ho see once i told you fab 5 will be ended by me only
alya : bhai you know what just forget it
she walks away to her room and cried holding a picture in hand of fab 5
why god kyun only us phele cabir aur manik aur fir druv
navya apne paket ko bol de mujhe tang na kare " mukti shoute on abeer
<character skecth _ abeer dhawan : navya gave cabir's surname to abeeer and told her dat his dada will come sooon , and he is a naughty boy of 3 years who lives with her mom and masi a loved by all other
abeer said :masi phele mujhe totlate (chococlate) do bo bi hundled (hundred ) bali
navya was sitting quiet in a corner
mukti : acha le ab ja bhar jakar khel
she goes to navya
kya hau itni chup kyu hai mukti asked with concern
navya : kyu matarani ache logo ko hi hamse chin lete hai
mukti remain quiet and the both see a wall where fab5 navni navniti mukalaya manbir an druvalya and mukbhi photograhps were derre they both cried silently hugging each other
and sleeep u aware of the fact that next morning willl chnage everything
soo guys hows it load of comments and views needed
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