10 ; no jam jeno
saeyeon walked into the cafe with her laptop, binder, pencil case, and phone. she went to the front to order the usual to the nice girl employee that always work here. but today, it's gonna be different.
"how may i help– saeyeon?" the voice behind the counter exclaimed. saeyeon looked up to see someone she didn't expect at all.
"no jam j! what are you doing here?" she voiced out, surprised to see her fellow club member here, behind the counter.
"i work here now.. didn't expect to see you here. well– now that i think about it, this place is near your place, isn't it?" he shot his famous eye smile.
"yes, you're correct, eye guy. and i'll have one flat white and one brownie." she said as she took out a black card out of her wallet.
jeno's eyes widened and he became flustered as he observed her taking out the card. "o-oh, you got a black- black card. of c-course."
[ just pretend this certain black card is only owned by like rich Rich people ]
"uh, yeah.. by the way, when does your shift end?" saeyeon asked, eyes full of hope.
"at around 1pm, why? do you need anything?" jeno asked as he took saeyeon's tumblr from her hold.
[ save earth no plastic let's not die ]
"yeah, i need your company."
— 爱 —
"can't believe you actually waited." jeno chuckled as he sat down in front of saeyeon. "why wouldn't i wait?"
"i just wanted to ask.. well, i'm curious. uh," saeyeon paused, scratching the back of her head awkwardly, which made jeno more curious. "what is it?"
"you know, what made you join dnyl?"
jeno's mouth closed and he paused as he heard her question.
"o-oh, sorry! i mean- if you don't wanna–" saeyeon panicked.
"n-no it's okay. that was unexpected.." jeno laughed. "i'll tell you- well not really.."
saeyeon's eyebrow furrowed in confusion. "what do you mean?"
jeno shuffled in his seat and searched his black bag. he smiled as he found what he was looking for. he proceeded to pull out what it was, revealing a leather navy blue book.
he puts down the book onto the table with a soft smile. "just read that. start at entry 6 and stop at entry 17."
— 爱 —
entry 6;
joo asked me out. JOO ASKED ME OUT. i'm so happy i'm on cloud nine.. PLEASE I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS! she asked me at lunch and when i accepted- i was blushing OF COURSE I WAS- she kissed me on the cheek! aaaaa i'm so happy! (//∇//)
entry 9;
5th february 2017. fifth february two thousand and seventeen. I'M DATING YANG JOOYEOL !! this is pure euphoria whaaaaaaat THIS IS A DREAM COME TRUE !! jaemin looked so annoyed when i told him about this.. probably because seulmi friendzoned him again haha! but what matters is- lee jeno, aka ME, started dating, yang jooyeol, aka JOO! ╰(*'︶'*)╯♡
entry 14;
joo has been really weird lately. she doesn't attend my basketball tournaments anymore. she doesn't text me good morning anymore. she doesn't ruffle my hair anymore. she said she has been busy, but i greeted her mom at the market and asked her about it- her mom said joo hasn't been doing anything.. instead joo has been slacking off. my joo is really hardworking and diligent, i really don't know what's going on with her. i hope she's okay.
entry 17;
what the fuck what the actual fuck i should've seen this happen ahaha today i saw joo walking up to daemin, they
were laughing and looked genuinely happy together. i was about to brush it off before joo tip toed and fucking kissed him. on the mf lips too. i was about to confront them when they suddenly ran, hand in hand.
i followed them quietly, just to be greeted by the janitor's room door.
i heard unholy sounds i wish i could rip off my ears. god fucking damn it
ps. i saw the janitor with his keys so i ran up to him and asked politely for the room's keys– he asked me what for and i just said someone's fucking in there.
his face grimaced and he literally gave me the keys as soon as i said that.
so- i got the keys, i locked it. too bad they were busy eating each other out that they didn't hear me locking them inside. fucking hoes
bro if someone hurts his heart i will not hesitate to break their kneecaps
- nin
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